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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


Keep in mind a couple things:

-- I am a hateful man
-- I enjoy watching others suffer
-- I will suffer for a bit if it means other people will suffer more in the long run

Once you know that, then everything I say makes sense.
I hate Spider-Man too. SO MUCH. My god.

Give Bryan a six months title reign.
That smile will eventually open up your heart and let the sunshine in.
I think the most striking thing since I've peaked into the WWE Universe on Wrassle GAF is that anyone not buying into Daniel Bryan is perceived as "trolling", "gimmick posting" or "working kayfabe." This is borderline cult-like behavior.

Much respect to Dr Duncan Steel for being accepting an alternate viewpoint. I believe I'll be on the right side of history on this one.

Look I welcome any form of criticism as long as it's backed up because it's an opinion. It gets too boring if ALL of us loves Daniel Bryan and that's why we have avatar bets and the like so we could debate and have rapport. I always like seeing the other side of the coin.

But can we all agree that Eva Marie is TERRIBLE?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Give Bryan a six months title reign.
That smile will eventually open up your heart and let the sunshine in.

You're asking me to go against over 30 years of embracing the hate. It doesn't just vanish with a grin.

Hate burns eternal.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
what's going on?

Spider, Vince, stro, fill me in.


that came out wrong.


We needed a "Come to Jesus" meeting about the merits or demerits of Daniel Bryan while making sure people knew it wasn't a work. I think we're all on the same page now.
Just know that whatever wrestler and era you enjoy? It sucks and I hate it, mark.

Also, they gotta work up the roster like they did Goldberg. First you got the turbo-jobbers like Jerry Flynn, then the normal jobbers like Glacier, then move up to the midcard dudes like Dean Melanko and Perry Saturn, and finally the main event guys like DDP and Hogan.

Don't have Rusev wrestling JTG and Xavier Woods for 3-4 months, bro

Getting beat on by Rusev is going to spur a new Nation 2K14 with JTG, Woods, R-Truth, and Big E. Kofi could be that lawyer guy they had.


I got kind of upset before wrestlemania when people would want Bryan to lose just to see five minutes of internet rage, which is here on this page after he won.

But hey, you know, I get enjoying a certain aesthetic to your wrasslers, larger than life is a good way to put it. But honestly, I can't not look at Bryan and see larger than life. He has a larger than life dedication, a larger than life heart, a larger than life moveset, too. Even if it's all a character, it's still what the character says to me.

I understand that you like Superman, but right now, in the wrasslin' world at least, Spider-Man is what is hot. Sure, he is a geek, he is small, he doesn't always win the fight, but...

I don't give a shit about larger than life. I just like good wrestling and mostly big guys are just really disappointing in that regard. It's way too often just "Look at me doing this one impactful move!". Sorry you'll just put me to sleep with that.

Peace out homies, I'm about to get a margarita and some authentic Mexican food in a Mid Western Mexican restaurant with horribly tacky decorations. Catch your asses on the other side.

L8er G8ters
Stay away from the Hot Salsa. Don't want you to go Cena on us and poop in the pants

Edge- I tried to watch any kickboxers after pt 2. Just couldn't do it.



1- Being small instantly makes you more susceptible to ScoprionDeathlock.gif or IndieWrestling.gif? What? What about ScottSteinerTNA.gif or BatistaHeadbutt.gif being pretty prevalent as well. The whole small = not credible thing is so fucking old school and it's something that needs to die. Bryan has been a guy who's been in the business for years and has plenty of big wins under his belt. In a kayfabe sense it should be widely accepted that Bryan has all of the tools to get the job done. When you win two matches in one night at Wrestlemania against HHH, Orton, and Batista, you officially are no longer an underdog.

2- Yeah, you know what, Rock's merch sucked for the most part too. Austin didn't have much good merch outside of "Austin 3:16" and "What?" either. None of Cena's merch is anything you'd wear outside of your house. Bryan's goatface merch is bad, nobody's going to deny that. But his "YES" shirts are simple and they're pretty good bits of merch not like the Austin 3:16 and Just Bring It. CM Punk probably had the best overall line of merch in the last decade, boy that sure took him places.

