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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh shit here it is:


It's true!



FEED ME MORE was huge! I remember watching it unfold. "He'll never get that over. He'll never get rid of Goldberg being the big chant." but then he did.

Bryan's "best" promo would probably be the one he cut on Backstage Pass after Raw right before Mania, right? Is that probably his best one? That does nothing for me. Some of it might be "well of course not, you're this or that" but it just isn't a good-ass promo like I love.

FEED ME MORE was over, but was Ryback? Maybe for like a week or two, but how many times did you see a Ryback entrance with zero reaction, then no chants for Ryback himself in his match, but the crowd would chant FEED ME MORE with him.

But there's as many DANIEL BRYAN chants as there are YES chants in his matches, it's the big difference.

Now, could Ryback himself have gotten over through attrition had they booked him the full Goldberg rise (instead of a shortened one that he ended up losing the big match in)? I think so. And it should have happened, because you can never have too many stars.
His time on top would have been brief, however, because he's just not a good worker and in 2014 WWE, being a good worker is now important, it's not 1998 WCW where the main events are mostly shit wrestling wise, or 2003 RAW with HHH main eventing in crummy matches with Scott Steiner or Kevin Nash.
Well said, Duncan. I think the only "gimmick" being worked here is sparking intelligent discussion, and this community is better for it.

I apologize to anyone who believed Sunday Night Heat was still taping.

As long as you don't go full-on vitriolic like my buddy Verendus
tried to avoid a "full retard" joke
here (who's only just started posting today, well after Mania weekend for reasons I can only speculate) It's all good. At the end of the day, this is a video game website message board that happens to have a wrestling community. If it bothers you that deeply, then go to Squared Circle. They're pretty cool also, not a knock against them. But sometimes being surrounded by YES men, gets a little too clausterphobic for my tastes.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
FEED ME MORE was over, but was Ryback? Maybe for like a week or two, but how many times did you see a Ryback entrance with zero reaction, then no chants for Ryback himself in his match, but the crowd would chant FEED ME MORE with him.

But there's as many DANIEL BRYAN chants as there are YES chants in his matches, it's the big difference.

Now, could Ryback himself have gotten over through attrition had they booked him the full Goldberg rise (instead of a shortened one that he ended up losing the big match in)? I think so. And it should have happened, because you can never have too many stars.
His time on top would have been brief, however, because he's just not a good worker and in 2014 WWE, being a good worker is now important, it's not 1998 WCW where the main events are mostly shit wrestling wise, or 2003 RAW with HHH main eventing in crummy matches with Scott Steiner or Kevin Nash.

I might be having a bit of an issue with my memory but I remembered Ryback being over as hell for months on end. Like I said though, might be my memory that's not so well.

And yeah they should have spread him out for a longer build instead of forcing him into the Main Event into a match he can't win but needed to. Which blew :/

As long as you don't go full-on vitriolic like my buddy Verendus
tried to avoid a "full retard" joke
here (who's only just started posting today, well after Mania weekend for reasons I can only speculate) It's all good. At the end of the day, this is a video game website message board that happens to have a wrestling community. If it bothers you that deeply, then go to Squared Circle. They're pretty cool also, not a knock against them. But sometimes being surrounded by YES men, gets a little too clausterphobic for my tastes.

Verendus is a valued poster, might be a little too old-school WrassleGAF to be as known though.


FEED ME MORE was over, but was Ryback? Maybe for like a week or two, but how many times did you see a Ryback entrance with zero reaction, then no chants for Ryback himself in his match, but the crowd would chant FEED ME MORE with him.

But there's as many DANIEL BRYAN chants as there are YES chants in his matches, it's the big difference.

Now, could Ryback himself have gotten over through attrition had they booked him the full Goldberg rise (instead of a shortened one that he ended up losing the big match in)? I think so. And it should have happened, because you can never have too many stars.
His time on top would have been brief, however, because he's just not a good worker and in 2014 WWE, being a good worker is now important, it's not 1998 WCW where the main events are mostly shit wrestling wise, or 2003 RAW with HHH main eventing in crummy matches with Scott Steiner or Kevin Nash.

Not to really disagree with anything you're saying, but I don't think you can measure a guy's popularity based on how many times he comes out to no reaction. It's the opposite: how many times he comes out to a big reaction, and more importantly obviously how often. Everyone can have a bad Smackdown in some shithole that not even dubbed pops can save.
I might be having a bit of an issue with my memory but I remembered Ryback being over as hell for months on end. Like I said though, might be my memory that's not so well.

