The booking for the event has been atrocious so far, by the way.
NJPW treats their tag titles worse than WWE treats their mid-cards.
They've just set up Goto vs Nakamura and Shibata vs Sakuraba, so it's not all bad. Tag titles are meaningless, it's pretty sad but there just isn't enough depth in the tag division. Make some new permanent teams, do a stable shake up, bring in some outsiders, whatever, just do SOMETHING to bring some excitement back to the tag divisions.
My live coverage of this is up to nearly 600 views! Holy shit. That's about 6 times what an average Raw gets.
Read Death of WCW; I really appreciate the timeline, and the facts/story it tells, but holy shit is it terribly written. Could have been a legitimately great book, but sacrifices that for the smarkiest, smarmiest prose I've ever seen.
Alex Riley is still pretty salty about getting read by Punk on live TV for being a DUI idiot.
Can someone please explain the significance of this Alex Riley tattoo to me? Is he referencing the date AJ left?
Yes, and that AJ got a tattoo of the date she won the title on her neck.
Ok, but why does he give a shit that she left on that date? Is there some history or something there?
:Varsity Villain
Punk called him out on TV for a DUI, so he's mocking Punk's wife (after she leaves the company...) for getting the date of her first Divas title win tattooed on her neck. He's basically being a cunt, but do so to the right people since Punk is an enemy of the state.
Full writeup on Invasion Attack is up -
ROH SPOILERS:KRD were the addiction and Chris saban. Addiction new tag champs
I'm not even sure it's a gmmick. He's got rage on his ass, and because his entrance video says RAGE, he's...a guy with rage. Why? He's an upper-middle class white guy who has had a reasonably successful pro wrestling career in two separate parts of the industry at a fairly young age.
:ushes you into a locker::
Say it to my face.
Because he was being held back, or something. Locked in a metaphorical cage that he could only break out of with the power of RAGE! The Full Sail nerds seem to love him un-ironically, which I can't quite fathom. If there's a bigger waste of space on the roster, I couldn't name them.
Do they though? He's had 1 match and some well done build up at full sail, and he got booed soundly against Owens.
So Riley is the E's version of the Bucks
Man, people already complaining about Okada potentially beating AJ. Like there was any ever other end to this feud than Okada getting his redemption.
So Riley is the E's version of the Bucks
Patience. Keep your distance and I always tended to land one or two hits and just run away. Always rolling too. When he gets into his final form, play the music box, backstab while stunned, R1 stab thing, then run like hell. He should almost be dead at this point. I threw a cocktail, landed a few more hits and it was gg.
I went back to Demon's Souls after a 5 year break. No idea what I'm doing.
Jeff sits down with Giancarlo and Dan to discuss their WrestleMania moments, from NXT San Jose to the Hall of Fame to that sinking feeling that hits when hot crowds go bad.
Okada is a quality wrestler tho.