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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So is DDP Yoga more strictly about weight loss or can it be used for getting in shape / looking more fit/muscular? I've been considering starting up something that's healthy (because I need a healthy activity in general)

Diet is about weight loss, exercise is always secondary brother!

DDP Yoga makes you hurt less, and can have some weight loss effects but isn't a cure-all for being a fatty fat.

EDIT: It also goes a long way for getting you more active in general. Eliminate the pain, feel more mobile, then you BE more mobile. It's good.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Would watch Total Joshis.

50% would take place in the gym, 50% would take place watching them update their twitters and blogs


Diet is about weight loss, exercise is always secondary brother!

DDP Yoga makes you hurt less, and can have some weight loss effects but isn't a cure-all for being a fatty fat.

I'm not a fatty fat though. I'm actually a skinny skin. 6'4 about 180. Problem is my diet is kind of crap (fixing that right now) and I'd just like to develop a slightly better build and have some kind of endurance so I'm not looking like Batista after doing a simple activity.


So is DDP Yoga more strictly about weight loss or can it be used for getting in shape / looking more fit/muscular? I've been considering starting up something that's healthy (because I need a healthy activity in general)

It's kinda both, you'll build muscles but not add much size I think but I have always done it while lifting. DDP yoga is the first thing I recommend to people to get healthy.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Do all joshi wrestlers work stiffer than Shibata or just the ones that Dragonzord posts?

Most of them. Joshi is friggin BRUTAL training. Boots can point you to a documentary that'll make you sad, because it makes me sad. It's too extreme. If I had a daughter that wanted to wrestle I'd sooner leave her with New Jack as a trainer instead of ship her off to Japan for training at a joshi dojo because she would come back with broken self esteem. And worse.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Do all joshi wrestlers work stiffer than Shibata or just the ones that Dragonzord posts?
You don't work stiff in joshi, you won't survive longer than a month. I love Joshi, I really do, but it's sometimes more than I can watch. In this particular moment, you actually hear Hikaru's knee hitting Syuri's skull

It's not near as bad as it used to be, so don't let someone post that one dropkick video. A lot of them are trained in actual martial arts. Syuri is a professional kick boxer and has a better record in it than Shibata has in MMA.


Has Japan done a similar amount of studies into CTE and the effects of multiple concussions and repeated head trauma on the brain or do we all just watch young women kick each other in the head for a few years and then forget about them while they're sitting catatonic in a rocking chair with drool coming out of their mouths?

EDIT: Batista has a better MMA record than Shibata.
Oh we Joshi now, ok

Want to see all the awesome new moves indy workers will use in the next 3 years?

Watch some Joshi matches cause they steal em all from there

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Has Japan done a similar amount of studies into CTE and the effects of multiple concussions and repeated head trauma on the brain or do we all just watch young women kick each other in the head for a few years and then forget about them while they're sitting catatonic in a rocking chair with drool coming out of their mouths?

EDIT: Batista has a better MMA record than Shibata.

Bull Nakano is a highly intelligent, successful golf player and bar owner.

Akira Hokuto

Megumi Kudo

Bull Nakano

None of them look like Dynamite Kid so I think they're ok


Has Japan done a similar amount of studies into CTE and the effects of multiple concussions and repeated head trauma on the brain or do we all just watch young women kick each other in the head for a few years and then forget about them while they're sitting catatonic in a rocking chair with drool coming out of their mouths?

I think they just don't give a fuck.

Also where can I see this Act Yasukawa girl?


I hope the WCW album has the Hollywood Blonds theme, even though it wasn't a Jimmy Hart song


WWF Monday Night Raw 5/23/93

TO THE BACK. Lord Al demands to come on the air. He saw Doink go under the ring, but Doink is also outside. It's an illusion! Weird Al gets a spray from the flower.

Doink vs Mr. Perfect KOTR Qualifier

They previously had two draws on one of the weekend shows. Doink ambushes Perfect and chokes him with his towel. Perfect comes back with a clothesline with the towel. Slug fest. Doink goes for a kick. Perfect catches it and takes him down, jamming the knee. Perfect uses the ring post to continue the leg work. Doink hits a big kick that stuns Perfect. Perfect is thrown to the floor. Perfect gets posted. Both guys throw some stiff shots to the face. Fireman carry. Perfect counters into a head scissors. Some legit ass wrasslin on the mat. Doink has a Fujiwara arm bar. Perfect rolls out and goes back to the leg. I love that Macho is now a super mark for Perfect after Survivor Series 1992. Inverted Indian deathlock. Every time Doink sits up to break the count, Perfect slaps him. Until Doink goes for the eyes. They head to the floor and Perfect goes shoulder first into the post. Double leg take down from Perfect. Doink uses the post himself to continue the arm work. Doink is legit. This match is legit. Lots of psychology and good selling. Heel Doink was good before Matt Bourne left and he turned into an actual face clown character. Lariatooo after a break from Perfect. Another one sends Doink to the floor. A second Doink comes out and hides under the ring. Twin Magic! The new Doink hits a monkey flip and is in control. Perfect Plex OUTTA NOWHERE! Perfect wins! Man, this was a shockingly good match even if it wasn't giffable. Both Doinks attack after the match. Crush makes the save. So far there have been 4 good matches in 18 weeks and Perfect was in two of them. I wish there had been something to gif in this, but it was good. They knocked the shit out of each other, Doink sold the leg the whole match, Perfect sold the arm, lots of psychology and good selling going on. Really enjoyable stuff.