3- Strongly disagree here, Bryan's a lot better on the mic than people want to give him credit for and he has plenty of charisma. Hell, there's a reason people jumped on the Daniel Bryan bandwagon. If fans were gullible enough to simply cheer for someone because of a catch phrase and not because of a person's charisma, then FEED ME MORE would be the biggest thing in WWE history.


I wish Triple H would enter once more to 'Jimmy hit me with that Triple H'. He's got two themes in rotations. Would it kill to just add another?
I like to think that those who believe Rusev is any good or that he'll amount to anything are the real gimmick posters of this thread.

I've always like the big doods. I loved Chris Masters even though he was generally hated on. Wrestling needs characters like that. It can't all just be technical masters.
D. Brine is awesome, stop trolling. Those drop kicks, that knee. He looks great in action, he's got a winning smile, he can be a cooperative dolphin.

By the way, when I think of videogame music, I think of

  1. Legend of Zelda
  2. Katamari Damacy
  3. Halo

so Marty leaving Bungie is huge news.


I don't think he'll amount to anything much but he I can't help but respect his agility and look.

He had a completely different look for a long time and didn't have a manager for a slightly shorter time. The constant is squashes with the Camel Clutch finish.

Rusev's career is basically debut -> injury -> FCW squashes for a month -> injury -> suddenly it's May 2013 and for whatever reason his manager is Sylvester Lefort, Camel Clutch squashes -> breaks free of Sylvester Lefort, Camel Clutch squash -> suddenly Lana -> Royal Rumble and main roster squashes on NXT -> debut hype video -> now. He hasn't done a lot.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member


3- Strongly disagree here, Bryan's a lot better on the mic than people want to give him credit for and he has plenty of charisma. Hell, there's a reason people jumped on the Daniel Bryan bandwagon. If fans were gullible enough to simply cheer for someone because of a catch phrase and not because of a person's charisma, then FEED ME MORE would be the biggest thing in WWE history.

FEED ME MORE was huge! I remember watching it unfold. "He'll never get that over. He'll never get rid of Goldberg being the big chant." but then he did.

Bryan's "best" promo would probably be the one he cut on Backstage Pass after Raw right before Mania, right? Is that probably his best one? That does nothing for me. Some of it might be "well of course not, you're this or that" but it just isn't a good-ass promo like I love.

We needed a "Come to Jesus" meeting about the merits or demerits of Daniel Bryan while making sure people knew it wasn't a work. I think we're all on the same page now.

oh man, Bryan. i already talked about him many times. nothing against him but he's a cruiserweight that shouldn't be anywhere near a main event scene.

- small
- awful look
- on the verge of corpsing every time he cuts a promo
- stole his gimmick from a fuckin nutter

he's a product of the lower standards and softness around modern wrestling. if this was 2001 he'd be trading wins with Crash Holly for the hardcore belt.


D. Brine is awesome, stop trolling. Those drop kicks, that knee. He looks great in action, he's got a winning smile, he can be a cooperative dolphin.

By the way, when I think of videogame music, I think of

  1. Legend of Zelda
  2. Katamari Damacy
  3. Halo

so Marty leaving Bungie is huge news.
Clearly he wasn't capable of finishing the fight.


oh man, Bryan. i already talked about him many times. nothing against him but he's a cruiserweight that shouldn't be anywhere near a main event scene.

- small
- awful look
- on the verge of corpsing every time he cuts a promo
- stole his gimmick from a fuckin nutter

he's a product of the lower standards and softness around modern wrestling. if this was 2001 he'd be trading wins with Crash Holly for the hardcore belt.
I don't think he'd have gotten anywhere if this was even 2005.

WWE has been stale for too long with the same guys on top that fans just eat up whatever new superstar seems to be the light in the darkness.


Bryan's "best" promo would probably be the one he cut on Backstage Pass after Raw right before Mania, right? Is that probably his best one? That does nothing for me. Some of it might be "well of course not, you're this or that" but it just isn't a good-ass promo like I love.

