British Monsoon
I like Rusev, too. Dude would have gotten over huge in Mid-South or Memphis.
One of them is taken by a real man. The other is taken by John Cena.
Rusev seems ok. Needs time to grow but I am sure he will be jobbed to Cena and then forgotten about by creative by Summerslam
It's ridiculous that Cena's tweeting about how people should evolve and adapt when the past three months are full of examples of almost every single person except him changing to make stuff work.
i guess rusev is fine but i see it going nowhere like brodus and tensai so i turn off when he's on screen instead of lana.
that nigga is THICK though.
Внимание! //// Vnimaniye!
Watch this. It's really good. I promise;
Super Tiger & Nobuhiko Takada vs Akira Maeda & Yoshiaki Fujiwara - (UWF 07/23/84)
Rusev is the barefeet guy with the blonde lady, right?
going nowhere fast.
is his gimmick strongman or human cockfighter?
He said that? LOLI don't think I'm over Cole accidently calling Rusev The Bulgarian Fruit at RR btw.
It's ridiculous that Cena's tweeting about how people should evolve and adapt when the past three months are full of examples of almost every single person except him changing to make stuff work.
Guys, I think you're wrong. I think Rusev is ok.
This was pretty cool.
He said that? LOL
Steph's heel mannerisms at WM30 are crazy underrated
Steph's heel mannerisms at WM30 are crazy underrated
It was so good, it was 2001 Steph except much more confident and less shrill.Steph's heel mannerisms at WM30 are crazy underrated
i guess rusev is fine but i see it going nowhere like brodus and tensai so i turn off when he's on screen instead of lana.
that nigga is THICK though.
Yeah it's an awesome look. He looks like a big strong MFer, which is a nice break from generic M&F coverboys. He's dat dude who shows up to the gym in an oversized 3XL hoodie and warms up with the aesthetic bro's max bench.
Because Scott Hall is going in next year as part of the NWO.
Rusev looks like a guy that got big just throwing around bales or some other shit on a farm. He probably uses saws, too, like a real man would.
Did Lana ever wrestle in NXT or anything? Or is she strictly a valet?
Yea I've wondered bout it for awhile Nattie is most likely one of the few legit chicks that want to do it but she is like the ultimate kill joy.Honestly that's the feeling I get from most of the Divas, using their WWE fame to get into alternate careers, so fucking dumb of them to hire models
Yea I've wondered bout it for awhile Nattie is most likely one of the few legit chicks that want to do it but she is like the ultimate kill joy.
Rofl.Can't wait for the Cena feud where Cena points out what Lana is backwards.
It was so good, it was 2001 Steph except much more confident and less shrill.
Can't wait for the Cena feud where Cena points out what Lana is backwards.
Can't wait for the Cena feud where Cena points out what Lana is backwards.
bro he's doing the fake mma yo uand inoki like so much
My brother pointed out that he's like a mutant George Zimmerman.
Not sure how I feel now.
Him and Kaz, along with Sabin
In a way he's lucky that his entrance involves walking slowly. He'd be screwed if he had Warrior's entrance.