The first round matches are set. Bret vs Razor, Perfect vs Hughes, Duggan vs Bam Bam, and Lex vs Tatanka. Hogan promo on Yoko. This is his first promo of any kind since winning the title at WM over a month ago. You see, Raw is special to Hogan and Jimmy because Jimmy became a Hulkamaniac on Raw. Man, even as a kid I thought that was BULLSHIT. Jimmy spent nearly 10 years trying to take Hogan out and all the sudden he's a Hulkamaniac? Get that shit out of here. Hulk talks about how his pythons are larger than they've ever been when he's legitimately the smallest he's ever been as a pro wrestler and Vince even mentioned that Hulk was training to lose size to gain speed. How the fuck does Hulk get away with not defending his title for over 2 months? I mean, Gene actually made a point to say Hogan was making his first defense at KOTR. WM9 was on April 4th. KOTR is on June 13th. How is this okay?


Money Inc. vs Mike Bell/Tony Devito

Ted does an old school shoe shine for $100 deal. A kid, maybe a teenager comes in to shine those shoes. This is earned income, so after taxes, the kid got $30. Is this the same Mike Bell that Saturn tried to murder in 2001 or 2002? IRS and Bell start. Fucking Devito. Can you believe this shit head was in ROH for years? A Ted lariato sends him to the floor momentarily. Macho talks about how there are a lot of fires burning and Jack Tunney is responsible for half of them. It's so weird that growing up I didn't question Tunney's authority, but when I watch back as an adult, he was a goof who had no idea what was going on and even faces like Hogan and Savage would shit on him. Lariatooo from IRS. It gets the win and Vince himself says it was a squash.


Crush vs Bobby Who

I like that Vince tries to get "The original Hawaiian Crush" over as if it sounds bad ass. And that Macho says "Shaka, brah" every time Crush is on screen or even mentioned. Crush wins quickly with the Coconut Crush.

. Razor requested an interview specifically with Vince. He's not happy about last week. The Kid didn't beat him. He's the main mayne in the WWF. Razor offers Kid $2500 if he can beat Razor again. Nobody calls Razor Ramon a loser. As Vince talks about the KOTR, Bret Hart comes out. Razor isn't happy about Bret coming in on his interview time. Bret gets a 123 chant going. Bret buries Razor for losing to one of the underneath guys.

Brain again does the TV gimmick. Vince buries CSPAN. Somehow, Johnny Polo comes on the TV and knows that Brain is watching and they talk to each other. Don't change that dial!

Adam Bomb vs Phil Apollo

It's a shame Wrath never lived up to his looks, because he looked awesome. He looked like a complete monster, but his ring work never, ever got close to matching it. A lot like Sid, in many ways. Sid was given more chances, though. He quickly wins with a flying lariato and powerbomb.


Next week will have Bam Bam vs Marty.

TO THE BACK. A quick promo from Bam Bam saying he picked Luna for a reason and will beat Marty next week.

Pretty decent show. It seems they're pulling out of the absolutely dreadful string of shows they had for about 10 weeks straight. Bartlett being removed doesn't seem like it would be that big of a deal, but it is HUGE. He did his best to ruin everything. There probably would have been a few decent shows before last week if not for him.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Vacant eyes, complete lack of anything resembling human emotions or personality, nonexistent talent or skills, fake tits and luminous dyed hair are apparently the height of attraction.
I mean, she has a vague catchphrase whose meaning has yet to be determined, clearly she is worth watching.

Maybe if she tilts her head a little, gets a terrible shrill voice, and starts acting ALL KINDS OF CRAZY MAGGLE you'll start to see the light.
So OMERTA of all OMERTAs on this:

One of the promotions I work for scheduled a show on May 17th, because I'm pretty sure they're retarded.

I've already told them I am not available. So it's now to the point where I am turning down easy money to go to this goddamn NJPW/ROH show. I'm even skipping the NJPW show on Golden Week (because it ended up looking like I would've had to spend like 500+ extra just to go to that and Tokyo for a day).

tldr; FallingEdge that pizza better be the best goddamn pizza I've ever had


Bray Wyatt tweeted something about Lousiana being his home, but he hasn't been billed as from Louisiana since he came to the main roster. Maybe they'll bill him from Lafayette again for the night but that'd be weird.


A Yukes wrestling game is what you'd use to justify a next gen console? Who would you ever tell "I bought this $500 machine so I could play this shitty game that plays like a PS1 game and looks like a PS2 game."?
Bray Wyatt tweeted something about Lousiana being his home, but he hasn't been billed as from Louisiana since he came to the main roster. Maybe they'll bill him from Lafayette again for the night but that'd be weird.

Another fake ass Louisianan like Lash LeRoux.


Neo Member
Maybe if she tilts her head a little, gets a terrible shrill voice, and starts acting ALL KINDS OF CRAZY MAGGLE you'll start to see the light.

AJ gets a pass because she's kinda stank looking. Eva Marie is just a little too flawless looking, it's boring. plus according to my better half when she comes out in her ring gear she 'looks like a guy' and 'has a gross flat ass'
A Yukes wrestling game is what you'd use to justify a next gen console? Who would you ever tell "I bought this $500 machine so I could play this shitty game that plays like a PS1 game and looks like a PS2 game."?

It wouldn't be the sole justification, but it would help. Gotta keep my PS3 around for next year's Persona 5, so it would probably be an XBONE, which has a handful of games worth playing, and definitely should have a good library by Oct/Nov.
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