Is that the Asian red Chile they use for Chinese food?Sciracha breath
Is that the Asian red Chile they use for Chinese food?
Sting comes out to cut a promo when suddenly "we're here...."
I do see people soak their carne asada burrito with it.Sriracha should be used for every food!
Instead of Undertaker v. Sting doing some corny super nat shite or another boring feud-type build that we've seen for the past 3 years, imagine Sting vs. HHH.
It would be a rekindling of the Invasion Angle. Sting would be like those old Japanese WWII soldiers they'd find in some remote jungle, surviving for years thinking the war is still going on. HHH would be in the ring boasting about his career and right when he's done burying WCW, out comes Sting and he says something to the effect of, "Hey asshole, you forgot one"
Suddenly all the old WCW talent are galvanized in support of Sting like sleeper agents in deep cover that have just been activated. Booker T., Mysterio, Jericho, ummm.... Big Show.
And then of course, HHH puts Sting over and we all live happily ever after. The end.
Just the bad ones
...son of a bitch, I actually agree with this.
i don't see this as a botch, i see it as an excellent double leg takedown which Natalia could've converted into a kneebar but she was afraid Rae could counter with a heel hook.
biggest pop since jericho.
Instead of Undertaker v. Sting doing some corny super nat shite or another boring feud-type build that we've seen for the past 3 years, imagine Sting vs. HHH.
It would be a rekindling of the Invasion Angle. Sting would be like those old Japanese WWII soldiers they'd find in some remote jungle, surviving for years thinking the war is still going on. HHH would be in the ring boasting about his career and right when he's done burying WCW, out comes Sting and he says something to the effect of, "Hey asshole, you forgot one"
Suddenly all the old WCW talent are galvanized in support of Sting like sleeper agents in deep cover that have just been activated. Booker T., Mysterio, Jericho, ummm.... Big Show.
And then of course, HHH puts Sting over and we all live happily ever after. The end.
strobogo said:Indie respek stand offs are the fucking worst. I want to blame RVD/Jerry Lynn for them, but they also happened in Japan and other matches on ECW cards. Like Living Dangerously 1999. Tajiri and Super Crazy do an extended one, then pose, then stand around waiting for cheers and egging more on. It's probably the most suspension of disbelief destroying spot. It IMMEDIATELY takes me out of the match, which is a shame since it is usually done as the first spot. A lot of things from ECW thankfully died off, but that shit is still around and it is still terrible.
strobogo said:There has to be a better way get the "they're evenly matched" point across than having the guys do the same moves and then get to their feet at the same time and do the same pose.
The fuuuuck? lol
Nattie did insinuate they were the same age and Summer dresses like a little hoochie.
i don't see this as a botch, i see it as an excellent double leg takedown which Natalia could've converted into a kneebar but she was afraid Rae could counter with a heel hook.
I still don't get why people watch Total Divas. The clips they show on Raw make it look like an awful waste of time.
Watch Cena face Sting and he'll make Sting submit to the STF after Sting hits him with about 12 scorpion death drops and sharpshooters.
Sting wouldn't sign with the WWE just to be fed to Super Cena. Sting is only going to wrestle another legend and would have 95% chance of going over.
Nattie dresses like Helen Hart most of the time, so of course she'd think a woman her age and in shape dressing in figure flattering outfits dresses like a hooch.
That was one of the dumbest lines in the entire show since all the women show as much skin as possible while wrestling and take bikini pictures year round. I can't wait for the episode based around Eva Maria's tampon string being visible in the ring. It's going to be one of the best ever, no doubt. Some of the things they make into angles on the show are so strange.
It's back tonight, isn't it?
I don't want to see Undertaker vs Sting...
Lol at this episode. Savage starts screaming at Brain to "DON'T CHANGE THE HEAT" as Brain is trying to stir shit up between Macho and Yoko when Savage is trying to say he was just saving Crush. And then Vince chimes in, "Can we have some decorum?"
Can someone paste Vince's head onto one of the BNB gifs?
NeoGAF is one of the most progressive boards (that aren't like, explicit progressive boards dedicated to progressive issues) that I know. Might be the most, I can't think of other internet enviroment (again, outside of explicit ones) where it is this safe to to not be hetero and/or not be cis.
Polemics are usually around actual grey areas or, like, one poster, who a lot of times ends up being banned, just being clueless while the rest of the forum pile on him. Which is good.
It's a dumb thing, but I'm actually proud to be part of this community.
Even this topic here is usually a thousand times smarter than the comments of some wrasslin' sites that proud themselves of being smarks.
Tried to watch this Giant Bomb Royal Rumble shit and I forgot how I can't stand 95% of industry people. Blech
But they cut better promos than 50% of the WWE roster. WWE needs to let these guys be themselves instead of being so heavily scripted, jack.Tried to watch this Giant Bomb Royal Rumble shit and I forgot how I can't stand 95% of industry people. Blech
So is WWE doing a full on Worrier tribute show tomorrow?