Dusty had so much swag and rhythm. He was ugly, fat, had a weird thing on his fat stomach, had those eyes that looked like he had never slept a night in his life, and has a lisp, yet he was the coolest cat around. And still is.
You forgot the real pass the torch moment quick hug:
Who is in Wrestler Hell?
I don't see Test. Shouldn't he be rewarded for eating Stacy's ass? I mean God bless him.Who is in Wrestler Hell?
Who is in Wrestler Hell?
God was jealousI don't see Test. Shouldn't he be rewarded for eating Stacy's ass? I mean God bless him.
I dont know but if you want to find out I think it airs on Spike TV on Thursday nights.
I dont know but if you want to find out I think it airs on Spike TV on Thursday nights.
Who is in Wrestler Hell?
I dont know but if you want to find out I think it airs on Spike TV on Thursday nights.
Cream Team?
I don't get it
anybody think jeff hardy will ever return to the wwe?
anybody think jeff hardy will ever return to the wwe?
Doubt it, seem like Jeff picked drugs over the WWE.
I smell Rock did that for the camera. I'll be surprised if he even knows Bryans real name. lol
It was pretty sweet everyone was putting him over though.
Glad I'm not the only one to notice those shirts! Who are the Pat Patterson guys? I know The Rock is one.
I dont know but if you want to find out I think it airs on Spike TV on Thursday nights.
I dont know but if you want to find out I think it airs on Spike TV on Thursday nights.
Except that Impact has been consistently more entertaining than Raw for months.
Before any of you marks start screaming about how this weeks Raw was amazing and blah blah blah, yes, Raw this week was great but for every entertaining Raw, there is 4 boring as shit ones brimming with filler matches and segments that have bearing on story at all.
Yeah, it's pretty bad.Wrestlemania VI is really fucking racist. Slick makes me sad.
Except that Impact has been consistently more entertaining than Raw for months.
Going by what Nash said, pretty much every guy who's ever been called up. Patterson was the guy all the wrestlers talked to if they didn't want to brave Vince.
Except that Impact has been consistently more entertaining than Raw for months.
He's probably in a shitty mood because Flair was a twat to him on the panel, he specifically asked NOT to be cut to during Jake's speech and they did it twice anyway, and he really didn't want the streak to end.
That's the spiritEh. Other people's feelings towards TNA don't really affect me. I enjoy the product more often than not, and I've found it far more watchable than Raw for months now. That could change if the WWE keeps up the same quality of Raw that we saw this past Monday.
Why did he not want to be shown during Jakes speech?
TNA is like that one friend who always had weird generic cookies and chips when you'd sleepover at his house.Eh. Other people's feelings towards TNA don't really affect me. I enjoy the product more often than not, and I've found it far more watchable than Raw for months now. That could change if the WWE keeps up the same quality of Raw that we saw this past Monday.
That's the spirit
You could DVR Raw and watch all the important things in 45 minutes.
At least everything on Impact matters if you want to keep up with all the story lines.
que comments about how TNA stories suck
TNA is like that one friend who always had weird generic cookies and chips when you'd sleepover at his house.
Like, yeah it's wrestling, but what the hell is with the texture of these Oreo knockoffs?