Fayla, even.Don't do this again, friend.
Dem slacks tho[/QUOTE]
He literally might as well wear a garbage bag out to these events.
Dude is fucking in great shape but apparently has never heard of slim fit or tailoring.
edit: WWE Network logo to replace scratch logo by August:
[QUOTE]During the 2014 WWE Business Partners Summit on the WWE Corporate site, Stephanie McMahon confirmed the new WWE logo will debut by August of this year. She pointed out that the logo used will be the new WWE Network Logo. The Clip can be found at the 22 minute mark of the presentation.[/QUOTE]
edit: WWE Network logo to replace scratch logo by August:
Glad to see them switching logos. Scratch logo feels outdated by this point.
Miz isn't even cool enough to clown on Derek Anderson.WrestleMania XXX Axxess with DeAngelo Williams: http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-fan-pass/0ap2000000341322/NFL-Fan-Pass-WrestleMania-Axxess
Miz clowning on DeAngelo![]()
Yeah I mentioned her learning how to wrassle last night, quite a turn around.Does anyone know why Alicia Fox doesn't get a run in the women's main event? I think she might be the best female wrestler in the WWE right now. Charismatic, athletic, shows some technical ability, and doesn't botch. She's improved a ton.
edit: WWE Network logo to replace scratch logo by August:
You took your vacation during Wrestlemania week? A Wrestlemania staycation?
I guess it's not that big of deal, you get 3 months of vacation a year.
Rusev deserves to be buried. Fuck him.
Bray will go over in the steel cage.
I can see certain situations where a guy is told to go out there and prance in the ring in a diaper and do so without any "WTF why?", but what's wrong with the pink tights? Not sure if they used it by an example, but the pink tights fit his type of character. I remember guys like he and Ziggler weren't allowed wearing it while Cener promoted his own Breast Cancer Awareness month. Such stupidity that goes on in that company. Basically, it's a cop out as to why they've fumbled Sandow and his character since last October. A shame since he was one of the very few guys who had actual character, and a good one at that since it worked well.You should listen to Stone Cold and Heyman, they actually mention Sandow specifically. Basically they say the company looks for guys that stand up to them, so when they go and tell you "We'd like you to wear pink trunks" they look for the people that tell them "lol, no, fuck off" as the people they would eventually end up pushing as main guys. So that's basically a test, those who roll over and do what their told don't have it.
Yeah I expect Bray to win.
Last time he was in a steel cage he beat Daniel Bryan clean. I think thats like the only clean loss Bryan has had in a year.
Think you're mis-remembering? Wasn't it just a regular match a RR?
Cage match was Bray/Bryan against the Usos, I believe?
I got two words for ya:Loch Ness might be the worst thing WCW ever had.
The new Global Force Wrestling league, which already has more than 500 performers with additional announcements planned as more deals are finalized, will see Jarrett again bring wrestling to the small screen. Jarrett is considered to be wrestling's second-most-well-known promoter behind Vince McMahon.
GFW will compete with WWE and TNA, with Jarrett and Broome currently shopping TV rights to matches -- which will air both live and live-to-tape.
"It just won't be a bunch of wrestling matches; we have exciting announcements to come. TNA or WWE right now is match after match after match. Global Force Wrestling is not going to do that. There will be matches but there will be a lot more and a lot more variety placed into the actual events that will be really innovative and fresh"
Big Show wore a damn diaper!You should listen to Stone Cold and Heyman, they actually mention Sandow specifically. Basically they say the company looks for guys that stand up to them, so when they go and tell you "We'd like you to wear pink trunks" they look for the people that tell them "lol, no, fuck off" as the people they would eventually end up pushing as main guys. So that's basically a test, those who roll over and do what their told don't have it.
It's pretty much a rehash of what everyone else has said in the past, promoters want guys and girls that stand up for their character and don't let people bullshit them into ridiculous stuff.
Big Show wore a damn diaper!
I think you've never seen her talk if you think she's charismatic. She's been given shots before, but she's near Jack Swagger level of "good in the ring, terrible at character".Does anyone know why Alicia Fox doesn't get a run in the women's main event? I think she might be the best female wrestler in the WWE right now. Charismatic, athletic, shows some technical ability, and doesn't botch. She's improved a ton.
It still bothers me that, when the Rockers reunited in 2005, Shawn Michaels came out in his regular gear instead of coordinating with Marty Jannetty's Rockers outfit. Like, what the fuck, man?
Does anyone know why Alicia Fox doesn't get a run in the women's main event? I think she might be the best female wrestler in the WWE right now. Charismatic, athletic, shows some technical ability, and doesn't botch. She's improved a ton.
Does anyone know why Alicia Fox doesn't get a run in the women's main event? I think she might be the best female wrestler in the WWE right now. Charismatic, athletic, shows some technical ability, and doesn't botch. She's improved a ton.
The more I think about it, the more I fear that Bryan is gonna get the same treatment Punk got when he was champion in terms of a spot on the card. There's no denying that not going on last hampers the credibility of the title and the person holding it. Now it's HHH main eventing instead of Cena main eventing at every PPV. Which is a real shame cause now we have these 'special events' and you would think the company would be less reactionary when it comes to who's being promoted or not.
Would you think Bryan's absence effected the Alabama crowd a bit? They were Yes'ing the hell out of the main event. Hopefully this creates a bit of friction between Bryan and Shield but not too much friction.
I know, I know, I got what I wanted, stop complaining, get off Bryan's pole yadda yadda yadda
How about a 2014 Allied Powers team with Barrett and Swagger?
Just so I can hear that theme again
Does anyone know why Alicia Fox doesn't get a run in the women's main event? I think she might be the best female wrestler in the WWE right now. Charismatic, athletic, shows some technical ability, and doesn't botch. She's improved a ton.
Jarrett's big announcement was...
'Biggest Loser' Creator to Bring New Wrestling Venture to TV
I think you've never seen her talk if you think she's charismatic. She's been given shots before, but she's near Jack Swagger level of "good in the ring, terrible at character".
Look at that storied history, that adaptability to many roles and recovery from storylines that would've killed careers as swiftly being in a John Cena monster of the month storyline, including a Cena storyline no less.Kane been in some weird shit too
Jarrett's big announcement was...
'Biggest Loser' Creator to Bring New Wrestling Venture to TV
Fucks sake, just realized I was watching Uncensored '96 when I should have been on '97. On the plus side, I never realized there was a hobo DDP gimmick at one point, which was pretty fantastic.
High Def got banned for speaking the truth about AC/DC being shit.
Is there no justice in this world?
High Def got banned for speaking the truth about AC/DC being shit.
Is there no justice in this world?
We can only hope that one of them is La Parka.
Given what he got banned for, I think justice was served.
You don't talk shit about legends.
Legends to people who drink busch light and have pony tails.
He not only bashed AC/DC, he followed it up by saying he was a Limp Bizkit fan. That alone should have warranted a ban.
That's like ripping Bray Wyatt and then saying you like TNA or something.
Cena was terrible tonight but his "no one wants to see me get a push" line was amazing.