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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


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That debut!



what the f is razor talking about? Not only did Warrior not increase the "box office," house show revenues tanked when he was on top.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Whoa, Bootaaay alert. Network best possible quality of the DiBiase/Warrior Japan match.


what the f is razor talking about? Not only did Warrior not increase the "box office," house show revenues tanked when he was on top.

Has little to do with the Warrior. More to do with the industry, he still made it more marketable for wrestlers.


DA FUCK how did they get this

Why wouldn't they have that footage? It's their match. There was a CHV release with matches from a joint show in Japan in 1991 or 1992. I'm sure they could put up the WCW/NJPW shows if they wanted to throw a little extra money to NJPW or something. They show NJPW footage that was shown on WCW shows. AJPW footage was shown a few times on WCW TV as well and it made it to the Network without any issues. I fail to see why their own match, shot in a ring with their logos and their announcers, would be any issue even if it was part of a joint show.


I don't know, I thought I didn't have a problem with blood, but then I saw a bunch of HBK and/or HHH matches from 2002-2006ish where they were just disgustingly bloody for no real reason that added anything to the story of the match other than "Well, Ric used to blade all the time for no reason".

Those two more or less killed the idea of blading to me during that period. They would bleed SO fucking much and it almost never made sense in the context of the match. Backlash 2006, for example. It's a triple threat between Edge, Cena, and HHH. There is no story reason why anyone would need to tap an artery. It isn't some kind of intense blood feud here. Yet HHH takes a slingshot into the ring post and has one of the most disgusting and thickest crimson masks I've ever seen just because. It legitimately looked like someone threw a bucket of red paint on his face, let it dry, then threw 3 more on it. I'm really not sure I've seen someone have that thick of a coating of blood on his face. Watch while he's in the STF and it is impossible not be be disgusted. And it wasn't like it was some brutal match or anything. It was a pretty normal triple threat. Very standard. If anyone had to be busted open, it should have been between Edge and Cena, since their feud seemed a lot more personal than Cena/HHH. But the match wasn't structured to be that kind of match, so HHH randomly covered in blood made no sense and was just stupid and gross.

HBK did the same thing at WM20. That match really didn't call for a massive blade job. Those two seemed to have a contest for a few years to see who could bleed more every other month on PPV. Those two alone spilled more blood than the entire Attitude Era I think.

All that said, blood SHOULD be an option for a few matches per year. We don't need guys busted open all the time, but something like Taker/HHH at WM28 really should have had some blood.


WM20 is the triple threat with Benoit, right? What I find ridiculous in that match is that they blade right at the end and after no spot in particular, it really feels random and badly done. I'm not sad at all that WWE traded it for apparently very lucrative deals with the armed forces and Mattel; I was just saying that it is not something particularly harmful, like everything hardcore based (including tables) it can't replace being a good wrestler, which is what it does a lot of times. I still don't get the appeal of the rock/mankind match that everyone loves and it's just based on chair shots. I really like Mick Foley, I think Mankind is a great character, but I don't know where the value is in just being destroyed by chair shots.
But anyway, chair shots to the head cause long term damage, blading generally doesn't.

One kind of hardcore match that I like is when they go nuts with the falls count anywhere, the Kane vs Big Show vs Raven match is great fun: windows broken, golf carts, Either Big Show or Kane spending a lot of time locking a cage door just to have the other tear it down. Man, that was a great use of two monsters and a stuntman. I was also watching some random network thing where Raven was fighting with someone where they end up on the mississip river and the match is just based around they using whatever stuff they find outdoor to try to pin or hurt each other. Yeah, I really like that, it's like improv wrestling: "here's a stop sign! Use it!" "here's a chain fence! Use it!"
Why wouldn't they have that footage? It's their match. There was a CHV release with matches from a joint show in Japan in 1991 or 1992. I'm sure they could put up the WCW/NJPW shows if they wanted to throw a little extra money to NJPW or something. They show NJPW footage that was shown on WCW shows. AJPW footage was shown a few times on WCW TV as well and it made it to the Network without any issues. I fail to see why their own match, shot in a ring with their logos and their announcers, would be any issue even if it was part of a joint show.

The 'part of a joint show' thing is key here.

They both have the footage, sure, but who owns it? It's WWF's logos and announcers, but it's definitely AJPW's cameras, it's their building, and they aired it first, so how's that work? Joint shows are fucking nightmares on the super small indy level when I've been in them, I can't imagine how fucked up this or the TNA/NJPW one were!

