This DDP/Bret match is good as hell. Back and back without no punches pulled.
On another note with Mania 31 being out of the way. Did it truly surpassed 30 or it was just a good Mania?
I still feel as though Mania 30 was the best one yet because of the atmosphere, the matches, and the fact that it felt like a new beginning. WM 31 was good despite the card looking like shit and the worst buildup since WM9. However, it just didn't hit me as hard as last years.
This DDP/Bret match is good as hell. Back and back without no punches pulled.
On another note with Mania 31 being out of the way. Did it truly surpassed 30 or it was just a good Mania?
I still feel as though Mania 30 was the best one yet because of the atmosphere, the matches, and the fact that it felt like a new beginning. WM 31 was good despite the card looking like shit and the worst buildup since WM9. However, it just didn't hit me as hard as last years.
Caused eean has put on better matches than roman and has had better feuds than him to, Also when he is given shit he can turn it into gold unlike roman. And nobody cares if he from the indies or not. More importantly dean is a better wrestler.Again, Seth and Dean's flaws were hidden in the group as well. Seth is the only member of the group to have overcome and improved upon his flaws since the break up, and that took him a solid 6 months of intensive promo work on every show. Dean has proven himself to be very limited in the ring and delivered a lot of goofy/bad promos like Roman. So what is the difference between Dean and Roman?
1. Dean was on the indies, so he's automatically better
2. Dean wasn't marked as the next top guy
3. Dean is white
Which one is it?
Dean is hotter imo
Caused edean has put on better matches than roman and has had better feuds than him to, Alps when he given shit he can turn it into gold. And nobody cares if he from the indies or not.
Oh don't get me wrong, Roman's hair is a Hall of Famer for sure, Dean just has a better face and a better build. I would say his hair may even be better than 2tones' hairBut that #ps2hair. Mess.
Again, Seth and Dean's flaws were hidden in the group as well. Seth is the only member of the group to have overcome and improved upon his flaws since the break up, and that took him a solid 6 months of intensive promo work on every show. Dean has proven himself to be very limited in the ring and delivered a lot of goofy/bad promos like Roman. So what is the difference between Dean and Roman?
1. Dean was on the indies, so he's automatically better
2. Dean wasn't marked as the next top guy
3. Dean is white
Which one is it?
We know that Dean is capable of cutting at least a decent promo, but they're all badly written and he's never bothered trying to improve on them. He's super ok with where he's at. The ultimate """"millenial"""". I don't think i've ever seen a good Roman Reigns promo though, unless he's had some solid ones in the past 3 months of so.
His matches with cena on raw was better than any match I seen with roman, and bray matches were good expect the finish of the one at TLC. And his performance in the ladder match at both mitb and wm 31 were fantastic.Oh? What great matches has Dean had that didn't involve Seth Rollins, who Roman will be feuding with for months? Those barn burners with Bray Wyatt? Solid TV matches with John Cena?
This DDP/Bret match is good as hell. Back and back without no punches pulled.
On another note with Mania 31 being out of the way. Did it truly surpassed 30 or it was just a good Mania?
I still feel as though Mania 30 was the best one yet because of the atmosphere, the matches, and the fact that it felt like a new beginning. WM 31 was good despite the card looking like shit and the worst buildup since WM9. However, it just didn't hit me as hard as last years.
Oh? What great matches has Dean had that didn't involve Seth Rollins, who Roman will be feuding with for months? Those barn burners with Bray Wyatt? Solid TV matches with John Cena?
Oh? What great matches has Dean had that didn't involve Seth Rollins, who Roman will be feuding with for months? Those barn burners with Bray Wyatt? Solid TV matches with John Cena?
For a Seth vs Brock match I want a training montage of Seth doing really wacky cross fit and rope climbing.
Then show brock picking up trees and cars.
Him being in the indies doesn't automatically make him better.1,2,3, in that order
Because Reigns' promos are so well written?
We know that Dean is capable of cutting at least a decent promo, but they're all badly written and he's never bothered trying to improve on them. He's super ok with where he's at. The ultimate """"millenial"""". I don't think i've ever seen a good Roman Reigns promo though, unless he's had some solid ones in the past 3 months of so.
We know that Dean is capable of cutting at least a decent promo, but they're all badly written and he's never bothered trying to improve on them. He's super ok with where he's at. The ultimate """"millenial"""". I don't think i've ever seen a good Roman Reigns promo though, unless he's had some solid ones in the past 3 months of so.
WM31 is going to age terribly.
Oh don't get me wrong, Roman's hair is a Hall of Famer for sure, Dean just has a better face and a better build. I would say his hair may even be better than 2tones' hair
His matches with cena on raw was better than any match I seen with roman, and bray matches were good expect the finish of the one at TLC. And his performance in the ladder match at both mitb and wm 31 were fantastic.
And showing up at random weekend cross fit sessions at the park and destroying soccer moms and midlife crisis dads
WM31 is going to age terribly.
