I just saw the Shield v Wyatt part 3 and it was amazing. Ambrose > Rollins >> Reigns for me. Ambrose is crazy in the ring and I love it. That promo at the end was painful to watch though. Rollins and Reigns need to improve a lot before they can go solo.
Heh, last week a coworker was asking me if I watched Game of Thrones because the new season starts on Sunday or whatever. I told him nah, Wrestlemania is on that day. He gave me a look and said he hasn't watched wrestling since Stone Cold. Woops.
Fuck coworkers were talking about the warrior dying and I told them I watched his promo just on monday. I realize I admitted to watching wrestling in public how embarrassing
Heh, last week a coworker was asking me if I watched Game of Thrones because the new season starts on Sunday or whatever. I told him nah, Wrestlemania is on that day. He gave me a look and said he hasn't watched wrestling since Stone Cold. Woops.