British Monsoon

Shiiiiiiiiit, this tournament's going to be awesome. Between Rampage, Mastiff, Walter & Damo, the field is stacked with some goddamn hosses.
I was at that Raw. After watching the show and listening to what you heard on TV I can easily say we were muted/altered hard at spots.Omg they are giving Green Bay another fucking Raw tomorrow? Last year's was the single worst wrestling crowd of all time. Why would they do this
Shiiiiiiiiit, this tournament's going to be awesome. Between Rampage, Mastiff, Walter & Damo, the field is stacked with some goddamn hosses.
Shiiiiiiiiit, this tournament's going to be awesome. Between Rampage, Mastiff, Walter & Damo, the field is stacked with some goddamn hosses.
I was going to ask the thread if this guy was any good. I'm not much up on wXw. (or at all)
Walter's VERY solid (not just in terms of his build) and can have a good match with just about anyone, I think he's going to go down a treat with the PROGRESS crowd. Put him in a ring with any of the other big guys in the line-up and I can guarantee it'll be a proper belter of a match, but he works well with smaller guys as well. Had some great matches with Zack & Tommy in wXw.
3 guys left to go. Couple more Brits and another import? I think a lot of people are angling for a Japanese guy, but not sure they'll pull it off.
As an admittedly huge Okada mark, I don't think he has it in him to be the sole top guy. Even Inoki couldn't have done it without first Sakaguchi, then Choshu & Fujinami helping him.
And yeah, if AJ retains the title against Okada I'd like to see him keep a hold of it until Wrestle Kingdom. No bait and switch main event like last year.
Okada. AJ ans Ibushi are the future.
I'm guessing the last guy will be a big import name - I'd love it to be a Japanese guy, as this is the Strong Style tournament, but that could be difficult. Of the UK guys, I reckon Haskins has to be in there. Maybe Gilbert, but we haven't seen him for a while.
One way or another, I think this is going to be the last time we see him wrestle. Fitting that he ends his career on a B-level PPV.
Bryan confirmed. Given that he barely made this match, do you think he drops the belt? Do you think he either has a really weak match or has an incredibly dangerous one?
Eh...I picture Bryne retiring on a C+ ppv to be honest like Battlegrounds.
Bryan confirmed. Given that he barely made this match, do you think he drops the belt? Do you think he either has a really weak match or has an incredibly dangerous one? has removed Daniel Bryan from appearing on Extreme Rules tonight on their schedule section, although they are still advertising his match in the PPV section.
They have also removed him from appearing on RAW or Smackdown as well, but are still promoting him for next weekend's live events in New York and Canada.
Jesus. Team Angle Vs. Brock and Benoit is a fucking awesome match. Hadn't seen it until now.
He is not even there. Plus its the usual the left doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
Plus this:
So expect a replacement.
Getting all caught up on SHIMMER. Their schedule is insane, I'm watching Vol 65, which is the last DVD they put out, yet they had 71 on iPPV over Mania weekend, then taped 72-75 a week or two ago.
They really need to sort their shit out. I mean Nicole Matthews has been champion since October for fucks sake, and that match is 3 DVD's away!
One way or another, I think this is going to be the last time we see him wrestle. Fitting that he ends his career on a B-level PPV.
Daniel Bryan just wasn't quite the same after that match with Roman at Fast Lane.
It's unfortunate.
Michael Cole is the worst play-by-play commentator that the WWE has ever given multiple main shows. It is fitting that his garbage commentary litters the matches of one John Cena, the worst top guy in the history of the company. They are a perfect storm of trash.
Goddammit, Verendus.
Cheap seats for tonight have been hovering around 200 all week. Chicago just ridiculous when it comes to wrestling
Cheap seats for tonight have been hovering around 200 all week. Chicago just ridiculous when it comes to wrestling
Michael Cole is the worst play-by-play commentator that the WWE has ever given multiple main shows. It is fitting that his garbage commentary litters the matches of one John Cena, the worst top guy in the history of the company. They are a perfect storm of trash.
Wow, that's a lot of false information.
Daniel Bryan's last good match is going to the one where he made Roman Look Strong
Roman Reigns already building up that DVD match collection.Daniel Bryan's last good match is going to the one where he made Roman Look Strong
Nash's torn quad could call a match better.
Cole does what he told. He is a parody of an announcer.
Cole isn't the worst, and saying Cena is the worst top guy is hilarious. It's fine if you think Cena stinks in the ring but saying something as dumb as "the worst top guy" is just being blatantly blind.