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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!

It's probably more about iconic WWF (Mean Mark days notwithstanding) guy vs. iconic WCW (TNA run aside) guy. And people probably think of Crow Sting more than Surfer Sting or Joker Sting, and The Crow is a supernatural character, even if Crow Sting himself wasn't.

Or maybe they think of that Sting/Vampiro feud, which had some hints of the supernatural.
Instead of Undertaker v. Sting doing some corny super nat shite or another boring feud-type build that we've seen for the past 3 years, imagine Sting vs. HHH.

It would be a rekindling of the Invasion Angle. Sting would be like those old Japanese WWII soldiers they'd find in some remote jungle, surviving for years thinking the war is still going on. HHH would be in the ring boasting about his career and right when he's done burying WCW, out comes Sting and he says something to the effect of, "Hey asshole, you forgot one"


Suddenly all the old WCW talent are galvanized in support of Sting like sleeper agents in deep cover that have just been activated. Booker T., Mysterio, Jericho, ummm.... Big Show.

And then of course, HHH puts Sting over and we all live happily ever after. The end.

...son of a bitch, I actually agree with this.
Just the bad ones


i don't see this as a botch, i see it as an excellent double leg takedown which Natalia could've converted into a kneebar but she was afraid Rae could counter with a heel hook.

i don't see this as a botch, i see it as an excellent double leg takedown which Natalia could've converted into a kneebar but she was afraid Rae could counter with a heel hook.


Punk should give Nattie a call. Maybe he can spend his money on whoever is teaching her instead of wasting money getting taught amateur-level MMA at the local YMCA.


Indie respek stand offs are the fucking worst. I want to blame RVD/Jerry Lynn for them, but they also happened in Japan and other matches on ECW cards. Like Living Dangerously 1999. Tajiri and Super Crazy do an extended one, then pose, then stand around waiting for cheers and egging more on. It's probably the most suspension of disbelief destroying spot. It IMMEDIATELY takes me out of the match, which is a shame since it is usually done as the first spot. A lot of things from ECW thankfully died off, but that shit is still around and it is still terrible.

There has to be a better way get the "they're evenly matched" point across than having the guys do the same moves and then get to their feet at the same time and do the same pose.

Jamie OD

Instead of Undertaker v. Sting doing some corny super nat shite or another boring feud-type build that we've seen for the past 3 years, imagine Sting vs. HHH.

It would be a rekindling of the Invasion Angle. Sting would be like those old Japanese WWII soldiers they'd find in some remote jungle, surviving for years thinking the war is still going on. HHH would be in the ring boasting about his career and right when he's done burying WCW, out comes Sting and he says something to the effect of, "Hey asshole, you forgot one"


Suddenly all the old WCW talent are galvanized in support of Sting like sleeper agents in deep cover that have just been activated. Booker T., Mysterio, Jericho, ummm.... Big Show.

And then of course, HHH puts Sting over and we all live happily ever after. The end.

And we all know how much HHH idolises Flair. He'd probably jump at the opportunity to work with Sting and get involved with that nostalgia.
strobogo said:
Indie respek stand offs are the fucking worst. I want to blame RVD/Jerry Lynn for them, but they also happened in Japan and other matches on ECW cards. Like Living Dangerously 1999. Tajiri and Super Crazy do an extended one, then pose, then stand around waiting for cheers and egging more on. It's probably the most suspension of disbelief destroying spot. It IMMEDIATELY takes me out of the match, which is a shame since it is usually done as the first spot. A lot of things from ECW thankfully died off, but that shit is still around and it is still terrible.

I don't have a problem with it, but it has become entirely overused - guys chuck in stand offs for the most basic of shit these days, which is kinda pathetic. There's a time and place for stand offs to be used and they certainly don't need to be used in every freaking atch.

strobogo said:
There has to be a better way get the "they're evenly matched" point across than having the guys do the same moves and then get to their feet at the same time and do the same pose.

I always liked the repeated shoulder block spot where neither dude will go down.


It's just another thing that puro nerds picked up and thought would be cool to steal without realizing why that kind of sequence works when it is Kawada vs Misawa, and why it doesn't work when it is two random guys with no history who have been wrestling for 2 years a piece.


Nattie did insinuate they were the same age and Summer dresses like a little hoochie.

Nattie dresses like Helen Hart most of the time, so of course she'd think a woman her age and in shape dressing in figure flattering outfits dresses like a hooch.

