please. KUSHIDA has completely replaced Sabin. Better worker too. Sabin better go find some vanilla scrub to make a tag team with in ROH.
Yeah, this. I like Sabin, but I also enjoy Time Splitters a fair bit more than I ever did the Motor City Machine Guns.
attempted shoot Neutralizer:
Question, why are people referring to this era as Reality Era? Is it just because of total divas and social network being used by the E?
well they can't be that good bootaaay
you said so yourself
Between Kushida and Sabin:
One of them has no goddamn clue what time it is at all points of the day, to the point that they DREW A WATCH on their goddamn tape so they could keep asking
I rest my case!
One of them rode in a DeLorean. The other ripped off Daniel Bryan/AJ.
I rest my case.
Hey guys, before we start talking about Championships, shouldn't the WWE try actually making the ones they have matter? The WWE World is looking stronger, but you gotta remember, IT GOT ECLIPSED BY A NON-TITLE FEUD WITH TRIPLE H IN IT!!! His burying knows no bounds!!!!
Question was reading a page back, why are people referring to this era as Reality Era? Is it just because of total divas and social network being used by the E?
I'm not sure about this, but there are apparently a lot of progressive ideas that Hunter and Vince argue about that Hunter eventually has to concede on. Some of them go through, others he just can't get past Vince.
I mentioned this before, but besides Booker who do you really feel bad about HHH burying?
To me Booker is the only legitimate one.
But RVD,Scott,Hardy? lol. Having them as a face in the company? No way (although Scott would have been hilarious)
Oh yeah Goldebrg was in that video too but in my opinion that guy never REALLY cared about wrestling. Might be an unfair opinion but by the time WWE rolled around no doubt it was just for an extra check.
Sure Foley and Jericho were in the video but those guys can't really be buried. Still amusing though.
I'm not sure about this, but there are apparently a lot of progressive ideas that Hunter and Vince argue about that Hunter eventually has to concede on. Some of them go through, others he just can't get past Vince.
Hardcore title can't work in a promotion that bans all shots to the head with weapons.
That's a stupid way to think. Hardcore is not defined by head shots. Never was. Just because you saw it done that way doesn't mean it's the only way it can be done.
That's a stupid way to think. Hardcore is not defined by head shots. Never was. Just because you saw it done that way doesn't mean it's the only way it can be done.
RVD defintly. he was fucking over when he came into the E.
I agree. But at the same time, seeing matches that are supposed to allow anything but then nobody ever goes for a headshot really breaks suspension of disbelief for me. Like how HHH never swings a sledgehammer the right way.
You mean in the sense that they helped none of the young guys they worked with, stalled out the most popular team, and then got squashed at Wrestlemania? The Usos beating them didn't mean dick. They completely killed the Rhodeseseses, and then all for them to get squashed anyway. How the fuck did the team that beat them for the titles get the pre-show match while they got on the main card when neither guy had been around for a decade?
For the US belt, HHH could easily just strip the belt in an attempt to punish Dean (and the rest of the Shield), citing the "1 Month from Last Defense" Rule. Dean then could just laugh about it.
Well I mean if they allow anything, why don't the guys just bring a gun and shoot each other? An extreme argument I know, but the thought process is the same.
I find it funny that they have no idea what to do with the US title now that Dean is holding it. The Shield becoming their powerhouse, Dean might as well vacate the title because... well, because both in kayfabe and out of it, it is just an insignificant weight he carries around. They kept it on him for far too long, he barely defended it, there's no context for him to defend it, there's no one for him to drop it without hurting the Shield.
The only hope is this feud with the authority somehow screwing him out of the title and then him going "well, whatever" and just not trying to get it back.
I don't think HHH really buried Hardy. Although Hardy was really the most popular guy in the company at that time. More popular than Cena and he actually moved ratings and sold tickets to house shows.
For the US belt, HHH could easily just strip the belt in an attempt to punish Dean (and the rest of the Shield), citing the "1 Month from Last Defense" Rule. Dean then could just laugh about it.
For the US belt, HHH could easily just strip the belt in an attempt to punish Dean (and the rest of the Shield), citing the "1 Month from Last Defense" Rule. Dean then could just laugh about it.
But he defended it against Mark Henry on Main Event last month.
1 month from last defense? I've never heard of that rule, video of when it happened?
Scott Steiner being in the burial video invalidates everything about it. Yes, Triple H arguably buried him, but if you've seen the crowd reaction to the No Way Out match between them then you know Scott Steiner deserved to be buried way down from that position on the card.
HUGE Announcement: Prince Devitt is coming to PROGRESS Wrestling (@ThisIs_Progress)
PROGRESS Wrestling have announced the following matches for Chapter 13: Unbelievable Jeff at The Electric Ballroom, Camden on May 18th.
1 month from last defense? I've never heard of that rule, video of when it happened?
Now's a great time for a King of the Ring.