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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


I'd like to see a 3 stages of hell where the 3rd stage is the sickest, most ridiculous stip anyone can ever come up with. So awful the announcers are in their Owen Hart voices in anticipation. Two ambulances are standing by with EMTs milling around, firefighters, riot police, the whole nine yards.

Then the match ends in two falls. And of course Cena wins it and laughs the whole thing off.

The third match takes place in two locked rooms, slowly filling with Mountain Dew. If you win the first match, you get key A, and if you win the second match, you get key B. A WWE App vote selects which room which wrestler is sent into.


I've been watching the war games matches from wcw the past few days and they are all horrendous pretty much. Stay the f away wwe

1991 and 1992 are good. The rest...yeah, they aren't that good. But the IDEA is cool and a good agent or two could do something great with it. Get Pat Patterson to lay out EV2.0 vs Shield/Bryan and it would be rad.

I can't help but think Kane is out of place, even though he fits in from a story perspective from pretty much every angle.
The third match takes place in two locked rooms, slowly filling with Mountain Dew. If you win the first match, you get key A, and if you win the second match, you get key B. A WWE App vote selects which room which wrestler is sent into.

Cena wins both falls, dooming his opponent.


They should put two rings together for no reason. Have no one on the commentary team to acknowledge it, change no rules, just act like it's not there. Have a crazy high flying lucha match happening in the second ring.


Oh God, I just realized this commentary team is going to try and put over Adam Rose.


Poor Adam. DOA.

"I think I'm gonna get in there! Hope I don't have another heart attack!" *King joins Adam Rose's entrance for the rest of his run*

Championship scramble I think?


I miss this match so much, they should bring it back

Didn't they have some lame prison match with Khali always involved, I forget the exact name. I'm sure it was terrible and a waste of time.
the Punjabi Prison match


Didn't they have some lame prison match with Khali always involved, I forget the exact name. I'm sure it was terrible and a waste of time.

Punjabi Prison. It's probably a good thing they don't try to create new gimmick matches if they're going to be as stupid and terrible as that.


"I think I'm gonna get in there! Hope I don't have another heart attack!" *King joins Adam Rose's entrance for the rest of his run*

I'm already loving this idea because in my head, no one points this out as weird. Maybe JBL mentions "hey, there's Jerry" once every couple of Adam Rose entrances.

Bunk-bed rings, one ring on top of the other like the Lego Movie. The first Meltzer ***** WWE match since the original HITC?

Meltzer gave MITB 2011 five stars.


Punjabi Prison. It's probably a good thing they don't try to create new gimmick matches if they're going to be as stupid and terrible as that.

God that finish for the Show/Taker match, both of them flopping through the bamboo and Taker happening to land first. Who thought this was a good idea?


They should give Batista his own custom match where the ring is above a pit (filled with foam) and if you fall into the pit you're eliminated. But also, you have to climb the ladder to get the belt, contract, Rey's son, or whatever.


This is the Erick Rowan Invitational Sheep-herders Match! Now, to win this match, the participating WWE Superstars must shear the wool off all sheep that enter the ring. Every two minutes, a new sheep will enter the ring. This will repeat until all 30 sheep have entered the ring. A sheep may only be eliminated by being thrown over the top rope, and all four legs touching the floor. The WWE Superstar standing with the most shorn wool in his basket when all 30 sheep have been eliminated is the winner.


Hey, wait a minute, they changed the camera angle on that ridiculous bump Roman Reigns took over the announcers' table on the Network.
Man, you aint lying, this Elevation X thing...its like "what if did the entire match on top of the cell in HitC, but removed most of the space to work with and doesn't seem to involve the ring at all"
I remember the next great gimmick match being revealed to us all in last months thread, behold, the tower of doom!

Look at that towering height!
Witness the artistic mastery of a sketch that truly encapsulates the doom a stacked ring entails!
Orange and Blue!


They should do an absurd gimmicks PPV where months earlier they ask "the Universe" to send in ideas and vote in the viable (yet absurd) ones.

Hey, wait a minute, they changed the camera angle on that ridiculous bump Roman Reigns took over the announcers' table on the Network.

That's a very bad precedent. :(


Man, you aint lying, this Elevation X thing...its like "what if did the entire match on top of the cell in HitC, but removed most of the space to work with and doesn't seem to involve the ring at all"

More like, "Let's have a scaffold match where the scaffold is a big X and we should put guys like Rhino who would never and couldn't take the big bump".

They should do an absurd gimmicks PPV where months earlier they ask "the Universe" to send in ideas and vote in the viable (yet absurd) ones.

Are you really wishing for Uncensored being reinstated?


More like, "Let's have a scaffold match where the scaffold is a big X and we should put guys like Rhino who would never and couldn't take the big bump".

Are you really wishing for Uncensored being reinstated?

I'm a noob, bro. I don't know when my awesome ideas were already done. :(
I liked that one gimmick match with HBK/Orton where Shawn couldn't use the Sweet Chin Music and Orton would lose the belt on DQ. I mean, obviously its very specific, but it lead to a pretty interesting story. Shawn had to use more submissions to try to win, and the cowardly "legend killer" champion had to fight fair.


Hm, wait a second: if Adam Rose's undisclosed party location is a bus, doesn't that kind of ruin the NXT commentators bickering about not being told where the party was?
Like, you are eliminated if someone can throw you from outside the ring into it through the top rope?

Every minute, the WWE Universe votes for one of the wrestlers to leave.


"Its Alberto De Rio, King! The fans voted Del Rio out first, talk about embarrassing!"
"WHAT!? /king"
"Well I'll-I'll be danged/*insert other JBL mumbled stuff here*"


Yeah, but where's the bus?

Like, you are eliminated if someone can throw you from outside the ring into it through the top rope?

The reverse battle royal is an infamous horrible gimmick match TNA did. The rules are everyone starts outside the ring and then a certain number have to get into the ring to do a battle royal and then the final two have a match.

The reverse battle royal is an infamous horrible gimmick match TNA did. The rules are everyone starts outside the ring and then a certain number have to get into the ring to do a battle royal and then the final two have a match.

Man, TNA is like a cesspool of shitty gimmick matches.
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