There was Bad Influence...who were wasted frequently, including in the Claire Lynch story, and are now both about to leave.
There was AJ Styles...noted homophobe, wasted frequently, final match had a clusterfuck ending.
There was suckup and bad person, reign had him look like shit frequently, lost belt to comedy guy.
There was Samoa Joe...wasted frequently, no longer cares,
Eric Young...wasted frequently, Knockouts tag champ, finally wins belt in position with only similarities to other world title situation in other company that same week
I could go on, but won't because emphasis on "was" for them all, there is nothing good left, TNA ruins everything and everyone it touches, and nothing good is left that hasn't been cancelled out by something awful involving whatever that good is. The people who believe it's good, continue to be blind because that's still a happy result for now, I just wish I could feel bad for you or for anybody employed in the company the day it finally does go under, but I can't.