The promo he cut against Cena was pretty great too. I actually think he was the strongest player in the HHH/Steph/Bryan segment on the Chicago Raw before Mania. HHH and Steph kept repeating the same thing over and over while Bryan was the only guy actually contributing to the feud.


You're not calling me out specifically but I should really assume you are. I have legit irrefutable factual evidence about Bryan not being so wonderful. Just don't chalk this up to gimmick posting, I'm providing everyone here with a glimpse into a creative genius' mind.

1: Daniel Bryan is small. He really is. Is that going to hurt him or help him? It will not help him, so therefore if it does anything, it'll hurt him. He can play the sympathetic card for only so long. He's small and doesn't always look credible but his striking looks REALLY good for someone his size and he can be taken seriously - there's just a lot of risk because one bad sequence and you have a notorious gif much like the Sting Scorpion Deathlock gif or indiewrestling.gif etc. Being small won't kill you, but it won't help unless you're working a monster vs small person match, but Bryan isn't.

2: Bryan's merch sucks. It appears to be on the upswing, thankfully, due to some decent designs but it's still not great. I don't know how you'd market someone like that well. He doesn't have anything besides a beard to market. You can't market wrestling ability unless you have someone like Paul Heyman talking you up and feeding you a great catchphrase that turns into merchandise. EAT SLEEP BREAK THE STREAK was an amazing piece of merch for Lesnar. Did Bryan get anything beyond Yes? Does he NEED something beyond YES? I say yes he does. But let's be honest, should I even be giving any kind of shit about someone's merchandising? I really shouldn't, none of us should, but goddammit this is nerd central when it comes to wrestling and WE ALL LIKE TO TALK LIKE WE KNOW ABOUT WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT. It's ok. We all do it so we're good.

3: Bryan's lacking charisma and speaking talent. It's easy to respond with the cage Bryan gif with people doing the YES but what is that REALLY? Is that charisma? No, of course not. You lead people with something simple (one word, even!) and they parrot it. New Age Outlaws had crazy charisma if you use that kind of measuring stick. Are there any hot Daniel Bryan promos that get it over? It's just mumbling and stumbling through a few key points. I can't tell if he's scripted, because he could be a bad reader, or what - he's PASSABLE, certainly, and it's not hurting him, but it's not doing him any favors and isn't helping him either. He's got to show some fire inside, not in the ring but in his promos and I think when they hand him a mic, well, time for some mushmouthed stuff. I'd work on this first before anything else. Have him go on a retreat with Dusty for a week. Come back. Have a ball. Get crazy. It'd be wonderful.

Bryan is not THAT bad, but WWE is going to need to rely on huge, larger than life personalities that clash with each other. I like Bryan plenty. He shouldn't be the face of the company, though. That's just my personal opinion.

Alright back into character. STRIATIONS! MAJESTY! Oh wait I NEVER LEFT CHARACTER.

1. Being small doesn't mean shit except if your company is built around burying small guys. Thankfully that seems to be finally starting to change in WWE. Its your weird preconception that big equals good.

2. I don't know what his merch has to do with him being a great wrestler.

3. I completely disagree. He has tons of charisma and that's why he is catching on. Also he is at least a decent speaker, like I said these days easily better than Batista.

Also most of your points don't even touch what's really important (at least to me) and that is in ring ability. Bryan is just top notch there. I would put very few people up there with him that are right now in WWE and none of them would even be main event players.


could never
He had a completely different look for a long time and didn't have a manager for a slightly shorter time. The constant is squashes with the Camel Clutch finish.

Rusev's career is basically debut -> injury -> FCW squashes for a month -> injury -> suddenly it's May 2013 and for whatever reason his manager is Sylvester Lefort, Camel Clutch squashes -> breaks free of Sylvester Lefort, Camel Clutch squash -> suddenly Lana -> Royal Rumble and main roster squashes on NXT -> debut hype video -> now. He hasn't done a lot.

I know but I do enjoy a big dude crushing smaller guys now and then. Variety is key.

It helps that I am a bit of a Muay Thai nut, with such a huge man I'm immediately more interested in what he can do.
oh man, Bryan. i already talked about him many times. nothing against him but he's a cruiserweight that shouldn't be anywhere near a main event scene.

