Wait, we are hating on Reigns for assuming he's going to do things he actually hasn't done yet?
Good lord, a Miz gif to defend Eva. I'm surprised a black hole hasn't opened up with the amount of sucking involved there.
I like Curtis though
Wait, we are hating on Reigns for assuming he's going to do things he actually hasn't done yet?
Alex Riley is pretty involved in the pre-show/after-shows and next commentary. I mean at least he has something to do.
Well, he did start doing them. The promo on Main-Event is a great example of that.
He also dropped the ball when they gave him a singles match.
typical dutch behavior.
i'm surprised he remembered Mahal's name instead of just putting "towel head from 3MB".
I can see the argument in all but Del Rio and Maddox, release wise
I get a strong feeling Fox/The Bellas would straight up leave if you told them they wouldn't wrestle, so I see your game Aiii![]()
-Rosa Mendes
Bryan should dye his hair black
Oh, you guys!
All I want is for them to call up minorities that are better than the ones they have.
Samy Zayn is Canadian-Arab you know, that's a fair replacement for Jinder's Canadian-Indian.
Speaking of Santino, is there any way out for him as a comedy act? It seems, in brief moments, that he really can wrestle well, but I fear he will forever be comedic. I wouldn't mind seeing him revert back to his original heel role.
Everyone points to the Wyatt match, but there was so much working against that. The crowd wasn't into it, it came out of nowhere, and it wasn't laid out very well to fit the guys that were in it. And, in the end, it's one match.
According to Pwinsider.com, TNA has completed a deal to run Impact Wrestling tapings at the Manhattan Center's Grand Ballroom this summer. The first tapings will likely take place in the last week of June. The first set of tapings may be announced on tonight's edition on Impact.
You don't post as much anymore. You always used to go on about Hello Kitty and wrestling dreams.
Harper should be the next Brody and Rowan can be the next Kane. Harper's gotta get a little more bulk though. For the striations.
So Arabs and Indians are interchangeable to you now?
Fucking disgusting.
Sami is ok because he looks white you see!So Arabs and Indians are interchangeable to you now?
Fucking disgusting.
Release ADR but keep Sheamus (seven months apart in age if you're going off that)? Keep Sin Cara/Hunico (has his merch money gone up since Mistico's been gone? he hasn't been used in months minus the short squash matches over poor Sandow)? Or even Kane, Mark Henry, or Christian for that matter. They aren't going to be doing anything with those three. If they had booked ADR properly after Edge retired he wouldn't be in the constant cycling situation he's been in. He's yet another heel they've botched because they gotta keep the superfaces clean and protective. Which leads me to...People I'd release, either because I don't see money in them or because I wouldn't know where to use them now or in the next few years or just because they utterly sucks:
Let's be real, he's getting a generic WWE superman babyface push. To make matters worse, he's shown zero ability to work a singles match that doesn't induce somebody to sleep, and he cannot talk. And they're likely going to push him as a top face rather than Cesaro, who is more popular and is millions times more talented.Wait, we are hating on Reigns for assuming he's going to do things he actually hasn't done yet?
Harper should be the next Brody and Rowan can be the next Kane. Harper's gotta get a little more bulk though. For the striations.
whatever happened to tony schiavone? just rewatched summerslam 89 on vhs and thought him and jesse had good chemistry.
"look at his face jesse, look at it"
"do i have to?"
So Arabs and Indians are interchangeable to you now?
Fucking disgusting.
People I'd release, either because I don't see money in them or because I wouldn't know where to use them now or in the next few years or just because they utterly suck:
-Alberto Del Rio
-Alex Riley
-Brad Maddox
-Curt Hawkins
-Curtis Axel
-Darren Young
-Evan Bourne
-Jinder Mahal
-Justin Gabriel
-The Miz
-Zack Ryder
-Eva Marie
-Rosa Mendes
Damn, that's alot of talent gone in one fell swoop.
I'd also take Alicia Fox, the Bella's and Eva Marie off of wrestling and turn them into valets. I'd call up Bayley and that still leaves enough female talent to build a women's division around.
I'd call up the best of NXT right away. I'd turn Smackdown into the midcard show instead of the Raw re-match show, where the midcard talent gets long matches and promo's and only the main event has an a-list star facing an upper midcarder that benefits from a rub. Doesn't need to be a win, just a toe to toe longer match.
Still, WWE is doing well right now with new talent, so shouldn't complain too much about this, but WWE could still be a tiny bit better by swapping out some talent here and there so they don't have to waste screen time on Miz TV or Khali matches.
I've been watching Rowan wrestle on and off for like 6 or 7 years and he is just as terrible now as he was in NOAH.
How do people wrestle for like a decade and still completely suck?
THIS IS A SHOOT, JACK DUDESummer Rae? Plywood pls
And where are his title shots? Talk about being held downCurtis axel has as many wins against John Cena and Triple H as daniel bryan does