Dolph will never be at the top againTalk about getting the b-team:
Poor Joel McHale.
Dolph will never be at the top againTalk about getting the b-team:
Poor Joel McHale.
Dolph will never be at the top again![]() Lana
They pretty much stole his soul and turned him into a shell much like Ryder.WWE have done such a good job burying him he isn't even the most popular wrestling in that picture anymore.
Harley Race (c) vs Jumbo Tsuruta - NWA World Heavyweight Title: 2/3 Falls - (AJPW 06/11/1977)
This match is really good. Shocking, I know. Harley's the fucking man at pacing 2/3 falls matches and, although this isn't their best encounter, both he and Jumbo do a great job telling the story. I like how Jumbo finds something that works (bodyslam, Japanese armdrag, armbar) and sticks to it for much of the first fall, while Harley does a great job of controlling the match for the second and third. Jumbo's comebacks have the crowd roaring and, although the finish is a bit weak, it was appropriate considering this was Jumbo's first crack at the NWA title. Great stuff.
Fave Five Foreign Objects;
1. Weed Whacker
2. Sickle & Chain
3. Lighttubes
4. Bamboo Skewers
5. Abdullah's Fork
It's true, WWE was close to signing Mike Goldberg. Consider yourself lucky. Goldie paired with WWE Universe doublespeak would be absolutely awful.
Ziggler's selling and look are good and unique enough that he could get over if they decided to give him another shot.
Ziggler is friedns with Miz and Ryder. He associates himself with losers. He has no one to blame but himself. By proxy. Dolph is a loser.
Ziggler is friedns with Miz and Ryder. He associates himself with losers. He has no one to blame but himself. By proxy. Dolph is a loser.
Well Warrior thread got shat on. Best if I don't go back.
I can agree they get a free pass. I can talk about Batman at work no problem, but WWe? Not as easy.Comic book fanboys are the worst. They're just like wrestling fans, but they don't get shit on because dorky super hero movies are big money
They offered him a big contract and a six figure bonus for no showing at the next ufc. They pulled out all the stops.Now that I think about it, WWE really dropped the ball not getting Goldy in the booth. We missed out on what could have been some truly glorious quotes. Imagine if Goldy got Cole's heel run!
They offered him a big contract and a six figure bonus for no showing at the next ufc. They pulled out all the stops.
What hurt Ziggler was that management told him to stop selling like a face when he was a heel. He didn't, the crowd got behind him, so they had to turn him way too soon. Then when he turned, he changed absolutely nothing about his character. Part of it may be that he's held down, but he has done himself no favors. Not to mention how outspoken he is which, like it or not, hurts him.
Still really curious to see where they go with Cesaro and Heyman.
I mean Heyman is a natural heel, but Cesaro is getting way over and has the Swing, the nickname King of Swing alludes to being a face. As does his first feud against Swagger and Zeb.
So I reckon they intend Heyman and Cesaro to be a face team. Which is weird, but I guess Heyman can play a neutral manager just looking to manage the best and strongest talent in WWE, regardless of alignment.
Well he acted like a heel against the big show. He is going to be booked as a top heel who gets face reactions in more hardcore audiences. They kept him as a heel I bet because they already have Bryan, Cena and the shield as the top faces right now. They need more top heels because they are low on them.
He did? Where?
I don't remember them interacting after the handshake they did after the match?
Big Show vs. Cesaro is up next. Paul Heyman comes out and says there is officially no more doubt that he is the greatest manager of all time. He introduces Cesaro, who comes out to no music. They walk to the ring and we get the bell. The match starts slow as Heyman goes on commentary and Cesaro is using some noticeable heel tactics such as leaving the ring, huddling with Heyman and a thumb to the eye. This isn't Cesaro's normal type of exciting match, but look at the opponent. Just as Cesaro was going for the Swing, Jack Swagger came out and put the ankle lock on Cesaro. The bell rings and Cesaro wins by DQ. Show throws Swagger out of the ring and then Cesaro attacks Show from behind. Cesaro struggles a lot but successfully hits Show with the Neutralizer.
I see you, John.
Why does Piper have half-blackface on? Why is this being cheered?
Why does Piper have half-blackface on? Why is this being cheered?
I find it highly likely that Piper himself really didn't know what he was trying to say by doing the half black thing.
He hit him with a Michael Jackson glove though......he knew what he was doing.
Why does Piper have half-blackface on? Why is this being cheered?
Cena would be an epic heel. It would be hogan circa 96 all over again. He wouldn't be afraid to break Kayfabe either.WWE is severely lacking in top heels. I'm not sure if it's the way they build them, Bray is pretty over right now as a heel but he doesn't get heel heat like I'm sure they were expecting him to. That could be because of the Cena feud but he was getting over before that during the run against the shield.
HHH has been getting the best heel heat out of anyone in the company but he isn't a full timer in the ring. Orton could be a great heel but they constantly fuck his character up, let him go full chickenshit heel, he could get solid heat with that. Batitsta is a decent douche heel. After that there isn't much to really write home about. They are building Brock as a monster heel but he isn't going to be on every RAW, he has to be used as a special attraction. They really need more heels that can actually get heat.
Cena is a face that gets heat like a heel, which is really funny. I can't wait til the kiddies turn on him. But who am I kidding the kiddies will never turn on him. I'd love to suggest turning Cena heel but that would be a fucking terrible idea since he sucks as a face, it'll be even worse as a heel.
Where's Chri--
Oh, got it.