I bet they just split it for their various regions, and WWE basically called them both up when they were planning the Network and were all 'Hey we'll pay you X so we don't have to re-edit'. It's just odd that they pulled this one out of their hat
Seriously? What the fuck

Well, they have a nice main event in Shield vs. Evolution. They want to push Kane, which has been obvious for a while. Bryan and Kane work well together and have history. It's really not that bad, especially not as bad as the kneejerk reaction to it would indicate.
Well, they have a nice main event in Shield vs. Evolution. They want to push Kane, which has been obvious for a while. Bryan and Kane work well together and have history. It's really not that bad, especially not as bad as the kneejerk reaction to it would indicate.
Yeah and Wyatt vs Cena too but you're top draw right now should be doing better. And actually in the main event since he's at his peak right now. i mean we just saw this match on main event a few weeks ago.
Yeah and Wyatt vs Cena too but you're top draw right now should be doing better. And actually in the main event since he's at his peak right now. i mean we just saw this match on main event a few weeks ago.

I agree in most cases, but Shield vs. Evolution is just the bigger match. Normally I'm a proponent of the title headlining, unless there is a big enough match below it. This time there is.
The 'part of a joint show' thing is key here.

They both have the footage, sure, but who owns it? It's WWF's logos and announcers, but it's definitely AJPW's cameras, it's their building, and they aired it first, so how's that work? Joint shows are fucking nightmares on the super small indy level when I've been in them, I can't imagine how fucked up this or the TNA/NJPW one were!

I bet they just split it for their various regions, and WWE basically called them both up when they were planning the Network and were all 'Hey we'll pay you X so we don't have to re-edit'. It's just odd that they pulled this one out of their hat

I mean, to be fair, I think they relicensed it for the new Ultimate Warrior Blu-Ray. I'm sure they plan for streaming rights for everything nowadays.


Yeah and Wyatt vs Cena too but you're top draw right now should be doing better. And actually in the main event since he's at his peak right now. i mean we just saw this match on main event a few weeks ago.

Also, people got to remember it won't be a straight match its most likely going to be a hardcore match. So they will have all the shortcuts to make the match good. Fighting in the crowd, crazy bumps, possibly someone getting set on fire. All this will keep the match interesting.


WM20 is the triple threat with Benoit, right? What I find ridiculous in that match is that they blade right at the end and after no spot in particular, it really feels random and badly done. I'm not sad at all that WWE traded it for apparently very lucrative deals with the armed forces and Mattel; I was just saying that it is not something particularly harmful, like everything hardcore based (including tables) it can't replace being a good wrestler, which is what it does a lot of times. I still don't get the appeal of the rock/mankind match that everyone loves and it's just based on chair shots. I really like Mick Foley, I think Mankind is a great character, but I don't know where the value is in just being destroyed by chair shots.
But anyway, chair shots to the head cause long term damage, blading generally doesn't.

One kind of hardcore match that I like is when they go nuts with the falls count anywhere, the Kane vs Big Show vs Raven match is great fun: windows broken, golf carts, Either Big Show or Kane spending a lot of time locking a cage door just to have the other tear it down. Man, that was a great use of two monsters and a stuntman. I was also watching some random network thing where Raven was fighting with someone where they end up on the mississip river and the match is just based around they using whatever stuff they find outdoor to try to pin or hurt each other. Yeah, I really like that, it's like improv wrestling: "here's a stop sign! Use it!" "here's a chain fence! Use it!"

Seemed like a hold over from the 70s/early 80s where just about every main event match had blood, because blood was an easy crutch to add drama and show it was a hard contest. And then again in the late 80s with the NWA where every fucking title match had blood. Main event for the NWA Championship? One of you cunts is bleeding. Preferably both. US title match in the middle of the card? One of you assholes is getting color. Tag title match? One of you pricks are bleeding for the Road Warriors. It didn't matter how long the match was, what the story of the match was, what the angle going into the match was. Someone was going to be bleeding and that's just how it was. Bruno and Backlund matches had blood all the fucking time. And most of Hogan's first 2 years had blood for no reason. Just dudes bleeding because that's what you do and it creates artificial drama.
One kind of hardcore match that I like is when they go nuts with the falls count anywhere, the Kane vs Big Show vs Raven match is great fun: windows broken, golf carts, Either Big Show or Kane spending a lot of time locking a cage door just to have the other tear it down. Man, that was a great use of two monsters and a stuntman. I was also watching some random network thing where Raven was fighting with someone where they end up on the mississip river and the match is just based around they using whatever stuff they find outdoor to try to pin or hurt each other. Yeah, I really like that, it's like improv wrestling: "here's a stop sign! Use it!" "here's a chain fence! Use it!"

You. I like you.

That match at WM17 was freaking awesome. Kane hurling Raven through a goddamn window out of nowhere was the shit, as was them almost ruining the PPV by accident one match in

And don't get me started on them destroying a goddamn office, door/wall and all
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