To build up hype for G1, one of the best G1 matches ever: Keiji Mutoh vs Vader Downside is that it wasn't televised so everything is fancam. Still well worth a watch for the match alone.
Here's Meltzer's Mania ratings. Said he takes back some of the praise he said. Definitely better live than on TV appparently.
Imagine the Seth/Ambrose buildup where Ambrose kept popping up out of nowhere....except with God King Brock.
Lance Storm on the Observer podcast is becoming really annoying. He still thinks people boo Roman just because they want to get themselves over. Yep it has nothing to do with people thinking he doesn't deserve to be where WWE want him to be.
Where is that? Losing in the main event of Wrestlemania? WM proved more than ever that wrestling fans are just contrarians looking to get noticed since they still complained about Roman (who was in an excellent, hard hitting match and lost) while cheering for Bryan (who napped for 13 minutes while his opponents killed themselves and then won and got a big suck up segment, which is what the same fans complained furiously about when it happened to Roman at the Rumble).
Now, the push of Roman Reigns isn't taking the spot of anyone (Danny Bryan's body can't be trusted to be a top guy, Dolph Ziggler has had multiple chances and underwhelms and shit talks his employer in public every time) and is in fact a gift to wrestling fans, who love nothing more than to have someone to feel smart about hating.
Vince McMahon hasn't lost his touch at all. He's more genius than ever, tbh. In addition to all that, you have the NXT flippy floppy guys getting big showcases on Raw and Sheamus being a heel again, which will no doubt turn the internet's opinion on him. There isn't much for WWE fans to be upset about right now. Things are looking pretty good. But then, there are people who genuinely hated Sting/HHH and WM31 as a whole and think liking a few pop songs makes you a gimmick poster.
I'm not on the Lucha Underground hype train, but
Meanwhile in WWE
Emphasis on the bolded. Bryan is absolutely getting away with what Reigns is being castigated for. Reigns had the Rock endorse him, Bryan had Roddy Piper, Bob Backlund, Ricky Steamboat, and Ric Flair endorse him.
Here's Meltzer's Mania ratings. Said he takes back some of the praise he said. Definitely better live than on TV appparently.
Emphasis on the bolded. Bryan is absolutely getting away with what Reigns is being castigated for. Reigns had the Rock endorse him, Bryan had Roddy Piper, Bob Backlund, Ricky Steamboat, and Ric Flair endorse him.
And he was NCAA champion too. Grand slam!Brock is the only real modern day triple crown champion.
Brock is the only real modern day triple crown champion.
How does the crowd being into a match equate to it being a better match?I agree but the Sting vs Triple H should be over 3 stars. The crowd was really into the match.
How does the crowd being into a match equate to it being a better match?
Emphasis on the bolded. Bryan is absolutely getting away with what Reigns is being castigated for. Reigns had the Rock endorse him, Bryan had Roddy Piper, Bob Backlund, Ricky Steamboat, and Ric Flair endorse him.
How does the crowd being into a match equate to it being a better match?
How does the crowd being into a match equate to it being a better match?
Every crowd don't make those chants while nearly every plsr RR cowed has booed roman. It not getting themselves over."You Suck Cena"
"You Suck Bryan"
"You Suck Uso"
"We Are Awesome"
Nope. Nothing about getting themselves over.
¡HarlequinPanic!;158514964 said:my only wish was that stang took the time away from the ring to get a hair transplant.
like punk did after his match with taker
This costs $7+ more than what you would have paid for Wrestlemania on the network:
This is an example of what happens when you forget that wrestling is supposed to be entertaining
This costs $7+ more than what you would have paid for Wrestlemania on the network:
How does the crowd being into a match equate to it being a better match?
He recovering from neck problems and you want to do a crazy bump?
Plus the difference between Reigns and Bryan is he got over for his match quality. Bryan's run with the Shield putting on great matches got him onto the next level while Reigns never did that.
Serenewarfare, is there anything you'd like to say to me now that I can actually respond with a .gif?
People bitch about big show during the battle royal at wm 31, but forgot that he pretty much eliminated the entire cruiserweight division at World War 3.
Dude always been a dick.
He recovering from neck problems and you want to do a crazy bump?
Plus the difference between Reigns and Bryan is he got over for his match quality. Bryan's run with the Shield putting on great matches got him onto the next level while Reigns never did that.
I forget. Was Roman in any of those great matches?
He was in the 6 man tags but what got him over was he hot tags and his working with Rollins. His matches with Rollins were also great.
I'm going to miss Sheamus' old theme. I like his Jericho-like entrance with the FELLA.
Okay. Roman is the only person not credited in those great 6 man and tag team matches. How strange.
Reigns just needs more singles matches. And a creative direction where he looks like a monster. He looked like a complete loser losing to Rollins by roll up a few weeks before Mania.
I'm still not clear on what a 'fella' is.
The fact that he ended up being the weakest singles wrestler out of all of them retroactively took some of his credit away. He did his part fine in those matches, it's just that The Shield as a whole was masking his flaws.
That makes no sense at all besides some convenient retroactive we actually hated him all along reasoning. Roman was a significant part of those matches. Both 6 man and standard tag team. How he was in singles matches has no bearing on those matches. No one is going to say, "Well, Bobby Eaton/Rick Steiner/Scott Steiner/Ricky Morton/Arn Anderson" weren't as good in singles as they were in tags, so their tag matches aren't as good now".
Seth is the one, true stand out of Shield.
Okay. Roman is the only person not credited in those great 6 man and tag team matches. How strange.
Okay. Roman is the only person not credited in those great 6 man and tag team matches. How strange.
So guys.....are we truly in a turn around here?
I mean, Mania was good even when people feared the worst.
Raw was great as a follow up.
We even have a reason to watch Smackdown this week.
WTF is going on here?
main event of raw had big show and Kane and they just gave Big Show a huge win on TV.
He gets credit but your missing the point. The team was masking his flaws and when he went to a single wrestler his flaws were exposed. He needed another year to build him up but they shoved him into the spot lot to soon.