ugh, it's so bad. Yet it's easy to get into my head despite that i've only listened to it once, and i think it's because of how repetitive it is, not it being catchy- The juniors six man tag has pretty much everyone I hate in NJPW in one match. Omega seems like he's a mark for himself and feels overly familiar. Trent looks like he should be wrestling in a backyard fed somewhere and RAPONGI VICE is a worse theme than Cesaro's
Ambrose to me is the perfect upper midcard talent. Passionate but unambitous, willing to do the job but knows his worth so he doesn't look embarrassing, a solid ring hand and able to get the crowd behind his promos. He's got enough energy to be fun to watch and while he may not be in line for the world title for a long time he'll never sink to Zack Ryder levels
Roman sold better, was far more explosive and exciting, looked crisper. Just about everything you could be better at, Roman looked better than Bryan in that match. Which I'm sure was just how great Bryan is to make him "look strong" or something. Some time, Bryan's fans are going to come to the realization that Bryan is not the same wrestler on any level since returning from his injury. He's smaller, slower, less explosive, his matches have less psychology. He's done a good job of distracting people by continuing to take stupid bumps to prove he's "back", but he's not the same guy and is on the fast track to Kurt Angle-ing himself.
There was 1 four star match at Mania 31, the main event. That ladder match is barely good, 3 people in it fucking did nothing too.
Scott Keith > Dave Meltzer. Then. Now. Forever.
Well damn.-la suffix assumes feminine gender properties
you're a fello
Bryan's only been back in action for what, 3 months? Isn't it a little early to write him to that degree?
Not if a guy who is apparently just so bad and not ready looked so much better than him.
hm, that sounds about right. maybe they'll give him a pity World Title transitional reign in like 10 years for his service
There was 1 four star match at Mania 31, the main event. That ladder match is barely good, 3 people in it fucking did nothing too.
Scott Keith > Dave Meltzer. Then. Now. Forever.
Is it wrong that I kinda wish Roman went over just to hear and see the reaction?
It could be worse. Where Ambrose is right now if he was put in the world title picture next week I don't think the crowd would bat an eye
Is it wrong that I kinda wish Roman went over just to hear and see the reaction?
The ending to WM31 would have been entertaining no matter what.
Brock wins = More God King
Seth wins = The best heel in the company is champ
Roman wins = Mania crowd and Raw after Mania crowds eat him alive
You're a fella, I'm a fella, everyone is a FELLA fella.
Unless you're female, I believe fella is male only, ladies can be lasses I suppose.
Plus the fact that Vince just paid Brock a shit ton of money just to have him job on the largest stage.
I don't think the bitching is exclusive to Reigns.NoRéN;158592271 said:Bitching about Reigns. Some things never change in here. It's kind of reassuring in a way.
Roman winning would have been entertaining as fuck from a "i want to watch the world burn" perspective. But after that wears off you're stuck with the sick feeling of Roman Reigns being champion until SummerSlam
Is it wrong that I kinda wish Roman went over just to hear and see the reaction?
David Arquette 2.0
Is it wrong that I kinda wish Roman went over just to hear and see the reaction?
After letting it sink in a bit more, I'm happy that Seth is champ but I'm a little disappointed that Brock's monster title reign and The Streak rub were beaten with some Money in the Bank bullshit.
If Roman had won we would be stuck with 6'4 built 270 pound champion with movie star looks and who gets a reaction every time he comes out, which is every single week. That would be terrible.
After letting it sink in a bit more, I'm happy that Seth is champ but I'm a little disappointed that Brock's monster title reign and The Streak rub were beaten with some Money in the Bank bullshit.
Tyson you lucky bastard. And you were the first most likely.
Think about it as the only way it could be "beaten" and not actually beaten straight up, the rub remains.
Tyson you lucky bastard. And you were the first most likely.
They both have badly written promos, but at least I've seen solid stuff from Dean on the indies (call it a Ledger Joker impression all you want, I still love the "i'm a sick guy" promo), and he's fine at delivering the shitty ones. I've never seen a Reigns promo that'd make me think that he could deliver something good.
Yeah. I think it was on Jericho's podcast (?) where he admitted that he pretty much doesn't like any of the promo scripts he's been given. Also, yeah, basically damned if you do, damned if you don't type thing.
There was 1 four star match at Mania 31, the main event. That ladder match is barely good, 3 people in it fucking did nothing too.
Scott Keith > Dave Meltzer. Then. Now. Forever.
Pentagon had a promo that was like 'My team sucks, but I'm awesome so fuck it I'll still win.' which was awesome. There was an awful springboard cutter roll thing that made me sigh.How was that Lucha Underground six person tag match? Had to turn it off right before.
Except Roman hasn't looked better than him. Well, unless you're talking about better looking in a mirror. I don't doubt for a second that if Bryan went back to his WM28 look he would get more consideration for the main event again.
I think it's kind of funny that you slam Bryan for taking a 13 minute nap at Mania when Roman took an even longer nap during the Royal Rumble.
Tyson you lucky bastard. And you were the first most likely.
How was that Lucha Underground six person tag match? Had to turn it off right before.
After letting it sink in a bit more, I'm happy that Seth is champ but I'm a little disappointed that Brock's monster title reign and The Streak rub were beaten with some Money in the Bank bullshit.
Tyson you lucky bastard. And you were the first most likely.
I guess you missed the part that I brought that up in direct comparison to all the backlash that Roman got for doing the same thing at the Rumble, but no one wants to talk about Bryan being a non-factor in the ladder match while everyone else took huge bumps and died. If they do, they are HAPPY he didn't have to do anything. And then the 5 legends suck up that was the most cringeworthy segment of the show, yet people loved it when the thing with Rock/Roman was no where near as gross and people lost their minds over it.
I was directly pointing out the hypocrisy over how Bryan and Roman are treated. I don't know how you could have missed it.
Pentagon had a promo that was like 'My team sucks, but I'm awesome so fuck it I'll still win.' which was awesome. There was an awful springboard cutter roll thing that made me sigh.
I don't know, I'm probably not the person to ask overall, but Pentagon looked awesome and Big Ryck's team looked awesome except for Deadshot or whatever his name is. The fuck who did the springboard roll cutter.
We all know that WrestleMania 31 was a huge success for the WWE, but the NXT brand also had their biggest weekend to date. The NXT event that took place in San Jose during the WrestleMania weekend drew approximately 4,700 fans and is considered a sellout for the venue. On top of that, the ticket sales were great as they pulled in over $200,000. Consider that this show was added late, was advertised as a house show, and no matches were announced ahead of tickets going on sale and this is great news.
After letting it sink in a bit more, I'm happy that Seth is champ but I'm a little disappointed that Brock's monster title reign and The Streak rub were beaten with some Money in the Bank bullshit.
WM31 is going to age terribly.