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Baby girl, get on the Reigns train
Baby girl
The phrase that dropped a million pants on tumblr
Baby girl, get on the Reigns train
Lol at Damien Sandow being on the list.
It's fucking retarded. If WWE was real I wouldn't watch it. Everything I like about it would be gone.
Would spelling his name correctly make him any more relevant?
People that say "why don't you just watch real fighting?" is what bothers me and commentaries like the ones you described.
I would probably put Hulk Hogan at the top of my barf list above Cena. That match would probably go down in history as the worst ever. What kind of gimmick could you even come up with to make that match work? Haha.
haha that is the worst. A lot of real fights are actually quite boring.
Baby girl
The phrase that dropped a million pants on tumblr
Yeah that's how I feel as well. Same thing goes for a lot of sports out there. Wrestling is supposed to be entertainment. That's why I don't really get it when people say "that was a bad game". I don't think the object of sports is exactly entertainment.
Today's Steve Austin Show: Unleashed has Michael "Purely Sexy" Hayes as the guest!
Today's Steve Austin Show: Unleashed has Michael "Purely Sexy" Hayes as the guest!
Have the Shield stay together, but show a backstage segment that reveals they also take independent contracts, which allows Reigns to do face things.
If I was a wrestler, I would completely rip off Don Frye's look
Today's Steve Austin Show: Unleashed has Michael "Purely Sexy" Hayes as the guest!
After being battered for the entire second half of the match, Hogan gets hit with the Tombstone piledriver. However, once Taker goes for the pin, Hulk somehow summons strength from out of nowhere. "Hulking up" if you will. Undertaker hits him with a punch, but Hogan, powered by the prayers and vitamins of his Hulkamaniacs, simply brushes off the blow and points his finger at Taker. Taker goes for a second blow, but amazingly, Hulkster deflects the blow and puts not one, not two, but three strong right hands to Taker, goes for the Irish Whip and put the Big Boot in his face. After that, Hulk runs to the ropes and goes for the leg drop and the win.
I'm a genius.
Goldberg never did a superman punch.have they given Goldberg's moveset to Reigns yet?
The "is fake" stuff is so idiotic.
Fortunately is easy to counter with "so are movies/tv". I try to explain what winning means and how they are telling stories in and outside the ring and not just hitting each other for the sake of it. But I think people can't see pass the "two oiled man fake fighting" thing.
And it's fine if people don't like it but looking down on it like it's an easy thing to do and takes no work is annoying.
I've been to plenty of NFL games where the fans embarrass themselves far more than any wrestling event I ever been to.
This is also countered with why do you watch movies that aren't documentaries since theyre all fakePeople that say "why don't you just watch real fighting?" is what bothers me and commentaries like the ones you described.
haha that is the worst. A lot of real fights are actually quite boring.
Yeah that's how I feel as well. Same thing goes for a lot of sports out there. Wrestling is supposed to be entertainment. That's why I don't really get it when people say "that was a bad game". I don't think the object of sports is exactly entertainment.
The only person that agreed with me at this party was the guy who's super into theatre, which led to the hilarious rant of how movies/tv is fucking terrible because they have multiple shots at getting something right, so in essence, they're the fakest of all 3 things being talked about.
I'm a Dodgers fan. Some of us are the worst. The Bryan Stow incident showed that sports fans are the worst
This is also countered with why do you watch movies that aren't documentaries since theyre all fake
They don't have any dead weight. Only untapped stars.I reckon they release some of the more dangerous and useless workers from WWE soon, make room for better talent. Current WWE employs way too much dead waste for no good reason.
I reckon they release some of the more dangerous and useless workers from WWE soon, make room for better talent. Current WWE employs way too much dead waste for no good reason.
JTG gets another pass.
Let's play the "Who would you release?" game!
Curtis Axel: Mr. Generic
Eva Marie: She fucking sucks and is not improving.
The only person that agreed with me at this party was the guy who's super into theatre, which led to the hilarious rant of how movies/tv is fucking terrible because they have multiple shots at getting something right, so in essence, they're the fakest of all 3 things being talked about.
It actually annoys me when wrestlers say that it's a sport. It's not a sports and that's fine. It's why I like it.
More wrestlers need to look like this. God damn, I'm in aweIf I was a wrestler, I would completely rip off Don Frye's look
This past Mania week is a great example of why I prefer wrestling. The guy everyone was rooting for to win, got his chance to win. It doesn't always work out that way in sports, but at least the fans have a chance to influence how things go with wrestling.
Plus its just a hell of a lot more fun, I enjoy the spectacle of it all
Be honest, you forgot JTG existedAt this point I have no recollection of how good or bad JTG is so I didn't put him on my list.
It's funny how when celebrities come on the show they always look awkward as fuck. Most of them are frauds.
You know why Hugh Jackman did good? Because he does Theater!
And he's awesome.
How about we release you from this thread mothafucka?
Be honest, you forgot JTG existed
Wait, we are hating on Reigns for assuming he's going to do things he actually hasn't done yet?
It's not the Eva hate. It's the Curtis Axel hate, motherfuckerYou are just salty because I am telling how it is with Eva.
It's not the Eva hate. It's the Curtis Axel hate, motherfucker