Whose coffee did Cody piss in? Dude carred the company in the fall and is stuck jobbing
I still don't get why they took his robe away. I don't think he even has music anymore.
They completely gutted him up. Tragic shit. I really liked Sandow.
I can't feel too sorry about him because it seems like all of that was actually his idea to make his character more serious. It's like if Ryback decided to lose all his muscle or if John Cena stopped rapping on his way to the ring.
I still don't get why they took his robe away. I don't think he even has music anymore.
They completely gutted him up. Tragic shit. I really liked Sandow.
Whose coffee did Cody piss in? Dude screed the company in the fall and is stuck jobbing to rybaxel
You should listen to Stone Cold and Heyman, they actually mention Sandow specifically. Basically they say the company looks for guys that stand up to them, so when they go and tell you "We'd like you to wear pink trunks" they look for the people that tell them "lol, no, fuck off" as the people they would eventually end up pushing as main guys. So that's basically a test, those who roll over and do what their told don't have it.
It's pretty much a rehash of what everyone else has said in the past, promoters want guys and girls that stand up for their character and don't let people bullshit them into ridiculous stuff.
What's wrong with pink trunks?
That's such a fucked up way to run a billion dollar business. There should at least be some reward for the good work done in front of the cameras. That match at Battleground was legit one of, if not the, best feel-good moments of all last year.
I vote that shit as the most annoying WrestleMania theme ever. Actually, no, they're all godawful and I despise the fact that the hook is forever burned into your brain as it's played continually all Mania week and beyond. FUCK.
So..why didn't you stay informed? When you take a vacation do you just drop work completely? That sounds insane.
I could listen to Paul Heyman talk about anything honestly. The Steve Austin Tuesday Show is a must listen guys.
HHH is seriously one of the best things about WWE right now.
I get 5 weeks a year and I often ended up not taking any until the end of the year or saving them. But 2 years ago they decided you can only take 1 week to the next year and aren't allowed to save up any more, so I now try and take a week here and there during the year.
I figured I enjoy staying up and watching PPV's and Raw with you, so why not schedule my vacation at that time, not like it really matters when since I don't have a girlfriend or wife to schedule shit with, it's my time now!
I'm somewhat okay with Evolution reuniting because it lets Shield stay together for now.How can they follow up such a great post-Mania Raw that put over a lot of new-ish talent with this bullshit.. This Raw was terrible for the most part. No one cares about Orton and Batista, and now they bring back Evolution? And since the Cena/Bray feud is going to continue I'm guessing they're actually going to have him either lose to Bray at Extreme Rules or win "brutally" and turn heel in the process. And no one wants to see Heel Cena because he's actually even more insufferable than Babyface Cena which is no small feat.
And I'm pissed that Cesaro didn't take the Real Americans theme with him
PS Why was there yet another Santino/Emma/Fandango/Layla tag match?
And why did this crowd pop for basically nothing except Cena?
Why does it suck? I think you guys should think about this before you end up getting something you think you want, but will suck. A feud with Kane is guaranteed to put Bryan over, and Kane is in great shape, and will likely get a good match with Bryan. Would you guys rather have another Orton feud like Bryan had for months last year? A Batista feud? A Cena feud where Cena smirks at everything?I think a lot of it is they don't want to burn all of their big matches in on one show, so Bryan's getting a holdover feud with Kane.
It sucks, but that's the nature of having people locked in with the network.
Whose coffee did Cody piss in? Dude carred the company in the fall and is stuck jobbing
The more I think about it, the more I fear that Bryan is gonna get the same treatment Punk got when he was champion in terms of a spot on the card. There's no denying that not going on last hampers the credibility of the title and the person holding it. Now it's HHH main eventing instead of Cena main eventing at every PPV. Which is a real shame cause now we have these 'special events' and you would think the company would be less reactionary when it comes to who's being promoted or not.
Would you think Bryan's absence effected the Alabama crowd a bit? They were Yes'ing the hell out of the main event. Hopefully this creates a bit of friction between Bryan and Shield but not too much friction.
I know, I know, I got what I wanted, stop complaining, get off Bryan's pole yadda yadda yadda
Evolution reunion gave Shield the rub. Making them bigger and better.
Evolution is supposed to have the past (Flair), the present (HHH) and the future (Orton & Batista). Now it's just 2 pasts and a present. Sheamus is a present too. They need a future.
Evolution is supposed to have the past (Flair), the present (HHH) and the future (Orton & Batista). Now it's just 2 pasts and a present. Sheamus is a present too. They need a future.
Same here, Masked Kane and the Ascension made sense in my mind then I heard Del Rios theme and struggled to maintain interest as Realzea is like a lullaby to me these days.Bo Dallas brother
Nah but for real, I was totally expecting the Ascension last night and the wind came out of my sails when Del Rio showed up.
Is anyone expecting Evolution to last? because I'm kind of expecting it to be a one month long reunion tour which ends with them losing and in turn having Orton and Batista go back to their single runs.
Evolution is supposed to have the past (Flair), the present (HHH) and the future (Orton & Batista). Now it's just 2 pasts and a present. Sheamus is a present too. They need a future.
Is it though? In a business where people come and go and decide to leave on a whim, where people have to work 300 days a year and commit their entire lives to what they do, you would need people that have complete conviction in what they're doing as your top guys, because those are the people you can depend on to always be there and have passion for what they're doing. I can totally understand why you'd need to have some kind of test in place before you're ready to actually push people to that level.
Cena wrestling in dress shirts and slacks.Cena should be the 4th member of Evolution.
Meanwhile, in reality he's going to be off burying the Wyatts and then Rusev
Cena wrestling in over sized dress shirts and slacks.
The Ryback/Axel remix isn't as bad as people say at all. It's like no one remembers Rated-RKO.