What do you mean? He got the rub!Oh Damien Sandow , I feel so bad for you tooCena ruined you.
Oh Damien Sandow , I feel so bad for you tooCena ruined you.
Wrestling might be worked entertainment, but I like the fact that shit that probably wouldn't happen in real life CAN and DOES happen - like the little guy tapping out the big guy to win the title, against the odds. It always seems so ridiculous to me when people say that they can't suspend their disbelief in situations like that, then usually go on to cite how in MMA the gulf is size can only be bridged by an extreme disparity in skill. Well, in wrestling the gulf is size can be bridged by just about anything, as long as you have the storyline and character work to back it up. That's why it's great.
ALL of this is worth watching, for everyone here. So much fun.Best "shoot" David vs. Goliath angle was middleweight Minowaman competing against super heavyweights for much of his career, culminating in a "Super Hluk" tournament against 300 lb. monsters.
Minowaman vs. Bob Sapp
Minowaman vs. Butterbean
Minowaman vs. Giant Silva
Minowaman vs. Choi Hong-man
Da best.
The only negative about Rusev I see is he has a friendly face. He looks like way too nice a guy.
Zack Ryder to submit to Russian Steiner Recliner on every Raw, Main Event, NXT, Smackdown, and Total Divas for 2 months.A 2 month long program as they take turns jobbing to big Russian guy
Best "shoot" David vs. Goliath angle was middleweight Minowaman competing against super heavyweights for much of his career, culminating in a "Super Hluk" tournament against 300 lb. monsters.
Minowaman vs. Bob Sapp
Minowaman vs. Butterbean
Minowaman vs. Giant Silva
Minowaman vs. Choi Hong-man
Da best.
Cesaro should rip this off;
Great for the comedy gimmick in a year after he is beaten by Cena. Sorry SandowThe only negative about Rusev I see is he has a friendly face. He looks like way too nice a guy.
ALL of this is worth watching, for everyone here. So much fun.
They could probably release like half of the people in that Andre battle royal on Friday and no one would notice they were gone. They do seem like they might be setting up for another brand split though.
Sandow jobbing now it's so sad. He was over and he was doing a great job.
He even had a great feud with Cody.
He was a victim of them unifying the titles but they could've put him in the IC picture or something. This is a disgrace right now.
So remember when they said that talent would stay in NXT longer now that NXT had more exposure on the network? Now suddenly post WM it seems like a bunch of NXT talent got called up.
But he looked strong in losing to Cena. That's the important thing. Not actually beating Cena. Just looking strong in defeat.
Nice, I'll check these out - I like what I've seen from Minowaman in IGF, plus that random stint he had in BJW;
Nothing like being beat by a man with only one good arm to show your strength.
At least it wasn't as bad as those Ziggler loses when Cena took tons of finishers from both he and Big E and still won with a smile on his face.
Brother watch the UFC: David vs Goliath. All competitors are outweighed by at least fifty pounds with their opponent, sometimes hundreds more.
It really is a great UFC, and worth tracking down. It's an earlier one.
Has Cena ever put anybody over at WM? I mean guys who weren't already huge superstars like The Rock.
Say what you will about HHH, but that guy has lost clean to Benoit, Cena, Orton, AND D-Bryan at WM.
Regarding why Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker at WrestleMania XXX may have seemed off, it's said that The Undertaker didn't know what they were doing and had to rely on Lesnar to keep them going. Nobody knows exactly where the concussion came but it may have been on the single leg takedown where Taker hit his head on the floor.
He put over The Miz. If that ain't charity, then what is?
He put over The Miz. If that ain't charity, then what is?
Has Cena ever put anybody over at WM? I mean guys who weren't already huge superstars like The Rock.
Say what you will about HHH, but that guy has lost clean to Benoit, Cena, Orton, AND D-Bryan at WM.
Best "shoot" David vs. Goliath angle was middleweight Minowaman competing against super heavyweights for much of his career, culminating in a "Super Hluk" tournament against 300 lb. monsters.
Minowaman vs. Bob Sapp
Minowaman vs. Butterbean
Minowaman vs. Giant Silva
Minowaman vs. Choi Hong-man
Da best.
Yeah, I think the Rock had to run-in and Rock Bottom Cena before he took an L. And then he immediately squashed his ass at the next PPV and The Miz was never heard from again.
They could probably release like half of the people in that Andre battle royal on Friday and no one would notice they were gone. They do seem like they might be setting up for another brand split though.
also, funny enough given the contest: he, like another undersized guy, also has a single syllable, crowd participating chant:
how much can Bryan steal from MMA?
What does NEMYANA mean? Google wont help
Face it Eva marks. Your queen is dead. It is time for a new reign. Hopefully it lasts a long, long time.
It's gonna be awkward for Tyson Kidd to be on Total Divas with his wrestler wife after he gets released.
All hail!
This is so true from Sunday: