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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


Thank You, Razorskin.


First off, fuck this town for not marking out when Evolution's theme hit.

- I love how Raw ends on a faction vs faction feud. Old School wrestling, I love it. Evolution is a good way to help get back some legitimacy to Batista and Orton. And they did an adequate job to further cement why Batista and Orton would focus on the Shield for now and put their Title aspirations on hold.

- Kane looks to be the next Extreme Rules opponent for Bryan. Perfectly fine with that. Gives Bryan a solid title defense.

- IC tournament gave purpose to the whole show. Even with no other storyline progressions yet other than the main feud of Shield/Evolution, it felt good to know the wins tonight mean something and will carry over to next week.

-Ziggy and BNB put on a great match. Pace was good in the last 3rd and had some nice false finishes.

- Alicia didn't need to do 3 tilt a whirl backbreakers. When you do the 2nd and 3rd with no momentum it looks silly.

-Women's match was solid given the time. Didn't like how Paige got no offense til the very end but it's a solid upgrade over the past months of Raw. Fans popped for her finisher so it gives me hope she can continue to get over with the crowd simply by having matches and showing her talent.

- No Total Divas bullshit for 2nd week in a row. <3 HHH

- Santino/Emma and Fandango needs to stop. They can't live on this universe where they are the only people they can face off with. Serves no purpose.

- At least Sandow got time on the mic, even if Show let it drag out too long before knocking him out. I hope it turns into something for Sandow. He got a good reaction from a mark crowd despite his sporadic appearances and losing streak.

- RVD looked in Batista shape. Yikes. Hope he rounds into shape fast.

- Rybaxel is the only heel tag team left and so they look to be next in line to challenge for the belts. Good job decimated the division.

-Lana gets her own titantron and entrance music. I can dig it. I hope she talks faster. because draaawwwwiiinnngggg oooouuuutttt yooouuuurrr wooooorrrddds does nothing but invite what chants and people to tune out. And it too obvious she is reciting from a script. Would have been better if she slapped R Truth and that led to the Rusev kick, but they are showing her in a way that looks be more than eye candy and that is cool.

- No reason to book Rusev in the 11 vs 3 match when you are trying to build him as a monster heel though. And without Lana, whose whole gimmick is being the one that controls him.

Overall it was a good show. The lack of DBry was noticeable though, to me, and show felt like it was missing something when he isn't there especially off the heels of last week.
Wow @ Shield's opponents

Why can't I hold all these jobbers!?
How can they follow up such a great post-Mania Raw that put over a lot of new-ish talent with this bullshit.. This Raw was terrible for the most part. No one cares about Orton and Batista, and now they bring back Evolution? And since the Cena/Bray feud is going to continue I'm guessing they're actually going to have him either lose to Bray at Extreme Rules or win "brutally" and turn heel in the process. And no one wants to see Heel Cena because he's actually even more insufferable than Babyface Cena which is no small feat.

And I'm pissed that Cesaro didn't take the Real Americans theme with him :(

PS Why was there yet another Santino/Emma/Fandango/Layla tag match?

And why did this crowd pop for basically nothing except Cena?

Ric Flair

First off, fuck this town for not marking out when Evolution's theme hit.

- I love how Raw ends on a faction vs faction feud. Old School wrestling, I love it. Evolution is a good way to help get back some legitimacy to Batista and Orton. And they did an adequate job to further cement why Batista and Orton would focus on the Shield for now and put their Title aspirations on hold.

It'd be cool if they brought Flair back into the mix as the Evolution manager. I'm usually against bringing back old shit, but It's kind of cool to see HHH not give a shit about what internet marks think and just be an awesome heel again.


It'd be cool if they brought Flair back into the mix as the Evolution manager. I'm usually against bringing back old shit, but It's kind of cool to see HHH not give a shit about what internet marks think and just be an awesome heel again.

While that is the obvious answer, and I would enjoy that as a Flair mark, it doesn't serve as much of a purpose now. You have the legend in HHH and the present in Orton and Dave, it would be better suited if it was someone on the roster to help elevate/turn heel for the 4th. HHH shouldn't be wrestling full time so he should eventually take the manager role and interfere in matches, while the new member takes 3rd spot for matches
How can they follow up such a great post-Mania Raw that put over a lot of new-ish talent with this bullshit.. This Raw was terrible for the most part. No one cares about Orton and Batista, and now they bring back Evolution? And since the Cena/Bray feud is going to continue I'm guessing they're actually going to have him either lose to Bray at Extreme Rules or win "brutally" and turn heel in the process. And no one wants to see Heel Cena because he's actually even more insufferable than Babyface Cena which is no small feat.

And I'm pissed that Cesaro didn't take the Real Americans theme with him :(

PS Why was there yet another Santino/Emma/Fandango/Layla tag match?

And why did this crowd pop for basically nothing except Cena?

Yeah, how could they possibly follow up a show with new talent by having a show with..... uh..... new talent? Barrett, Ziggler, Cesaro, Paige, Big E, and Shield all got spotlight tonight. Shield may have not stood tall, but that's not how feuds work. And the Evolution reunion is a tool to rebuild the credibility of Orton and Batista, and it's a good one. And, while I agree the crowd was flat, they popped for much more than Cena. Popped for Paige's finish, the Ziggler/Barrett match, Cesaro's finish, Shield run-in, etc. Good Raw.