And yeah they should have spread him out for a longer build instead of forcing him into the Main Event into a match he can't win but needed to. Which blew :/

I watched TLC 2012 yesterday and I thought he was fun as hell. They REALLY should've given him another year to build him up as a babyface instead of hot-shotting him to the title. Because he was very over, and he was fairly amusing to watch. They basically needed a Steve 'Mongo' McMichael equivalent for him.


Verendus is a valued poster, might be a little too old-school WrassleGAF to be as known though.

Old-School is a good way to put it I guess. Hard-headed and will stand by their causes no matter how wrong they may be.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I watched TLC 2012 yesterday and I thought he was fun as hell. They REALLY should've given him another year to build him up as a babyface instead of hot-shotting him to the title. Because he was very over, and he was fairly amusing to watch. They basically needed a Steve 'Mongo' McMichael equivalent for him.


He was fun. Then the mystique went away once he stood on top of the cell and took his straps down :(

It still took a while for them to ruin him after HIAC but they did. Rumble 13 he still got a bigass pop. But repeated losses...you can't get a guy built on an unbeatable streak back if you keep jobbing him out.

Which brings me, again, to the mantra that WWE NEEDS REAL ENHANCEMENT TALENT.


Miz's best feud was his feud with Wyatt where he ran away, got beaten up for a few weeks, and didn't even get a match with him


So not worth it
Ryback wasn't over. Even at the height of his popularity, people were still chanting Goldberg. You don't do that to a guy you actually like.

He was over against Cena, but people will literally cheer Big Show over Cena if they have to.
He was fun. Then the mystique went away once he stood on top of the cell and took his straps down :(

It still took a while for them to ruin him after HIAC but they did. Rumble 13 he still got a bigass pop. But repeated losses...you can't get a guy built on an unbeatable streak back if you keep jobbing him out.

Which brings me, again, to the mantra that WWE NEEDS REAL ENHANCEMENT TALENT.


They kinda did do that with Ryback in grabbing the nearest indy darling of the city they were in. Fuck, wasn't Archibald Peck one of Ryback's meal awhile ago?

Ryback wasn't over. Even at the height of his popularity, people were still chanting Goldberg. You don't do that to a guy you actually like.

He was over against Cena, but people will literally cheer Big Show over Cena if they have to.

I dunno, those Feed Me More chants were pretty loud whenever CM Punk was doing something nefarious. He was over as hell in an MSG house show once, and that's a big crowd to know if you're hot or not. I wasn't really Ryback's biggest fan but there was always serious merit to him.
As long as you don't go full-on vitriolic like my buddy Verendus
tried to avoid a "full retard" joke
here (who's only just started posting today, well after Mania weekend for reasons I can only speculate) It's all good. At the end of the day, this is a video game website message board that happens to have a wrestling community. If it bothers you that deeply, then go to Squared Circle. They're pretty cool also, not a knock against them. But sometimes being surrounded by YES men, gets a little too clausterphobic for my tastes.

SquaredCircle? As in r/SquaredCircle? There isn't enough discussion outside of the WWE for me. I think this thread really is one of the best places to talk about wrestling. Lots of knowledge and various opinions on all sorts of feds, eras, and wrestlers.



Not to really disagree with anything you're saying, but I don't think you can measure a guy's popularity based on how many times he comes out to no reaction. It's the opposite: how many times he comes out to a big reaction, and more importantly obviously how often. Everyone can have a bad Smackdown in some shithole that not even dubbed pops can save.

In that case he came out to a memorably big reaction...once. And it sure looked like a star making reaction, but there was no conviction behind it since it faded out as soon as he didn't win at HIAC 2012.

Some types of fans tend to naturally follow what the WWE says, that is, if they push a guy hard and make him always win, always be invulnerable, some parts of the audience will start following that person. The problem with this is not only does this get boring after a time, leaving the performer stale, but as soon as he ISN'T invunerable, the fanbase loses interest.

Better to build actual investment in a performer. This is why I fear for Reigns, and wonder how much of his hype comes entirely from the insane levels of protection he has from WWE, which carefully set up everything he's in to focus on him and make him seem like the strongest toughtest coolest guy. In three years is he going to be stuck in the midcard doing nothing and never losing like Sheamus while Ambrose is a top guy?
Bryan didn't get that protection, they treated him as a goof many times, but he's still the most over guy in the company today. Just saying that if your entire "overness" is based on you being kept invincible like Sheamus or something, there's gonna be a problem down the road.


this hard on that wrestling fans have for big muscular guys is insane.

I find it fucking hilarious that people keep posting pics of Pudz when not even a page before there was a discussion of how Bryan isn't the guy because he doesn't have charisma/mic skills

Charisma isn't big photoshopped looking muscles and Pudz would be beyond shit on the mic. Like so bad he would make Ziggler look Rock/Austin tier.

