WM17 has the best of the three HHH/Taker matches
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WM17 has the best of the three HHH/Taker matches
May Wrasslin' |OT| I Went To Wrestlemania, And All I Got Was This Lousy "Eat Sleep Break The Streak" T-Shirt
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not bad.
May Wrasslin' |OT| Streak is gone, but his legacy lives on!
A good half of the streak matches are garbage
. Not until 23 with With Batista did kings pick up
(18 being the exception)
When did the whole AJ Styles angle happen in the Invasion Attack show?
Cena looks so pathetic clinging onto his position while all the other guys put new talent over.
It's really sad. Like he's desperate to stay relevant. 'NO BIG E! YOU EAT THE PIN! I NEED THIS!' Like a Hollywood Actress telling herself she's still pretty and that people still want her
May Wrasslin' |OT| Motherfuckers, not everything is about me
Directly after Devitt's match with Taguchi.
Also, regarding Devitt's theme song, I think New Japan own the rights, as it was on the last CD they released.
Given WrestleMania, Raw, and how a ton of non-Cena storylines all are about younger talent either going over older talent or younger guys simply getting pushed it really makes Cena look like he's clinging.
Paige can't be heel yet, not with that theme song.
She looked pretty perfect, a shame the debut wasn't perfect all-around but almost EVERYONE'S debut sucks. It won't matter.
Love him or hate him, you gotta respect John Cena.So sick of Cena's shit. Even the Daniel Bryan recap video package completely removed all footage of Bryan beating Cena clean. It just skips straight to the pedigree after the match.
I did not mind that to be honest. They did the same quick finish thing for MitB cash-in's in the past, and it worked there. Also that was her usual finishing move she hit, so it made that look strong too.
Well in the end I suppose the result is all that matters. New divas champion!As I said right idea with Paige getting the belt but just booked like shit. Should have let her act with a bit of confidence and got some actual offence off. I can understand them saving her amazing submission finisher for the PPV though.
Love him or hate him, you gotta respect John Cena.
Best part about Paige debuting: everyone will stop talking about Eva Marie now.
Shut your filthy mouth.
#Queen #AllRedEverything
Shut your filthy mouth.
#Queen #AllRedEverything
That's the move you pull off when you fill up her Smackdown meter.You've managed to put Eva Marie's entire move set in one gif.
You've managed to put Eva Marie's entire move set in one gif.
Anyone else catch on mania that Bryans finsher as been upgraded from "Knee that beat cena" to "Knee that beat triple H"
Anyone else catch on mania that Bryans finsher as been upgraded from "Knee that beat cena" to "Knee that beat triple H"
Wow, Eva sucks so bad she even makes this gif look wrong.![]()
#Queen #AllRedEverything
I caught that too.
I obviously think Bryan/Cena 2 is a thing that's eventually going to happen.
And a different US champGet a different IC champ and I'm okay with that picture
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