I don't get the Rusev hype. I don't think there is any gimmick that has been driven to the ground more than "Big scary foreigner with no mic skills". Plus he has a funny looking body.
Lana can get every bit of it though.
I digging this kind of work/shoot/kayfabe/documentary/mockumentary.
God bless Vince.
People like Rusev because he's looking like he's (right now) basically Samoa Joe if Samoa Joe wasn't notoriously lazy as fuck.
Bryan, you so need to trim your beard and cut your hair.
WM28 was Bryan's best look
Features like these need to become regular things for the Network. This is the kind of thing that is only possible on the Network and can make their roster look like huge stars and normal people at the same time.
Features like these need to become regular things for the Network. This is the kind of thing that is only possible on the Network and can make their roster look like huge stars and normal people at the same time.
Triple H is doing the best work of his entire life.
Maybe his years of being an egomaniac and a fucking asshole was worth it for what's happening now.
Triple H is doing the best work of his entire life.
Maybe his years of being an egomaniac and a fucking asshole was worth it for what's happening now.
I get this feeling that one day Bryan is going to have a breakdown due to the stress of fame and burn out like a beautiful star in the summer night. I sure as fuck hope not but he seems super uncomfortable being well-known.
Triple H is doing the best work of his entire life.
Maybe his years of being an egomaniac and a fucking asshole was worth it for what's happening now.
Triple H is the best heel in the business right now, and it's not close.
You know what this little special is making me think? If Bryan is this humble, he'll actually put people over when the time is right unlike Cena.
You're just making up names now!Mayumi Ozaki is the best heel!
Cena needs to never talk about odds for the rest of his life.
You know what this little special is making me think? If Bryan is this humble, he'll actually put people over when the time is right unlike Cena.
You're just making up names now!
Eat your heart out Hunner
You know what this little special is making me think? If Bryan is this humble, he'll actually put people over when the time is right unlike Cena.
Nice photoshop, women don't bleed in their 5 minutes or less match.Eat your heart out Hunner
That's too bad, he's got some pretty cool moves.
Nice photoshop, women don't bleed in their 5 minutes or less match.
Lol at EVERY DUDE IN THE RING corpsing at the title ascension thing. All the faces, all the heels. Except for Kane.
True Pro Glenn.
I've only been watching again since the royal rumble, so it was my first time seeing the king of kings thing. Thought it was pretty stupid, but made for a nice build up to the change into the game entrance.