fuuuuuuckBirmingham, AL. So, if history is any indication, the crowd will be shit.
fuuuuuuckBirmingham, AL. So, if history is any indication, the crowd will be shit.
Such a poignant ending to that doc.
In WWE, Samuel Shaw would just job to the top guys because that's what they think the midcard is for. In TNA, he's putting Mr Anderson in straitjackets and trying to kill Christy Hemme I think. Storylines.Long live the #TNAtion
I just puked in my mouth a little.
Such a poignant ending to that doc.
Daniel comes always off as the nicest guy. Just impossible to hate.
We both know why it's there but the potential double meaning is just awesome.
Well WWE and ROH have been on good terms for a while, so it's not like they would mind legitimately thanking them.
It's just nice to see a visible gesture of good will from a company well-known for living in it's own bubble for many years.
I wonder if they did not succeeded in getting his Japan footage or if they didn't even tried.
They also used ROH footage on the CM Punk dvd.
Yeah I know, but to deliberately dedicate an entire black screen of thanking them and to have it be the final image of a documentary about Bryan Danielson winning two of the biggest titles of all of wrestling (fight me if you disagree) on the grandest stage of them all, is awfully sobering. That's all.
No arguing here. I agree with you on that.
I was just pointing out that they showed some "openness" before. But I do agree.
I haven't seen the documentary yet, is it good?
Title change requested....Warrior passing is like a piece of our childhood is dead.
April Wrasslin' |OT| Today, we are all Warriors.
The Warrior passing is going to end up having the freakiest goodbye ever, with his HOF speech and RAW promo. Sad news, I feel bad for his family having this level of a whiplash from a happy reunion with WWE to him dying two days later.
It walks the line between kayfabe and shoot like a boss. It tells a compelling story. It enhances everything we love about Bryan. Wrestling have so many tragic stories; this is one of the most feel good wrestling docs you'll ever seen.
So, D-Bry and Brie-D(anielson) marry on friday. This means Bryan gets time off. I wonder if they'll use the time without their top star to push the NXT people or to make it all-Shield-all-the-time.
Or more Cena.
Bryan said in one of the Mania interviews that he and Brie will miss one Raw due to their marriage. They'll probably use the Shield like you said, but it's not enough time for anything major.
- Cesaro defeated Big Show by DQ. Paul Heyman came out and introduced "The King of Swing" - who did not come out to entrance music. Heyman was on commentary for the match. The crowd was mixed towards Cesaro, who worked mostly as a heel. The match when Jack Swagger came out and put the ankle lock on Cesaro. Cesaro performed the Neutralizer on Big Show after the match was over.
I know it's too early to tell but they seem to be fucking up with Cesaro already!
No entrance music for Cesaro and playing the heel and being in a feud with another heel? Those mixed reactions are just isn't what Cesaro needs right now.
No WWE talent becomes a legend on their own. Every man's heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe a final breath. And if what the man did in his life makes the blood pulse though the body of others and makes them bleed deeper and something larger than life his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized. By the story tellers, by the loyalty, by the memory of those who honour him and make the running the man did live forever. You, You, you, you, you, you are the legend makers of Ultimate Warrior. In the back I see many potential legends. Some of them with warrior spirits. And you will do the same for them. You will decide if they lived with the passion and intensity. So much so that you will tell your stories and you will make them legends, as well. Ultimate. You are the Ultimate Warrior fans. And the spirit of Ultimate Warrior will run forever!
Warrior's last promo.
I wonder if he'd had health problems lately and it influenced his decision to bury the hatchet at last.