That was one of the dumbest lines in the entire show since all the women show as much skin as possible while wrestling and take bikini pictures year round. I can't wait for the episode based around Eva Maria's tampon string being visible in the ring. It's going to be one of the best ever, no doubt. Some of the things they make into angles on the show are so strange.

It's back tonight, isn't it?


Neo Member
i don't see this as a botch, i see it as an excellent double leg takedown which Natalia could've converted into a kneebar but she was afraid Rae could counter with a heel hook.


looks like Summer went for the Thesz Press but Natalya countered with a shoot Sky High Powerbomb, great spot!

I feel pretty bad for some of the Divas on the main roster. I know barely anyone watches Main Event but Natalya (who is unfairly maligned around here, wrestling wise. personality wise I wish she'd throw herself under a train) and AJ had a genuinely good, PPV quality match a few weeks ago. the Divas matches you see on RAW are never called in the ring, they're 100% put together by an agent before the match so it's no wonder they're awkward and rife with botches. it seems fucking dumb and counterintuitive to train these poor women to wrestle and then give them a play by play script that contradicts what they've been taught. plus, because Divas = ratings vacuum, they are never given the time to tell any kind of story, which is a vicious circle because that makes it suck and means people change the channel automatically.

if NXT is anything to go by, Stephanie and HHH want to legitimise women's wrestling again — long matches, a great wrestler mentoring the trainees in Sara Del Rey, and a WOMAN'S championship, not Divas — and while I don't think women will ever be considered draws to the same extent that men are (mainly because of cultural prejudice), they can definitely provide more to RAW, Smackdown and SPECIAL EVENTS than just 'tits and ass'. I mean, it's PG now, they can't even DO tits and ass any more, so why bother having the watered down version of it?


I still don't get why people watch Total Divas. The clips they show on Raw make it look like an awful waste of time.

Watch it and you'll see. It's better than Raw. Usually. This season is even better as Summer Rae is causing all kinds of conflict and the men are getting more focus. Bryan, Fandanger, and UCE are dope.

I'm still hoping Vinnie gets that cookie


Sting wouldn't sign with the WWE just to be fed to Super Cena. Sting is only going to wrestle another legend and would have 95% chance of going over.

Sting said he only wants Taker but he could be done for good now. A match at Mania 31 could be a proper send off for both of them though, even if it's low on quality.
Nattie dresses like Helen Hart most of the time, so of course she'd think a woman her age and in shape dressing in figure flattering outfits dresses like a hooch.

That was one of the dumbest lines in the entire show since all the women show as much skin as possible while wrestling and take bikini pictures year round. I can't wait for the episode based around Eva Maria's tampon string being visible in the ring. It's going to be one of the best ever, no doubt. Some of the things they make into angles on the show are so strange.

It's back tonight, isn't it?

This is a tough subject for me because on the one hand, these women are purely on WWE programming for the purposes of titillation and nothing more. Randy Orton may be an asshole for essentially calling them locker room road prostitutes (I don't remember the exact quote) but that doesn't necessarily make him wrong about it.

There hasn't been anything resembling an actual women's wrestling division in what? 20 years? Since Aja Kong and Alundra Blayze days? You have about 20 women who are on the road with the men and they're on TV, what, 30 minutes the entire year? Maybe the answer is there never has been one?

I get that Natalya wants an actual wrestling division. But as loathsome as I find it, the reality is that what we really have is a bunch of women vying for a Mrs. Elizabeth type of spot. Cheerleaders and maybe, just maybe they can Bella it up and marry into the top spots on the card.

Summer's not wrong to dress and act like that. It's actually an asset in the current WWE women's locker room.

So yeah, I find the situation disgusting but let's be realistic about it. Question is, with Paige and some other NXT women coming up will it change? I'm guessing no, not while you've got guys like Vince and Hayes in the back - but then we'll just have to see, won't we?


You mean it's real? But my uncle Jeff told me it was fake shit and the blood was ketchup. I don't know what to think.


I'm going to try to stir up a shit storm and get banned at a GNR board I go to. You think the 'cism claims in here get bad. Jeeeeezuz. They make it more embarrassing than Axl to be a fan of GNR. The homophobia there is just....these people still exist in 2014? And they don't live in a compound somewhere? They act like, well, GNR released One In A Million, so its cool. Hey dipshits, that song isn't okay and hasn't been played or mentioned in about 25 years. Axl is a cunt and the whole band were hardcore drug addicts. You can't use them as a moral barometer.



Lol at this episode. Savage starts screaming at Brain to "DON'T CHANGE THE HEAT" as Brain is trying to stir shit up between Macho and Yoko when Savage is trying to say he was just saving Crush. And then Vince chimes in, "Can we have some decorum?"

