Probably the worst list I've seen. Thumbs down, Aiii.
I wouldn't release ANYONE. I really wouldn't. With the Network doing so much content, there's honestly a spot for EVERYONE on the roster in some capacity. Even worthless shits like Brodus Clay, for instance, who is going nowhere currently still has a lot to offer the Network content.
And the promo?
I'm not saying he is a lost cause but saying "we" are hating in anticipation is not true.
Let's be real, he's getting a generic WWE superman babyface push. To make matters worse, he's shown zero ability to work a singles match that doesn't induce somebody to sleep, and he cannot talk. And they're likely going to push him as a top face rather than Cesaro, who is more popular and is millions times more talented.
But you want to keep Sheamus. Who's not any better working the mic or in the ring.As far as ADR goes, I'm just not seeing what other people see in him. Whatever role he's been in he's been bland as all hell, his promo's have never been good or even remotely memorable. The best thing about ADR was Ricardo and they got rid of him already.
Evidence as in there's no evidence in him working something for a proper singles push that he's going to receive. Where's the reasoning for pushing him aside from his looks? It's like 2005 Chris Masters except Samoan and longer hair.Other than one singles match, which I already covered, what evidence do you have that he has zero ability? What promos have you seen that proves he can't talk? How do we know how they are going to push him? I'm not saying he is or isn't any of these things, but judging him now for things he hasn't done is stupid.
I wouldn't release ANYONE. I really wouldn't. With the Network doing so much content, there's honestly a spot for EVERYONE on the roster in some capacity. Even worthless shits like Brodus Clay, for instance, who is going nowhere currently still has a lot to offer the Network content.
How does a TNa exist for like a decade and still completely suck?
But you want to keep Sheamus. Who's not any better working the mic or in the ring.
We doing fantasy releases?
- Alberto del Rio
- Alex Riley
- Alicia Fox
- Aksana
- Billy Gunn
- Brodus Clay
- Camacho
- Curt Hawkins
- Curtis Axel
- Darren Young
- Drew McIntyre
- Eva Marie
- Great Khali
- Hornswoggle
- Jinder Mahal
- Jerry Lawler
- Justin Gabriel
- Rey Mysterio
- Road Dogg
- Rob Van dam
- Rosa Mendes
- Sin Cara
- Summer Rae
Even Brody is a Naito mark
I think there are more than enough guys that will come up from NXT to replace them. They really have some absolute worthless talent on the roster that can't even do anything for the Network, i.e. Great Khali.
Khali's done a video recently that was very good, where they asked him if he masturbated and he got angry!
Sure, it's one video in a few years but still. I think he should have a camera crew follow him. I love his Twitter account with the mysterious photos of him.
But you want to keep Sheamus. Who's not any better working the mic or in the ring.
Evidence as in there's no evidence in him working something for a proper singles push that he's going to receive. Where's the reasoning for pushing him aside from his looks? It's like 2005 Chris Masters except Samoan and longer hair.
At least it sounds a lot better than the shitty first film.
Shit, they portray the Gimmick Battle Royal as a collection of the worst gimmicks and Earthquake was in it. He wasn't even close to a bad gimmick. Earthquake was fucking amazing.
I been watching all this old school wrestling, and I realized something.
Warrior, who admitted he wasn't one, was right. There really is no guys in WWE that look like legit tough guys. There's no Terry Funks, no Terry Gordys, no Bruiser Brodys, no Stan Hansens, no Harley Races, no nothing. And even if there were, they've never had the kind of matches in modern day WWE to prove it.
There's Brock. And that's it. No, people like The Shield who dress like they think they're tough and people like Sheamus who I'm told are supposed to be tough, don't count. Maybe ADR would count, but he's not had a single slobber knocker style match. I can only go on by his past in MMA.
That whole Infamous Gimmicks Countdown was a letdown.
Fucking Heel Doink at #2. Disco at #6. Travesty.
Watching TNA on purpose?
Watching a Marvel movie on purpose?
Winter Soldier isn't that bad!Watching a Marvel movie on purpose?
If we're shooting, I'd like to shoot on Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
It was super super dope. SWERVES everywhere. Cap does a Tazmission and half nelson suplex. GSP was in the first exciting fight of his career. 5 stars.
If we're shooting, I'd like to shoot on Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
It was super super dope. SWERVES everywhere. Cap does a Tazmission and half nelson suplex. GSP was in the first exciting fight of his career. 5 stars.
Nah bruhDenzel Washington is a shit actor. Anyone disagree? No? Good.
You wouldn't want to run into Hunico in a dark alley, breh.
Denzel Washington is a shit actor. Anyone disagree? No? Good.
At least it sounds a lot better than the shitty first film.
Denzel Washington is a shit actor. Anyone disagree? No? Good.
EXTREMELY good guide to NJPW for Beginners. If you've ever heard of some of us getting hyped about NJPW and wondered what it was all about, this article will give you everything you need. It's amazing.
EXTREMELY good guide to NJPW for Beginners. If you've ever heard of some of us getting hyped about NJPW and wondered what it was all about, this article will give you everything you need. It's amazing.
You WWE marks wouldn't know anything about quality so I guess Marvel is right in your wheelhouse. Carry on.
Most of that is really not needed to know. I just started watching and was entertained by the wrestling. What else do you really need?
Maybe it's just because last year was maybe my favorite year of any promotion ever, but this year is off to a bit of a flat start. Loved Wrestle Kingdom and New Beginning but everything else has been just ok to me![]()
You don't post as much anymore. You always used to go on about Hello Kitty and wrestling dreams.
Denzel Washington is a shit actor. Anyone disagree? No? Good.
Did you read the second page? That's where the characters are introduced, and what I enjoy most.