Great Raw tonight. Didn't quite hit the bar the last two Raw after Manias set, but it was awesome nonetheless.
Heyman is the best talker in the company and had the promo of the year tonight. Jesus that was incredible.
However, it's kinda weird that he's going to be affiliated with Cesaro. Cesaro is a face, and there's nothing they can do to stop that. Heyman, by being his manager, becomes a FACE. Is he going to be a heel with Lesnar and a face with Cesaro? I don't mind it, but it's kinda strange.
Paige coming out was a nice surprise, but I really,
really wish they had a real match if they were going to change the title tonight. Paige vs. AJ is pretty much the closest a divas match is going to get to "dream match" status in 2014. They kinda threw that away tonight. Even 5 minutes would have been nice! Either way, cool moment for Paige! I wonder if AJ is taking any time off now?
Bad News Barrett had a match! God damn! It would be nice if he had some more! I swear the last Barrett match before tonight was at fucking Raw after mania last year... dude needs to be in the ring more.
The "JOHN CENA SUUUUUUUUUUCKS" singalong was fantastic, as was the entire reaction to Bray and the Wyatts. Definitely makes up for the Mania crowd who didn't seem all that into the Cena/Bray match. Bray was probably the most over wrestler of the night. Awesome stuff.
Kinda hard to tell what direction they're going when it comes to feuds with a lot of the characters. Is Bryan vs. HHH going to continue? Cena vs. Wyatts? I'd love to see babyface Shield vs. Wyatts happen for real (they're teasing it with that Main Event match god damn it) but it looks like it might be Shield vs. Authority (Kane/Batista/Orton). Will Brock have a match at Extreme Rules this year, or will he just be off TV for the next few months?
I'm happy I'm asking all of these questions. Looking forward to see where everything goes next.
Until they fuck it all up next week