Bryan vs roman was boring and Brock vs roman vs Brock be cena two without the impact of Brock suplexing cena 16 ti!mes. The first ladder match at mitb set up the fantastic Seth vs dean feud and dean did some great spot and was a troop er throughout the match.Dean has that sexy esophageal cancer voice, too. Maybe you're right about him, sis.
You think the Cena/Dean match on Raw was better than Roman vs Bryan and Roman vs Brock? What did he do in the ladder matches that were fantastic, if you don't mind me asking? Kind of hard to pay attention to guys killing themselves with terrible bumps for no reason, ya know?
WM31 is going to age terribly.
William regal?
Roman Reigns wasn't the reason Bryan/Roman or Brock/Roman were entertaining. Bryan did the work on a ton of the spots in their match. Brock/Roman was Brock stomping Roman away for 15 minutes until Seth showed up.
How can roman outshine Bryan when, Bryan carried the whole match?That's okay. People need to relearn how to enjoy what they're watching while they are watching it and not worry about the future. Can't believe how many posts after WM I saw in the vein of, "Yeah but how long are they going to let Seth hold the title?" instead of enjoying the scene.
You might as well count indie matches if you're counting the ones with Regal, since they were in a warehouse in front of 45 people. Rollins and Roman have both had better matches with Bryan than Dean. Even during Shield, Roman and Bryan had that really fun match on Smackdown. And Roman for sure outshined Bryan at Fastlane.
Because Reigns' promos are so well written?
Dean's doing the best with his interviews that he possibly can. The alternative would be to bitch about it, be branded a whiner, and have the writers hate him. Everyone who leaves the WWE says that the atmosphere is poisonous there. Rollins avoided this by being pulled into the Authority which is obviously treated different that everyone else. Ambrose does need to seriously upgrade his offense in the ring though.
Lol. The one connecting factor between those two matches isn't the reason either were good. I've missed being home.
You're a fella, I'm a fella, everyone is a FELLA fella.
Unless you're female, I believe fella is male only, ladies can be lasses I suppose.
I made a post basically about that. AJ's a bad heel and I almost kind of said something positive about Bullet Club.Did anyone catch Style's promos at the New Japan road show the other day? Reminded me how terrible he is on the mic. Say what you want about Karl Anderson, but at least he has delivery and knows how to cut a promo to the Japanese audience.
Pretty split on the last Roads to Invasion Attacks, but the highs outweighed the lows.
-Ibushi drastically needs a new look or something for me personally. It's fine as the super babyface but every time he tries to show this new 'attitude' since coming back, it's laughable. He looks like a juiced up teenager having hormonal problems.
+Ibushi and Naito work really well together and even look like a tag team without changing anything about themselves
+Yujiro is turning out to be the best Bullet Club partner for AJ, honestly. They work really well together and both guys are incredible at bumping. Pretty much everybody in the main eventer is a good bumper and seller, so it added a lot and made it feel very different than a Tanahashi or Okada or even Shinsuke match.
+This is the only positive Bullet Club as a whole thing I'll say, it's helping out AJ a lot by being associated with it because he is not a very good heel. But he's one of the guys I like watching most right now in wrestling, so it balances out.
+Yohei and Sho are fucking ready. More ready than whoever the fuck ROH clown Fale tries to bring in for BOSJ. Yohei should go to CMLL, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Sho in GWF for an excursion.
-Ishii needs several months off to rest. He'll get a bigger pop just for being gone for so long to the fanbase, and he won't end up in a wheelchair. Frankly, I'm tired of his shtick and Honma is pretty much taking his spot as 'Kill yourself for our amusement! one more match!'
+/-Makabe 'OI IM A TOUGH GUY' also needs to be gone. Yet at the same time, I enjoy his sweets gimmick. So I don't know. He's also over and has been for a very long time, so I don't know.
- The juniors six man tag has pretty much everyone I hate in NJPW in one match. Omega seems like he's a mark for himself and feels overly familiar. Trent looks like he should be wrestling in a backyard fed somewhere and RAPONGI VICE is a worse theme than Cesaro's
+Tenzan/Kojima was way better than it had any business being.
Better than Seth-kun's magnificent duo-chromatic mane? Come on, friend. Dean's hairline is retreating faster than The Wesker after a Heel post.Oh don't get me wrong, Roman's hair is a Hall of Famer for sure, Dean just has a better face and a better build. I would say his hair may even be better than 2tones' hair
Better than Seth-kun's magnificent duo-chromatic mane? Come on, friend. Dean's hairline is retreating faster than The Wesker after a Heel post.
How can roman outshine Braun when, Bryan carried the whole match?
Homeboy can still rock it when he needs to:
Yeah 3 4 star matches are going age terribly.
Simply Wrestlemania 30 and 31 are two good shows back to back and thats hard thing to do.
out of all the pics, you choose that one?