So either you guys are delusional or you're gimmick posters that pretend you aren't gimmick posters and just chalk it up to "you guys only say im a gimmick poster because I don't like Bryan"

In a world where Benoit is considered small is hilariously sad. Not everyone needs to be 6'5, 500lbs of pure muscle. This isn't the 80s anymore, pick a new fetish

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
this hard on that wrestling fans have for big muscular guys is insane.

I find it fucking hilarious that people keep posting pics of Pudz when not even a page before there was a discussion of how Bryan isn't the guy because he doesn't have charisma/mic skills

Charisma isn't big photoshopped looking muscles and Pudz would be beyond shit on the mic. Like so bad he would make Ziggler look Rock/Austin tier.

So either you guys are delusional or your gimmick posters that pretend you aren't gimmick posters and just chalk it up to "you guys only say im a gimmick poster because I don't like Bryan"

In a world where Benoit is considered small is hilariously sad. Not everyone needs to be 6'5, 500lbs of pure muscle. This isn't the 80s anymore, pick a new fetish


I don't think anyone brought up Benoit. And nobody said Pudz would be a good speaker!

You don't get to pick your fetishes. Your fetishes pick YOU.
I would understand the whole size thing a lot more if today's 'big guys' were anywhere near as decent as their counterparts from the 80's or 90's. But they're not.
Bring back Sunday Night Heat for the Network.

also WCW Saturday Night
I hope they add another wrasslin show for the network. I don't know when they would film it though.

The biggest thing they need to do is get smackdown the fuck off Friday nights. Put it live. When was the last live smackdown?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I would understand the whole size thing a lot more if today's 'big guys' were anywhere near as decent as their counterparts from the 80's or 90's. But they're not.

Where are they falling short in particular?

Are they not believable because they take pins they shouldn't have to? Or do they not have a good manager like the majority of 80s and 90s dudes had? Or is it wrestling ability? Let's put Hercules Hernandez up with Ryback - they sure seem similar to me and not that much different, honest to goodness. Hernandez wasn't fire on the mic. He was a body, he looked great, he rarely did jobs until it was time for a real competitor, and he had a great manager. Ryback's got roughly the same stuff going for him.

I still think it's approximately the same. Cena is a phenomenal size. He's HUGE. And he's doing just fine in the ring.


Reigns has the same stats as Ryback, but as a Samoan his racial ability makes him immune to headbutts and he has the strong Samoan Drop signature move. Jumping Clothesline 3 and Spear 4 may as well be bugged this patch though, so we'll see how he does when the next expansion releases.


Shimmer is really fucking good most of the time and it's definitely worth it. Maybe not if you're comparing it, but Shimmer almost never is a waste of the money you put down on it. You definitely will get $15 worth.

Oh man, I have to budget it. I want to start following the indy scene, but more than one iPPV a month starts pilling up the costs.

I'll get it. I just like Shimmer too much from the little I saw in hype matches on youtube and stuff, ROH has free stuff regularly, I think I would like to follow Dragon Gate and Shine, too; but then it becomes too expensive unless I can really follow these by getting only one show a month.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh man, I have to budget it. I want to start following the indy scene, but more than one iPPV a month starts pilling up the costs.

I'll get it. I just like Shimmer too much from the little I saw in hype matches on youtube and stuff, ROH has free stuff regularly, I think I would like to follow Dragon Gate and Shine, too; but then it becomes too expensive unless I can really follow these by getting only one show a month.

Shine is also really great. Wrasslin gets expensive. Glad the Network is cheap, but this exact scenario (why should I get X for the same price as Y but Y offers so much more?) is WWE's real new territory-absorbing threat. It's tough to be an indie and price yourself out like that.



I don't think anyone brought up Benoit. And nobody said Pudz would be a good speaker!

You don't get to pick your fetishes. Your fetishes pick YOU.

Bryan can always change his look, gimmick, and his corpsing promos. He will always be "small" but so was Guerrero and Benoit.

and yeah no one said Pudz would be a good speaker, but when you have two pages of people trying to downplay Bryan for his lack of mic skills than posting pics and being in awe of Pudz kind of makes arguments against Bryan pointless.

Also, even if they did bring in Pudz his finisher would probably be something stupid like a hip toss. They always give their big guys terrible finishers now. Bork was the last one to get a real finisher. If he's not powerbombing people through the ring muscles mean nothing


Where are they falling short in particular?

Are they not believable because they take pins they shouldn't have to? Or do they not have a good manager like the majority of 80s and 90s dudes had? Or is it wrestling ability? Let's put Hercules Hernandez up with Ryback - they sure seem similar to me and not that much different, honest to goodness. Hernandez wasn't fire on the mic. He was a body, he looked great, he rarely did jobs until it was time for a real competitor, and he had a great manager. Ryback's got roughly the same stuff going for him.

