How much is the modern indie game development cycle kickstarted by the thought process, 'Hey, remember the SNES?' I wonder.
is the other 50% the NES?
Probably. "Pixel art!"
Shoot Tuesday: The indie shit coming out of the Amiga and the Atari home computers had more creativity per game created involved in it than the majority of the modern indie shit that games mainstream attention. And that was in the 80s and 90s.
They stole their shit off board games and going outside, there were no old games to steal from
Where are my good indie wrestling games? Is it too much to ask that wrestling games aren't carny too?
Everythign is stolen. It's better to steal from multiple sources instead of 'I want to make super mario! I want to make super metroid! i want to make zelda!'
How about, 'I want to make Crazy Taxi?' I criticize the indie puzzle platformer, the 2d 'experience'. I don't criticize the original Spelunky or the Hotline Miami or the smaller budget games that do something different. I'd rather play the simulator games(the real ones, not the hurr durr ironic simulator) than yet another Braid ripoff.. I mean homage.
Where are my good indie wrestling games? Is it too much to ask that wrestling games aren't carny too?
Dude needs to lose the cape. I don't like it at all. Too cheesy and screams "mid-card for life," which is probably what WWE views him as in that way, it's perfect.
They made a crazy taxi. You can play as hulk hogan.
How about a new Space Taxi?
Dude needs to lose the cape. I don't like it at all. Too cheesy and screams "mid-card for life," which is probably what WWE views him as in that way, it's perfect.
What about Planet Harriers? As game development tools get smarter and smarter, I want to see more variety. The irony of this 'Remember the SNES?' indie game development shit is that they have the same issues that they complain about 'mainstream AAA games have.' They spend far too much time on the story and characters and music and all that and not enough time on the sound and gameplay ideas.
Why isn't there a mini golf game like Kirby's Dream Course or a Pinball Quest or a Smash TV clone? There's plenty of dual joystick shooters but rarely done in a room by room basis. Where's my wrestling text adventure game that's about not getting 'heat' and getting in 'the doghouse?' A fictional version of the office stuff in EWR without having to worry about booking. Where's my Snake Rattle N Roll re-imagining?
Where are my good indie wrestling games? Is it too much to ask that wrestling games aren't carny too?
What about Planet Harriers? As game development tools get smarter and smarter, I want to see more variety. The irony of this 'Remember the SNES?' indie game development shit is that they have the same issues that they complain about 'mainstream AAA games have.' They spend far too much time on the story and characters and music and all that and not enough time on the sound and gameplay ideas.
Why isn't there a mini golf game like Kirby's Dream Course or a Pinball Quest or a Smash TV clone? There's plenty of dual joystick shooters but rarely done in a room by room basis. Where's my wrestling text adventure game that's about not getting 'heat' and getting in 'the doghouse?' A fictional version of the office stuff in EWR without having to worry about booking. Where's my Snake Rattle N Roll re-imagining?
Dude needs to lose the cape. I don't like it at all. Too cheesy and screams "mid-card for life," which is probably what WWE views him as in that way, it's perfect.
I still don't get New Day's gimmick
This is the ticket. Been in "development" since 2003, had two kickstarters and in it's current form is nothing more than 2 wrestlers and a handful of moves. Purchase now on Steam!
Wrestling carnies
I still don't get New Day's gimmick
I think the concept of Black Excellence is the issue here with New Day. They're clearly AS GOOD AS Cesaro and Kidd, or the Ascension, but are held to a higher standard because know.
New Day is good.
Big E could be Black Excellence. Kofi and Xavier need to go home and play Kideo games so Big E can find a real tag team and reform Fire and Ice with a newly signed Sekimoto.
Being as good as the Ascension is a low bar.
I like how Sheamus's heel turn is just him running in and hitting Daniel Bryan for reasons
There's no temptation to evil or anything, he just decides he wants to beat up the popular kids.
I wish someone would make a new Super Monaco GP. I played like 7 hours over the past 24... good times
im sad that Hotline Miami 2 was not a good video game friends
they just didn't have anything interesting in the tank after the original i guess
NOT DURING WOMEN'S MONTHI need to summon a mod that has time to answer some questions for me, but I'm unsure which to talk to. After seeing the 2BFP community almost get shut down, I want to make sure WrassleGAF is in the clear.
I'm using the safeword so that a NeoGAF Mod who does have time to answer the questions via PM will let me know - so don't mind me using this, I just need to know who to PM about this.
Criminal Girls
Big E is a waste of a perfectly good HOSS. You sign Scott Norton as a trainer specifically to tell Big E what to do and change his finisher to the shoulder breaker. If you can't sign Sekimoto, you put Fandango or Breeze with him and form the new Vicious & Delicious. Either way, Big E's career trajectory should be about emulating Scott Norton.