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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!

Do we know if this was always in the original plan before that major rewrite session? I haven't kept up on that.

I think so, it was one of the heavily rumoured matches alongside the ones that did turn up at WM30.
Plus Punk had been putting in the odd bit of HHH abuse into a few of his promos in late 2013 so I have to imagine it was planned.
Then Punk bailed and a bunch of things seemingly got overhauled.


Most of my dad's wrestling stuff in still in boxes but this is what he has out right now.

Who knew Punk taking his ball and going home was best for business

This is like that time HHH got demoted from KotR 96 and that Steve Austin guy won


Bryan was doing such a good job at politicing himself into a Sheamus Match!!

that silver tongue devil

I'm sure he had a plan!

But oh man, can you imagine?

Bryan vs Sheamus (which would be a great, but irrelevant match; Bryan would probably lose due to shenanigans again just to "keep the heat" until his payoff who knows when)
Broken Shield 3-way (which would be a great match where you don't want anyone to actually lose)
AJ loses to Cameron (No Paige on main roster)
Usos vs Real Americans (good match, no Cesaro single push)
CM Punk vs HHH (Punk wins! They are giving you what you want!)
Cena goes over Bray (crowd shits on the show)
Batista vs Orton (WM 30 hijacked by 75.000 people chanting "boring")
Main event: Taker loses.
Also, my ipod 160gb just died and went to replace it, only to find that no one really makes mp3 players of that size any more other than Apple, which is a shame as I've sworn off their shitty products for life. The only mp3 players I can find are smaller, sports-orientated things. I guess everyone's just using their phones instead of a dedicated player. Meh.
Why don't you get Neil Young's music player?


Who the fuck is Camacho talking to during this promo? He's not looking at the dude beside him. He's not looking at the interviewer. He's not looking at the camera. WHO YOU LOOKING AT BRAH?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That Captain Lou figure in the second image is great. I love the old school toys, they're cartoony enough to match that era of wrestling, but they still look distinctive enough to know who's who.

I hate the Jakks crap. Has a weird uncanny valley thing going on. Too good to be bad and too bad to be good.


It's like he was looking at a wrong camera the whole time.

That shit drives me crazy. Seems to happen a lot in NXT promos, but on Raw and Smackdown from time to time as well. You can't just stare off into space unless you're giving the kind of promo where it makes sense for you to stare off into space. I also hate when dudes are directly addressing the subject, but saying it to the announcer instead of looking into the camera. And every now and then, you'll get a promo where wrestler A is speaking directly to wrestler B, who is right beside him, but wrestler A says it while looking at the camera or announcer the whole time.

Bryan probably knows when to pick his fights. Punk picks EVERY fight. Even on the Sam Roberts interview, Orton said as much.

Punk needs a 'mother fucker not everything is about you' moment.

kinda wish Punk went ahead and gave a shot at MMA with his Gracie Barra skills.

even in Bellator he would catch a fuckin beating, might humble him a bit.

shit, book it: Punk vs Rhino at 185lb.


Rhino can even cut awesome promos.
Didn't Vince say that Punk is more miserable and tougher to deal with than HBK was when he was on drugs? That should tell you all you need to know.


Why is Cena telling Bray Wyatt that he needs to beat John Cena to get to the top of the WWE mountain?
  1. That's not why Bray Wyatt is feuding with John Cena.
  2. Until Bray Wyatt asks for a title shot, that character has made no attempt to get to the top of the WWE mountain yet. He's been beating people up.


Neo Member
Cena to go over Bryan on Summerslam, Cena/Brock II at Survivor Series

the whole 'next generation' thing is just a vehicle to put Cena over by him overcoming the odds against Wyatt, Cesaro, Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan etc, culminating in John Cena overcoming the odds again against Brock Lesnar to 'claim' the streak and win the Unified Championships on the grandest stage of them all in 2015!

book it!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
If you beat John Cena, do you get a little John Cena seal of approval sticker which you can place on your choice of trapper keeper?


I wonder if at any point whilst sitting next to a battered, semi-conscious Undertaker in Hospital Vince thought to himself that it could be the end of the road for him as well?


Do you think Vince will die before Cena retires?

I'm pretty sure Vince will transplant his brain into a John Cena clone when he feels like death is near. What better way to ensure the future of this business than having the striations to match the genius that is Vincent Kennedy McMahon?

I still remember WrassleGAF's reaction when Cena beat Brock at Extreme Rules...after getting demolished for like, 20 minutes.

the greatest WWE superstar of all-time?
I also like this magical belief that people think turning John Cena heel will somehow fix everything.

I don't even think he'd be that great of a heel. The shock value would keep it working for a while, but nothing he's shown in the past 10 years in the ring or on the mic makes me think he'd be a good heel.
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