*SNARL* Whhhhyyyyy, Hoak Hokan, can you not communicate with me, Hoak Hokan? Talk to meeee, Hoak Hokan, as if you are talking to the GOD you speak of. Hoak Hokan, *SNARL, HACK, DROOL*, there is nothing covering what I live for, Hoak Hokan. I need not the normals to protect me from what I find most comforting: The challenge of PAIN and the smell *SNARL* of combat, Hoak Hokan. I have, Hoak Hokannnn, injected you with the minimum dosage of poison from the power of the ULTIMATE WARRIOR. But the anti bodies of Hulkamania continue to refuse what the poison can do. They turn it away, Hoak Hokan, they turn the poison away for they feel the dirty, they fear the evil. Hoak Hokan, I am the representation of all you fear. I, Hoak Hokan, *SNARL* want you to be the Warrior you say you are. For I can as the Ultimate Warrior accept no less, give no less, to the Warriors. Walk with me, Hoak Hokan, to the edge. Look, Hoak Hokan, look into nothing, look beyond your fears as you take that step, Hoak Hokan and make the sacrifice so that the power of the ultimate warrior shall live. *SNARL*
“Who holds the absolute power now, Hollywood HoKAN? Unleash that raging voice, warriors! Seems as if no formal introduction is going to be necessary. Actually, it even seems as if there are those who anticipated my arrival. *Hogan gives Warrior his nWo shirt* What is that smell? You might want to use that to clean up the mess you just made all over yourself. You need to open your eyes and ears. Take control of the limited ability you have to understand the words I am about to say. For years, I have watched while this industry, with you as its figure head, has tried to recreate what is simply unrecreatable! I have heard, listened to all the innuendos and speculations that something ULTIMATE or WARRIOR may soon reappear. Welcome to the reappearance! Those things, Hogan, which are irreplaceable whether they be people, persons, or things may never be forgotten. You are witnessing that right now. History tells us, Hogan, that..*Crowd chants Hogan Sucks*..Let’s talk about something he doesn’t know. History tells us, Hogan, that a man’s legacy is built from the premise that within his life, the moments lived, once lived, become a piece of his history. Somehow, you have conveniently, even eloquently, misplaced pieces of your history. In the one time epical battle between us, Hogan, you were the quintessential influence of what was good, great, and heroic. But different than you may remember, and albeit you may have beaten mists(?), legends, giants, and other great men, you never, never beat a warrior. And, certainly not THE ULTIMATE ONE! As the victor of that one time battle, I defeated what was until then undefeatable. I conquered what was then unconquerable. I dominated what was until then, indomitable. On that day, you were great. I was was ULTIMATE. Let me introduce myself. To those two fools who stand behind you. Let’s see. This, dude, must be your barber. (LOL) And who are you, little man? Who are you? *Bischoff explains who he is and his position in WCW* HA HA HA HA HA. Different than you want to make people believe, I never received an invitation. I showed up on my own accord. And let me tell you, Mr. Eric Bischoff, if you stick your nose in my business, you only, very quickly, prepare for your own demise. Furthermore, when I get done with my business here, I’m gonna be sending you a bill. I suggest you pay it. I have waited patiently. The warriors have waited all too patiently. Now, now the virtue of justice unties my hands so that I can continue to fulfill a destiny set in motion upon that memorable day years ago. A destiny at the next level. A destiny beckoning the next SUPER HERO. There really is no sadder sight than when a grown man fears the challenges in his life so much that he rationalizes adolescent behavior to the point where he carries out heinous and self indulgent actions. Your evilness, the evilness you embody and portray, is intolerable. I am the one that has the power to destroy you. It soars, the truth, is inexhaustible. I come here not to beat you up tonight, Hogan. Beating you means nothing anymore. Everybody already has. No no no no no, that’s too easy. Because you felt guilty for being who you were. Your mind became weak and Hulkamania became boring. I come here, Hogan, to tell you next week, I intend to launch a revolution not even you can control. I ask you to find the courage, check it out, next week. Same Warrior time, same Warrior place, same Warrior channel. *SNARL*
Speak, to me warriors! Talk to me, warriors! Last week, after years of absence and a sporadic career, I stood face to face with the man I at one time looked upon as my mentor. It’s common knowledge that if you want to excel in any field, you study the masters, emulate the champion, model the virtues of the preeminent individuals in that particular field. You, Hogan, were the model of champion. The master of everything that I tried to emulate. Yet, last week, when I looked through your eyes into your soul, I saw little or none of the virtues that I remember. Or anybody here remembers. And if there are any, they lay shrouded beneath layers of deceit and infamy. Frankly, Hogan, how your present condition manifested itself isn’t the material that needs to be analyzed and brought to closure on the world’s number one wrestling program. Bottom line is, you sold out to mediocrity. And when that became difficult, you sold out to mindless self pity. You traded being one in a million for becoming one of the millions. I hear you. Patience, warriors. Patience is a great virtue. You, Hogan, miscalculated. Where you never assumed that someone would come forward that knew the difference between a rebellion and a revolution. And that, Hogan, will become your gravest mistake. For tonight, Hogan, everything that you revere is now from this moment forth, threatened. Tonight, Hogan, your entire world is going to turn completely upside down. For tonight, for tonight, Hogan, I launch, unleash the power of the warriors. I let loose the oWn revolution. The One Warrior Nation revolution. A hero, a one time hero, with an unlimited yet undisciplined mind, is a dangerous thing. I intend, the warriors intend, to eradicate that danger. You, Hogan, will be destroyed. I intend, I intend to show the world that a revolution is built on better ideas, not belligerent idiocy. I intend to show the world a revolution is based on magnificence, not malfeasance. I intend to show that a revolution is based on courage, not cowardice. And that, Hogan, is all that you need to know. Next week, Hogan, the revolution continues. Same Warrior time, same Warrior place, same Warrior channel.