- small
- awful look
- on the verge of corpsing every time he cuts a promo
- stole his gimmick from a fuckin nutter

he's a product of the lower standards and softness around modern wrestling. if this was 2001 he'd be trading wins with Crash Holly for the hardcore belt.

Bryan can always change his look, gimmick, and his corpsing promos. He will always be "small" but so was Guerrero and Benoit.
I've always like the big doods. I loved Chris Masters even though he was generally hated on. Wrestling needs characters like that. It can't all just be technical masters.

You saw what happened to Ryback.

And they just sent Rusev out with the rest of jobbers last Monday. So they obviously have no idea what they're doing with him.

It's okay if you like him, but he'll be dancing with Khali and Hotnswoggle in a year's time.
Who are you giving the title to carry the company for the next decade if Bryan isn't the guy?

That's the problem. They don't have anyone like that.

Cesaro would be my bet though.

We never did get that Archibald Peck/Ryback payoff.

It is okay, Peck is now the owner of #TheNewStreak

You saw what happened to Ryback.

And they just sent Rusev out with the rest of jobbers last Monday. So they obviously have no idea what they're doing with him.

It's okay if you like him, but he'll be dancing with Khali and Hotnswoggle in a year's time.

I know, that is what I am afraid of. Had high hopes for Tensai but they gave him that awful gimmick and we all know what happened from there.

I was a Dino Bravo fan back in the day. Liked alittle of Hercules, Warlord was funny to watch

My man!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
1. Being small doesn't mean shit except if your company is built around burying small guys. Thankfully that seems to be finally starting to change in WWE. Its your weird preconception that big equals good.

2. I don#t know what his merch has to do with him being a great wrestler.

3. I completely disagree. He has tons of charisma and that's why he is catching on. Also he is at least a decent speaker, like I said these days easily better than Batista.

Also most of your points don't even touch what's really important (at least to me) and that is in ring ability. Bryan is just top notch there. I would put very few people up there with him that are right now in WWE and none of them would even be main event players.

I understand. And he is almost peerless in-ring, especially in WWE. Fantastic in the ring, fantastic telling a story, working the crowd in the ring. But I feel that if you want to be a success, you are having a better chance by being able to be successful in all aspects of what being a star is.

Backlund was an amazing wrestler in WWE in the early 90s, but he was not someone you should put a belt on. He doesn't have that multi-pronged reach to go beyond. Backlund and Bryan have a lot in common there, but Bryan is not insane.

...and I think an insane Bryan would be good in the future.


The whole "he's too small" thing should have died after HBK to be honest. One of the best wrasslers ever was a guy barely over 6 feet who probably never got above 235 lbs his entire career.


Alexander Rusev's theme is called Рев на лъвът but I'm pretty sure the proper form is Рев на лъва. It's not a rule adhered to by speakers but it'd be like calling it "The lions roar" in English instead of "The Lion's Roar".
I wish Triple H would enter once more to 'Jimmy hit me with that Triple H'. He's got two themes in rotations. Would it kill to just add another?

He's aged out of "My Time." That's the theme of a young rebel, not the theme of a man at the top of the mountain, the King of Kings.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Who are you giving the title to carry the company for the next decade if Bryan isn't the guy?

Fine with Cesaro. A true international talent for an international market. Great look, inoffensive in any way. Tests well with focus groups. A fantastic ambassador, would work wonderfully with Cena on international media tours. Great look.
The whole "he's too small" thing should have died after HBK to be honest. One of the best wrasslers ever was a guy barely over 6 feet who probably never got above 235 lbs his entire career.

Yeah but 90s HBK still had muscle mass and size and was cut up. If 04 HBK (physique wise) was in the 90s, he wouldn't nearly be as popular.


Did they finish up the Warrior DVD? Or at least the Warrior interview bits? Just got done watching the best matches thing on the Network and would love more of that.


Who are you giving the title to carry the company for the next decade if Bryan isn't the guy?

Cesaro the only problem I think is that he is an even weaker promo than Bryan. Means he would need to improve or always needs a manager. The thing is I don#t think Heyman can always be that guy.
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