Stone Cold's podcast with Heyman showed up in my podcast feed. Awwww heellll yeah! Swig water for the working man. Gonna take some T-plus while waiting for my DDPYoga to come in the mail


So not worth it
This segment has LITERALLY everything I hate about WWE in 10 minutes.

It has John Cena doing corny jokes. It has crowd shots of kids and military people cheering him (literally the only people that will). It has bad photoshop jokes (been like a year since the last one and it's still too soon). It has Michael Cole snickering on commentary to sell Cena's awful comedy. And it has John Cena breaking the fourth wall on gimmick characters.

This segment has LITERALLY everything I hate about WWE in 10 minutes.

It has John Cena doing corny jokes. It has crowd shots of kids and military people cheering him (literally the only people that will). It has bad photoshop jokes (been like a year since the last one and it's still too soon). It has Michael Cole snickering on commentary to sell Cena's awful comedy. And it has John Cena breaking the fourth wall on gimmick characters.


Here, have a post where I ironically like John Cena cause that's the different and cool thing to do.
I just realised Cesaro is not doing a lot of indie moves - or saving them for later. He has springboard uppercuts, ricola bombs, top rope hurricanrana and
double giant swings
in his arsenal. Seeing as he is much more bulked up now than his indies days, I wonder does he still have a lot of those moves in him? Also, I think a UFO could get over in the same way as the Giant Swing.

The guy basically has a whole other moveset he could use if he wanted to!
This segment has LITERALLY everything I hate about WWE in 10 minutes.

It has John Cena doing corny jokes. It has crowd shots of kids and military people cheering him (literally the only people that will). It has bad photoshop jokes (been like a year since the last one and it's still too soon). It has Michael Cole snickering on commentary to sell Cena's awful comedy. And it has John Cena breaking the fourth wall on gimmick characters.


There really are no words for how awful that was


Pretty sure that picture of "Sister Abigail" is a photoshop of Mammy from Gone With the Wind.

YUP. I was right.

WWE: Kinda Racist Now, Then, FOREVER.


Why are people always surprised when the crowd is quiet in the third hour? They're tired.

They clearly need to re-energise them, Nitro style. Just set off pyro every single hour regardless of if a match is actually going on.

I was also glad to see Heath Slater directing traffic for the heels like the true leader he is.


Its kind of hard to judge this RAW, having a tribute to Warrior is commendable, and giving Bryan day off because of his weeding is also commendable. Cannot sit here and whine about any of these things.

Building up Evolution vs The Shield is also a great thing, as the guys in Shield have great potential

Having that said, the show still fell flat and dull. Compared to the insane show they had last week.
Raw automatically gets a pass from me for...
- Main Event Kane in 2014 now with new hat mask, possibly.
- Bad News Barrett one step closer to a regaining the cursed IC title
- Evolution theme, the only entrance theme that I'd mark more for is Ministry Undertaker.
Bonus point for having something resembling an actual Divas match on Raw.

Finally, the long awaited PPV conclusion to the Team Hell No Saga, long term booking i'm sure.
Stone Cold's Heyman Interview Podcast (Part 1) is great.

Was interesting hearing Paul say he'd love to work with Cesaro (the podcast was recorded 3 days pre-Mania), and then actually end up working with Cesaro 4 days after he said it. I wonder was that a hint, or he honestly did not know what was coming up!


I loved how quick the WWE production team are. Not 1 segment after Kane took his mask back did they have a promo ready with masked Kane's highlights.


So Sheamus will probably end up winning the IC title tourney and also join up with H's. Meh.

Sheamus was pushing that his leg was hurt after Swagger's ankle lock, which will probably be the excuse for him losing to Barrett. They seem to be on a Barrett push right now, though I doubt he'll beat Cesaro.
I loved how quick the WWE production team are. Not 1 segment after Kane took his mask back did they have a promo ready with masked Kane's highlights.

The Kane hype was that strong backstage that they busted out their long forgotten post Wrestlemania hype reel promo skills.
That's definitely how it went down.


So not worth it
If only Kane would retire, wouldn't that be great?

It's time for the younger generation to take over, we don't need old geezers.
Show some respect Aiii, It's no secret Kane got AJ over, you think she would have pulled off that crazy gimmick without having a monster to bounce off of? of course not.


So not worth it
It's no secret AJ elevated Kane back into main event status, he was ready to get buried in the lower midcard until she got involved.

Then after that program, she used her Raw GM powers to hook him up to the Daniel Bryan hype train. AJ saved Kane's career.
Her biggest mistake.


So is Kane vs Bryan going to main-event or will the six-man tag get the spot? Hopefully WWE has learned from the CM Punk title reign and will have Bryan main-event no matter what.

I think HHH vs Bryan should've been the right move, with maybe a younger guy joining evolution (heel Sheamus maybe) and have the rest be the same.

Raw was a step down from last week but it wasn't bad. The intercontinental championship tournament is giving the belt some importance so that's good at least.
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