Can someone paste Vince's head onto one of the BNB gifs?

BHZ Mayor

That rant about there never being an HD version of WM2000 and getting 2K15 and liking it was hilarious, but also made me sad at the same time.


NeoGAF is one of the most progressive boards (that aren't like, explicit progressive boards dedicated to progressive issues) that I know. Might be the most, I can't think of other internet enviroment (again, outside of explicit ones) where it is this safe to to not be hetero and/or not be cis.

Polemics are usually around actual grey areas or, like, one poster, who a lot of times ends up being banned, just being clueless while the rest of the forum pile on him. Which is good.

It's a dumb thing, but I'm actually proud to be part of this community.

Even this topic here is usually a thousand times smarter than the comments of some wrasslin' sites that proud themselves of being smarks.

I don't want to see Undertaker vs Sting...

The sad thing is: if Taker is finished, at least he was taken out by the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesner Let's Do This On The Most Important Sold Out Grand Stage Of Them All.

If Sting is finished, his last fight was probably random awful whatever at ignored TNA show.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Tried to watch this Giant Bomb Royal Rumble shit and I forgot how I can't stand 95% of industry people. Blech



Lol at this episode. Savage starts screaming at Brain to "DON'T CHANGE THE HEAT" as Brain is trying to stir shit up between Macho and Yoko when Savage is trying to say he was just saving Crush. And then Vince chimes in, "Can we have some decorum?"

Can someone paste Vince's head onto one of the BNB gifs?


NeoGAF is one of the most progressive boards (that aren't like, explicit progressive boards dedicated to progressive issues) that I know. Might be the most, I can't think of other internet enviroment (again, outside of explicit ones) where it is this safe to to not be hetero and/or not be cis.

Polemics are usually around actual grey areas or, like, one poster, who a lot of times ends up being banned, just being clueless while the rest of the forum pile on him. Which is good.

It's a dumb thing, but I'm actually proud to be part of this community.

Even this topic here is usually a thousand times smarter than the comments of some wrasslin' sites that proud themselves of being smarks.

Yeah, there is rarely actual hate speech on GAF from what I see, and most issues usually arise from someone not being up to date on terminology.

At the GNR board, everyone is gay, everything is gay, whoever they're pissed at is a fag, DJ Fagba, Slash is a fag...and on and on and on. It's like Jesus Christ guys, it's 2014 and you're spending all your time making fun of people by claiming they are gay, like somehow being gay is something to be made fun of in the first place. I posted something about how backwards and embarrassing the fan base is and some of the actual responses were

"Dude, my cousin is gay, so it's cool. I'm also a fan of Queen."


"Also last I checked people weren't obligated to like certain people/lifestyles/orientations. The idea that you can legislate personalities and preferences is fucking idiocy masquerading as progress.

That being said, any of you guys know how to make a fruit cordial?"

Tried to watch this Giant Bomb Royal Rumble shit and I forgot how I can't stand 95% of industry people. Blech



Headshrinkers KILLED those dudes the whole match. Just a brutal squash. Poor Justin Credible almost died there.


I really like the Giant Bomb guys (except Alex but he hardly does anything anymore so whatever) but this emphasis on them bringing in their industry friends has driven me away from enjoying that site. It's like Sonic's shitty friends and the realisation that the only people who like Sonic now are people who are okay with Vector the Crocodile.


So is WWE doing a full on Worrier tribute show tomorrow?

I'd be expecting something on the level of their Mae Young show, where there was a graphic at the start, they played some video packages, and the commentators mentioned her a bunch of times. I believe the term has been "dedicating" the show to the Warrior, not that it would be a tribute show on the level of Owen or Benoit.


It just occurred to me I was at a Raw After Mania many years ago. It didn't occur to me until now because back then, Raw After Mania wasn't a huge deal.

I was at Raw the night after WrestleMania 14 in Albany, NY. X-Pac debuted, New Age Outlaws joined DX, The Nation turned on Farooq, Austin stunned McMahon for the second time, the first Val Venis vignette aired, and New Age Outlaws won the tag titles from Catus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie.

After the show went off the air X-Pac made his way down the isle and did the Wolf Pack "hand shake" with me. At the time it was awesome, looking back no so much.

WWE returned to Albany NY the following year for the WrestleMania 15 go home show, which I of course attended. I was in the second row for Austin's famous beer truck. Later that night he defeated Paul Wright in his debut match.

Every time there is a "best Raw moments" countdown/list, those two shows are always mentioned.
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