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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


James Storm's heel work has been great over the past month, and Gunner has become a legitimately over babyface.

Rockstar Spud is a hoot in his ridiculous suits, and his segments with EC3 are funnier than any comedy other promotions try to manufacture.

To say "it's all bad" dismisses too much.
Even the Knockouts are kind of ruined now. A few years back they were the best thing in TNA, but now even that division is "let's go with what worked before".


I think Cesaro getting the IC title (which will happen, at the latest, at Extreme Rules, imo) is enough to make it relevant. It's also good for Cesaro as it does what the IC is supposed to do; makes someone looks strong without putting him through the political mess that is the top title.

Holding the IC title's only as good as the writing staff allows it to be and I don't see Cesaro as an exception. They've used titles in the past as reasons to NOT write stories for people and it could easily happen again. If they want to make it relevant again, giving it to Cesaro's a really good first step, but if they don't follow through, he'll just be a continuation of the past three+ years.

Really don't want to look at Cesaro a year from now and find him in the muddled midcard looking almost indistinguishable from Miz post Mania 27, Barrett post-Nexus/pre-BNB, Big E since August, Cody Rhodes since December, etc. etc.


TNA is pretty bad from a business perspective and their booking is often anger-inducing in the worst way possible, but they do give us little nuggets of goodness here and there.

Last night, EY's promo was really great.


Jericho said on his show today that pretty much everyone was "forced" to say bad thing about Warrior on that DVD. I was actually surprised to hear him say that Triple H was supposedly a huge Warrior fan. People joke that he was mad that Warrior buried him at mania but seems not the case. Maybe it's wasn't a good idea to be pro Warrior around Vince.

Saying all that, I'm sure many of the opinions on that DVD are not necessarily false. I'm sure the likes of say Heenan were completely honest.

That kind of makes sense to me because all the current roster guys that were interviews had never worked with him and would have had no reason to shit on him.

Any PPV from 91-94

Hogan didn't join WCW until late Spring/early Summer of 1994. So he will not find any Hogan on PPVs from 1991-1994 unless he starts with Bash at the Beach 1994.
James Storm's heel work has been great over the past month, and Gunner has become a legitimately over babyface.

Rockstar Spud is a hoot in his ridiculous suits, and his segments with EC3 are funnier than any comedy other promotions try to manufacture.

To say "it's all bad" dismisses too much.

The problem with Spud and EC3 is that they are portrayed as comedy, yet they are all over the most important parts of the show.


I'm just amazed at how much shit has gone down for TNA, utter utter shit, and people continue to put the blame anywhere but the problem. The problem is, and has been for years now, Dixie.

At this point what the fuck else could it be? Last year they got rid of Hogan, Bischoff, and for a time Russo, and things only got worse. They lost Sting, they lost AJ, they've just lost Sabin, they're about to lose Angle/Daniels/Kaz, their product's worse than it's been in years if not in their entire history, every fan sounds genuinely insane defending this shit on a weekly basis, and they're now even blatantly ripping off other products the same week as the original.

At least when they had Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo, they had scapegoats. How the fuck can anybody look at everything that is TNA in 2014 (I would have said every bad thing in TNA, but there's nothing but bad now and you have to be blind to see good there now) and think the problem isn't Dixie?

You're right and it's a shame too. When they collapse WWE will once again have no competition in the States. At one time they were doing a good job of differentiating themselves from Vince but then Dixie decided to become WWE lite. She basically tried to do what Ted Tuner did in the 80's ad 90's, the only problem was daddy wasn't willing to throw the kind of money into the company that Ted Turner was. I don't think she has any idea of what she's doing, she's just trying to copy what the McMahons do.


Is this that Warrior DVD that just came out or were advertising?


No definitely not. We are talking about the one that came out years ago.

I have it and it was well, kind of heart breaking. It just murdered your childhood memories.
Warrior was already an intense guy, so I'm sure this shit sent him off the deep end even more.


When I started watching TNA (2012 I think) they had a great pool of talent but they ended up being wasted.

They had the Roodes vs Strom feud and gave the title to Aries (and that was a great moment) but then they had him drop to Hardy and turned Aries heel when he was red hot as a babyface. Made no sense.

You also have the Aces and Eights that started strong and it was a long booked story that made some sense. But in the end they gave the title to Sabin and then Dixie got involved when the story was all on Aj vs Bully. They couldn't finish it. It was painful to watch.

These are the two examples I can think of right now on top of my head but the truth is they can have good ideas but they can't capitalize on them.

Of course now is just so bad I had to stop watching. The Magnus vs AJ match was baffling and Joe going in a hole at Lockdown was just too much.


It's a pity the self-destruction of the Ultimate Warrior will never be on the network as it was an entertaining DVD, however.
My response was to Sweeney Tom who said "it's all bad now." That just sounds way too extreme to me.

