I still have no idea what the hell you're talking about.
See a doctor, friend.
What does NEMYANA mean? Google wont help
This happened right in the thread, too. The same people saying "OMG, just retire, Taker!" were outraged when he actually lost and presumably retired.
This happened right in the thread, too. The same people saying "OMG, just retire, Taker!" were outraged when he actually lost and presumably retired.
Wow, that was really the greatest heel promo of all time. Paul Heyman is the greatest manager ever.
That Paige interview backstage was very overwhelming and touching. I want to cry tears of joy someday.
Funny thing is that I'm pretty sure Fandango's entrance music is a library song that had been used in various commercials and such for years prior.If he's a heel it'll be like Fandango. Kind of a jerk but super catchy song and entrance that gets over immediately that's impossible not to sing along with.
John Cena also lost to Randy Orton at Wrestlemania.
I don't think anyone was actually outraged other than marks. I don't know when Taker actually got hurt, but there wasn't anything in the match at any point that suggested to me he could have put on a better retirement match with anyone else.
btw during Mania did anyone else notice the Money Inc cosplayers on the hard camera side? Warmed my heart.
Bray and Paul in WWE.
No wonder Punk left. Realized he was getting outclassed and the only thing his promos had going was his IMA BREAK KAYFABEs
this is Phil Brooks speaking to Anthony Carelli.
It's one thing to see Taker's horrible work in the ring and call for him to retire, it's another thing entirely to question the booking of Brock breaking the streak after such a tepid match that put many of us to sleep, myself included. Brock doesn't need and will do nothing with that rub.This happened right in the thread, too. The same people saying "OMG, just retire, Taker!" were outraged when he actually lost and presumably retired.
OH SHIT HE SHOOTINthis is Phil Brooks speaking to Anthony Carelli.
Well he is just mortal after all.Did you know that the undertaker is actually a living person called Mark Calaway?
Did you know that the undertaker is actually a living person called Mark Calaway?
Watching yesterday's Daily Show, Jon Stewart brought up Undertaker's streak at the end. lol
Stone Cold said:@CMPunk just melted my 52 inch TV with a scorching hot promo...delivery, content, and attitude...one of the best promos I've ever seen.
Watching yesterday's Daily Show, Jon Stewart brought up Undertaker's streak at the end. lol
I have some more wrestling scoops, I'm getting quite smart at the wrestling. I heard that The Undertaker and Kane aren't actually brothers. Don't spread that one around though cause it'll ruin the WWE and make their stock drop.
I have some more wrestling scoops, I'm getting quite smart at the wrestling. I heard that The Undertaker and Kane aren't actually brothers. Don't spread that one around though cause it'll ruin the WWE and make their stock drop.
I have some more wrestling scoops, I'm getting quite smart at the wrestling. I heard that The Undertaker and Kane aren't actually brothers. Don't spread that one around though cause it'll ruin the WWE and make their stock drop.
Lol. Glad you found this.
I have some more wrestling scoops, I'm getting quite smart at the wrestling. I heard that The Undertaker and Kane aren't actually brothers. Don't spread that one around though cause it'll ruin the WWE and make their stock drop.
I made it because you guys are slacking!
Also every time Eva appears on TV a real women wrestler cries.
The Miz is scheduled for a role in the WWE Studios film Queens of the Ring. If Miz appears in the film, this would be his fourth WWE Studios project. The script is being put together. Queens of the Ring is an adaptation of the French comedy about a mother who trains as a wrestler to try and become closer to her son.
So who's playing his son?
The funniest part about yesterday's show was when Stephanie told Kane something to the effect of I know your brother lost yesterday but we have to concentrate tonight.I have some more wrestling scoops, I'm getting quite smart at the wrestling. I heard that The Undertaker and Kane aren't actually brothers. Don't spread that one around though cause it'll ruin the WWE and make their stock drop.
BNB of course.Who's gonna now assume the mantle of being the best pure striker in WWE?
The Miz is scheduled for a role in the WWE Studios film Queens of the Ring. If Miz appears in the film, this would be his fourth WWE Studios project. The script is being put together. Queens of the Ring is an adaptation of the French comedy about a mother who trains as a wrestler to try and become closer to her son.
So who's playing his son?
Eva is like some time-displaced relic from the 2005 John Lauranitis era of Talent Relations, where she's untrained and completely devoid of personality or talent, but hired for looking like a cheap lad's mag model.