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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


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I think he looks bad ass. If I had long hair again, I'd absolutely rock that look. In fact, I regularly did before I had a beard and the hair line to support it. I had some dope long hair in 8th-10th grade and I liked pulling it back. I wish I could do it again. I would most definitely do that look.



NeoGAF's smiling token!
It adds character, friend.
To each their own.
The Laserfrog To-Do List:

1. DMczaf - get him to stop watching bad Batman movies
2. Aiii - curb his bad habits. He's on the road to fatsville and we gotta let the air out of his tires.
3. Plywood - Show him there is more to life than electronic pictures of women he'll never sniff
4. Sephzilla - Stop him at all costs
5. jred2k - shave his neckbeard
6. Strobogo - Nothing, he's perfect
7. slightconfuse - fix his gif sizes
8. Bootaaay - make him post more
9. Lambda Piscium - more KO gifs
10. Laserfrog - celebrate more

And forehead. She's very birdlike.
I'm okay with foreheads they can be covered with hair.


love on your sleeve
Were D-Generation X ever good? Like, even at the time? A lot of 90s wrestling ages poorly and that's fine if it drew at the time, but a lot of this just seems like it was awful even for 1997.

DX 2006 retroactively killed the whole stable for me. Even 11 year old me wouldn't have liked them and 11 year old me liked Buff Bagwell.



WWF Monday Night Raw 5/31/99

. Hacksaw dedicates this Memorial Day Raw to the TROOPS. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Why yes, that is a man in a singlet with a 2x4 and American flag walking down the street in New York City.

Marty Jannetty vs Bam Bam Big Yellow WWF Intercontinental Championship

Sherri is in the corner of Marty to make sure Luna doesn't get involved. And in fact, she attacks Luna before the bell. And during this, Bam Bam attacks Marty. Marty does the 360 bump bouncing off a shoulder block. And again. Marty goes up top to get Bam Bam off his feet. He lands on his feet from a back drop, but runs right into a bear hug. Terrible victory roll. I don't even know how that was supposed to work. Old timey head scissors. He goes for another victory roll. Bammer counters with an electric chair. Bam Bam with the eye based offense. Standing dropkick. Bam Bam runs into some boots in the corner. Second rope lariato. Superkick! Bam Bam comes back with the butterfly backbreaker. Why do I not remember him doing that at all? Sherri grabs Bam Bam's leg. Marty knocks him to the floor. Baseball slide sends him flying in to the guardrail. Big crossbody to the floor. Bam Bam ends up getting counted out because he was distracted by Sherri again. Title retained. Bam Bam hit the full weight senton on Marty after the match.



After a break, Sherri calls Luna out. CAT FIGHT CAT FIGHT CAT FIGHT! You see, women are cats and men are dogs. That's just how it goes. Bam Bam held Sherri back so Luna could attack her tits. For real. Tatanka made the save. Sherri's chin was cut open and Tatanka totally copped a feel on her. What a creep.


Steiner Brothers vs Executioner/Rich Myers

Weirdly, Rick starts the match. Tiltawhirl back breaker. Steinerline. Myers tags in and is hit with the Michigan Stampede. Scott tags in. Belly to belly. Steiner Recliner...from Rick! The Steiners seem more vicious than usual tonight. Steiner Screwdriver! Steiner Bulldog for the win.


Mr. Hughes vs Bert Centeno

Quick squash.

TO THE KOTR REPORT. Nothing new to report. The card was finalized last week.


Jim Duggan vs Mark Thomas

Easy win for Hacksaw. Hooooooooooooooooooooo!

We get to hear from the 123 Kid for the first time. Razor's bet has gone up to $5K, but he cant take Razor up on it knowing what might happen to him.

Razor Ramon vs Tony Roy

Macho leads a 123 chant. Razor nearly gets rolled up in the first seconds of the matchh. He unleashes some nasty chops in the corner. Fall away slam. Jeeeeezus. Super back drop drivaaaaah. Fucking brutal. Similarly brutal looking Razor's Edge for the win.


Next week will have Tito vs Adam Bomb and Yoko on the King's Court.

TO THE McMAHON. Yoko and Fuji have the nerve to come on the show on MEMORIAL DAY. Why does Fuji have an ear stud? Yoko says Hulkamania will DIE. Oh my! Vince says Hulk might be here next week!

It's kind of weird that Yoko is billed from the Polynesian Islands, but is the representative of Japan and implied to be Japanese. Even though he doesn't look Japanese at all.
Stone Cold Steve Austin just touched down in New Orleans to make an appearance Sunday at WrestleMania XXX ... but when it comes to what he'll be doing, the legendary wrestler remains tight-lipped.

Stone Cold hightailed it to N.O.L.A. this morning for the 30th anniversary of WrestleMania -- which airs live on the WWE Network -- but refused to tell a photog at the airport what role he'll play at the event.

Austin hasn't been to Mania in 3 years ... and we're guessing he didn't fly all the way across the country to NOT Stone Cold stun some jabroni.

... and that's the bottom line.





HHH's Q&A's are killing me. His sense of humour is perfect for this sort thing.
DX's sophomore antics aside, he's got a better sense of humour than Vince.
Lol at comparing Bryan with a badass samurai.

He looks more unkempt than the hobos (or poors as Sunflower would call them) that pester you for cash around campus. Let that sink in for a sec.


1994-1995 WCW Hulk Hogan looks so fucking stupid. There's something about how his hairline has receded even more that makes his faces (which he always did) look like he's 60 years old.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
1994-1995 WCW Hulk Hogan looks so fucking stupid. There's something about how his hairline has receded even more that makes his faces (which he always did) look like he's 60 years old.

Well, it's mostly because he was demuscled. The pythons really did sell the Hogan image.


Triple H vs Bryan is going to be fast, brutal, great and depressing.

It's going to be depressing because my 2nd favorite wrestler of all time (Triple H) is going to lose and it's not that i don't want Bryan to lose, i want him to win. I want him to win and that kind of bums me out even more. It's HBK vs Stone Cold at WM14 all over again. The company is pitting a guy i have followed for so long and loved for so long against a newer guy who i also love.

Gonna drain me emotionally
it's still real to me dammit.
Triple H vs Bryan is going to be fast, brutal, great and depressing.

It's going to be depressing because my 2nd favorite wrestler of all time (Triple H) is going to lose and it's not that i don't want Bryan to lose, i want him to win. I want him to win and that kind of bums me out even more. It's HBK vs Stone Cold at WM14 all over again. The company is pitting a guy i have followed for so long and loved for so long against a newer guy who i also love.

Gonna drain me emotionally
it's still real to me dammit.

I feel ya, but Eva Marie winning the Diva's title right after should cheer you up.


So not worth it
You guys are really running this Eva Marie gimmick into the ground, huh?

You lot are worse than the TNA defense force.


You guys are really running this Eva Marie gimmick into the ground, huh?

You lot are worse than the TNA defense force.

Let them have their fun for now. TNA will soon be bancrupt and Eva will not be with the company for too long.


They will not ready themselves for what now?

Are you drunk Xater?

Dude I fixed it after I realized that spell correction went haywire.

PS: I wish I was drunk, but I am not drinking shit right now. I am too committed to my work out.


love on your sleeve
The talented Summer Rae is a laughing stock in this thread yet Eva Marie has a legion of fanboys. I can't even...
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