Oh I'm sorry. I must have forgotten about Willow, who botched his debut entrance into a match. Or EC3, who's being wasted under a crappy gimmick as the owner's nephew. Or Angelina Love who's booked into matches even while having legit concussions and in no way cleared to compete (concussed Saturday, wrestles yesterday). Or Earl Hebner, who's still put into screwjob angles decades after Montreal. Or Christy Hemme who gets sexually harassed on-air and put into stalker angles, and then gets bribed into not suing with a technical promotion. Or the promos with bad audio or horrible lines. Or the (low) production values. Or the ability to paper in some audience members (still not enough to not look horribly small come later in the night when pictures are inevitably taken in mockery). Or the confidence their TV station has in their product that they care so much about that they haven't even made an official offer to re-sign even though the contract's up in months. Or their newest company partner, who they've successfully already pissed off with even the hints of having brought Russo back.
You're right and it's a shame too. When they collapse WWE will once again have no competition in the States. At one time they were doing a good job of differentiating themselves from Vince but then Dixie decided to become WWE lite. She basically tried to do what Ted Tuner did in the 80's ad 90's, the only problem was daddy wasn't willing to throw the kind of money into the company that Ted Turner was. I don't think she has any idea of what she's doing, she's just trying to copy what the McMahons do.

If the best competition the US can provide to the WWE is TNA, it's better off that there is no major competition for at least a little bit.


So not worth it
You're right and it's a shame too. When they collapse WWE will once again have no competition in the States. At one time they were doing a good job of differentiating themselves from Vince but then Dixie decided to become WWE lite. She basically tried to do what Ted Tuner did in the 80's ad 90's, the only problem was daddy wasn't willing to throw the kind of money into the company that Ted Turner was. I don't think she has any idea of what she's doing, she's just trying to copy what the McMahons do.

Actually, Double J is probably gonna get a TV deal and AAA debuts on Del Rey around September.


It's a pity the self-destruction of the Ultimate Warrior will never be on the network as it was an entertaining DVD, however.

It's entertaining can't disagree, even though a lot of it I'm not down with.

You know I can agree that he wasn't exactly Bret Hart in the ring but burying his promo style is bullshit. They were fucking awesome. Besides maybe Macho man I have never seen that fucking intensity. Not even Austin and Rock can hold a candle. I think you have to really dig deep and lose control to give that level of crazyiness.

ultimate warrior goes nuts on mean gene

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If I was skilled with video editing, I would like to take the footage of Calos Colon at the HoF and dub over it the Butters' Very Own Episode dialogue from when Butters' dad is talking about the people. 'People might stop me in the street and say hello but secretly they're saying MURDERER! LIAR! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!'

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
As opposed to the wild speculation with colon? Come on man

What wild speculation? Multiple testimonies of who did it. Actual proof that Colon continued to book him after that. That Colon covered up and obstructed the lawsuit. Whether or not he's a murderer, whether or not he ordered it, he still obstructed justice and supported a murderer. I mean, Zeb/Dutch wrote a whole thing on it.

Here's Macho Man telling Elizabeth to shut up and keep polishing and it's her fault if he loses. RUB IT OUT!


There was Bad Influence...who were wasted frequently, including in the Claire Lynch story, and are now both about to leave.
There was AJ Styles...noted homophobe, wasted frequently, final match had a clusterfuck ending.
There was Magnus...company suckup and bad person, reign had him look like shit frequently, lost belt to comedy guy.
There was Samoa Joe...wasted frequently, no longer cares,

Eric Young...wasted frequently, Knockouts tag champ, finally wins belt in position with only similarities to other world title situation in other company that same week

I could go on, but won't because emphasis on "was" for them all, there is nothing good left, TNA ruins everything and everyone it touches, and nothing good is left that hasn't been cancelled out by something awful involving whatever that good is. The people who believe it's good, continue to be blind because that's still a happy result for now, I just wish I could feel bad for you or for anybody employed in the company the day it finally does go under, but I can't.

Honestly the only thing I liked was Dixie,and now she's gone and replaced by boring ass MVP, so it's pretty much complete trash now
Yeah, there's no point in arguing with ignorance.
It's not ignorance. He didn't murder anyone. The dude is a piece of shit for booking the actual murderer and continuing to book him, defending him, and even making a story out of it. Not denying that. But Hall got drunk started a fight and took a gun from a guy and shot him. I just think it's funny he gets a free pass
Has anyone actually tried getting into wrestling as a career ?

is 27 to old to be getting into wrestling ?

I have a friend who told me today that he is seriously considering getting into wrestling as a career, and i told him i'm happy for him, but at the same time i also said that it's hard to do and you well likely be getting quite alot of rejections. My friend is also overweight but more on the average side .

what do you guy's think ?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Has anyone actually tried getting into wrestling as a career ?

is 27 to old to be getting into wrestling ?

I have a friend who told me today that he is seriously considering getting into wrestling as a career, and i told him i'm happy for him, but at the same time i also said that it's hard to do and you well likely be getting quite alot of rejections. My friend is also overweight but more on the average side .

what do you guy's think ?

Not too old but it is an uphill battle. Definitely not too old though brother!

Overweight don't matter, get that muscle grade up and BE strong. Forget looks. Just BE strong.
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