I still think it's approximately the same. Cena is a phenomenal size. He's HUGE. And he's doing just fine in the ring.

Hercules lost most of his matches!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
and yeah no one said Pudz would be a good speaker, but when you have two pages of people trying to downplay Bryan for his lack of mic skills than posting pics and being in awe of Pudz kind of makes arguments against Bryan pointless.

Also, even if they did bring in Pudz his finisher would probably be something stupid like a hip toss. They always give their big guys terrible finishers now. Bork was the last one to get a real finisher. If he's not powerbombing people through the ring muscles mean nothing

I'll agree with you on that second bit. Thing is Bryan doesn't have a body that can transcend microphones, though.

Pudz with the Torture Rack could be alright if Lex gave him his blessing.

But who are we fooling? Pudz won't make it to WWE ever.

good lawd, sunny's new avatar

it's... disgusting

It's ok, it's just a photoshop. Not real.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hercules lost most of his matches!

That makes it even better!

Where's the differences between the two? I like Hercules too, a lot, and I enjoy Ryback. What other massive dudes from ye olden times were good in the ring?
and yeah no one said Pudz would be a good speaker, but when you have two pages of people trying to downplay Bryan for his lack of mic skills than posting pics and being in awe of Pudz kind of makes arguments against Bryan pointless.

Also, even if they did bring in Pudz his finisher would probably be something stupid like a hip toss. They always give their big guys terrible finishers now. Bork was the last one to get a real finisher. If he's not powerbombing people through the ring muscles mean nothing

I brought up Benoit and Guerrero as small because you can compare them to Bryan. Hell, Angle as well. The idea of size being a deterrent is silly to me. If they connect with the fans and can prove their talent in the ring, people will rally behind them and they will be successful.


He's aged out of "My Time." That's the theme of a young rebel, not the theme of a man at the top of the mountain, the King of Kings.
I'll have to settle for WWE 2K14 only then. That game has become my addiction. I actually have a gathering once every 2 weeks with a bunch of friends, and one of the things we do is play this game. It's a blast with a group of people. It helps to keep a game fresh when you don't play it into the ground, not that I'd have the time to do that anyway. Sometimes I think just how much better this game could be if they actually put some effort in.

I'm genuinely eager and hopeful to see the next game. I don't know what I'm expecting considering it seems like they haven't changed much in a decade, but I'm expecting. I'm expecting so, so much.

As long as you don't go full-on vitriolic like my buddy Verendus
tried to avoid a "full retard" joke
here (who's only just started posting today, well after Mania weekend for reasons I can only speculate) It's all good. At the end of the day, this is a video game website message board that happens to have a wrestling community. If it bothers you that deeply, then go to Squared Circle. They're pretty cool also, not a knock against them. But sometimes being surrounded by YES men, gets a little too clausterphobic for my tastes.
I've been posting part time here since a few years ago.

Bryan still sucks by the way. About as much as most of the Marvel movies.


could never
I like and respect Daniel, I do however prefer his obnoxious Heel persona to the Yes Movement gig we have now... nothing gimmicky about that. I also hate his current look, not the man himself.


The misuse of the term "vanilla midget" is sad. It doesn't mean "small guy", people. Never mind that one of the people Nash said it about was anything but vanilla.
Tyson Kidd? That's a vanilla midget. Eddie Guerrero? Not so much.
I'll have to settle for WWE 2K14. On that note, that game has become my addiction. I actually have a gathering once every 2 weeks with a bunch of friends, and one of the things we do is play this game. It's a blast with a group of people. It helps to keep a game fresh when you don't play it into the ground, not that I'd have the time to do that anyway. Sometimes I think, just how much better could this game be if they actually put some effort in.

I'm genuinely eager and hopeful to see the next game. I don't know what I'm expecting considering it seems like they haven't changed much in a decade, but I'm expecting.

I've been posting part time here since a few years ago.

Bryan still sucks by the way. About as much as most of the Marvel movies.

I meant started posting TODAY after a bit of a hiatus. I know who you are, I've been watching via the rafters.


WWE 2k14 is really enjoyable as local multiplayer, but fatal-4-way last man standing matches in Day of Reckoning 2 are the go to match. All CAWs have running finishers, so it's wonderful to finisher someone out of a finisher. With elimination rules too, eliminated people are still in but outside of the ring, so they can still cause chaos and alliances are made and broken. It's fantastic, chaotic fun.
Good fucking lord wrasslegaf. You are boring me to tears at work today with muscle mass talk. Who gives a fuck; you are killing the crowd faster than Big Show.
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