I think Funk's passing is going to be the worst for me.
yepLittle surprised at how clean of a finish Wyatts/Shield was. Given the high status both teams are, and where the storyline is it would be a DQ via interference. But it also makes sense given the series record.
Ambrose's selling is one of the secret best things to watch.
Enjoyed the Road to Wrestlemania with Daniel Bryan. I think I understand now.
That said, I hope the man shaves for his wedding.
Rest in peace, Warrior. Finally, and truly, in peace.
Enjoyed the Road to Wrestlemania with Daniel Bryan. I think I understand now.
That said, I hope the man shaves for his wedding.
I dont even know what we can do for April OT2 now. This week has been crazy for all the right and wrong reasons.
RIP warrior
Also on a slightly more positive subject I hope Zeb gets someone decent to replace Cesaro. Dude is a great manager and I love we have managers again but he needs someone great to manage. Lolswagger
Whoever told Rusev to go cold, heartless machine with his expression should get a pat on the back. He can't really sell intensity with a mean look so this works out better for him. The way he looked while locking on the accolade was a good visual for him.
Lana should be more commanding. She needs a bit more vicious tone in her commands and I am thinking an attitude closer to a dominatrix would work. Basically she needs to be more like Stephanie, who always looks like she enjoys others in severe pain.
While I agree, I can't help but think that Rusev is destined for failure. He's not good at selling, short, limited in the ring, can't cut a promo, has a mouthpiece who's limited in her "Russian", an 80's gimmick, and he's already getting ZERO reaction even after being built-up for months. They are going to shove him down the audience's throats, but he will be spit back out very quickly
Unless he rapidly improves, he's going to have a shorter run than non-dancing Tensai.While I agree, I can't help but think that Rusev is destined for failure. He's not good at selling, short, limited in the ring, can't cut a promo, has a mouthpiece who's limited in her "Russian", an 80's gimmick, and he's already getting ZERO reaction even after being built-up for months. They are going to shove him down the audience's throats, but he will be spit back out very quickly
My opinion on Swagger isn't as low as some people, he has put in good work the past couple months in his tag matches and he pulled off a pretty good match with Big E at Elimination Chamber. The various ways he counters into the ankle lock is great. Although the way he stands too tall when applying it irks me to no end,
That said, he isn't going past mid card especially with the unification of the world titles. And Zeb's mic skills are deserving of elevating someone to that level that needs it. I just don't see anyone that fits the mold yet.
yeah. He also seems like the nicest guy in the world. ironically, he should really go heel. Evo 2.0 would be a good fitI legitimately feel bad for Sheamus because he's a great worker but he's never given any depth to his character and the fact that he knows it is just too bad because you know it's eating him up. They need to hurry up and turn heel just to add SOMETHING to him. Make him join Evolution 2.0 instead of Kane. He could be really good in that role. In fact he should feud with Bryan for the title at Extreme Rules, HHH and his shitty friends can wait for Battleground.
I legitimately feel bad for Sheamus because he's a great worker but he's never given any depth to his character and the fact that he knows it is just too bad because you know it's eating him up. They need to hurry up and turn heel just to add SOMETHING to him. Make him join Evolution 2.0 instead of Kane. He could be really good in that role. In fact he should feud with Bryan for the title at Extreme Rules, HHH and his shitty friends can wait for Battleground.
yesterday proved otherwise. which is why it makes sense for him to go heel. He'll definitely never recover as a face, plus there's just too many faces on the rise right now and there's not much room for him at the top as one.They cursed him with that 18 second win. He's just never going to be popular with the hardcore crowd as a face. Although now that Bryan's finally champion, the crowd might be a bit more forgiving.
While I agree, I can't help but think that Rusev is destined for failure. He's not good at selling, short, limited in the ring, can't cut a promo, has a mouthpiece who's limited in her "Russian", an 80's gimmick, and he's already getting ZERO reaction even after being built-up for months. They are going to shove him down the audience's throats, but he will be spit back out very quickly
yesterday proved otherwise. which is why it makes sense for him to go heel. He'll definitely never recover as a face, plus there's just too many faces on the rise right now and there's not much room for him at the top as one.
True but I don't see them suddenly taking an interest in him. Dude is still a bland face when he's not being a horrible personWell they put him with Cena against the Wyatts. I don't know how you could think he'd get any other reaction.
It just depends on the how much faith they have in Bryan to keep things interesting. The next couple Raw ratings will be interesting because he will get the finger pointed at him, rightly or wrongly.
The element of the Shield could go a long way to extend things because it adds variables to the mix and allows for different outcomes. Personally that is why I mentioned the PPV after ER, they need to establish a heel to challenge him other than HHH because they treated Orton/Batista like shit so far.
Where is that gonna be at, anyway?We are now hyped for the Raw after Raw after Mania.
Where is that gonna be at, anyway?
You sound like you could use some TNA, where no one goes without a story!