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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!

It's a shame Brodus Clay sucks at wrestling because he's got a great look. His new music isn't great but at least he managed to get rid of Someody Call My Momma which has to be the worst piece of entrance music ever at this point.

he's also a pretty decent talker. If he were any good at all in the ring, they could actually do stuff with him


I don't really think the No Mercy engine is perfection. Or really anywhere close to it.

No Mercy is in the god-tier with Fire Pro as far as I'm concerned.

I think it's obvious that improvements need to be made, but I remember an interview about a month ago with a guy from 2K who said that this year's version is the first one they are actually working on. Last year's was basically done already when they came in. So, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, it being a new generation of consoles and all.

I'm not holding 2k14 against 2K at all either. I figured that was mostly done by the time THQ went under. Still, holy shit, that game arguably got worse since WWE 13

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I've always wanted a wrestling game where they admit it is scripted and you have to put on a good match and hit certain spots to get good reactions instead of just spamming finishers and strong moves through the whole match.


I was unaware football, soccer, and basketball games had cages, weapons, and free navigation around the entire play area. To me, the only thing maybe comparable would be NBA 2K.
And their weapon hit detection is trash. You also cannot contact with the ref unless it is on complete accident. 2K is going to have a new team making the Xbone and PS4 games, or so I'd hope.

BHZ Mayor

I feel like no one takes into account that with a UFC game, you only need to render two fighters, a ref, and the crowd at all times, while only taking into account that only the fighters can contact one another. With a WWE game, you need up to (at this point) six guys, a ref, announcers, a crowd, and the possibility that any of those six guys and ref could come into contact with one another at any point. A WWE game simply isn't comparable to any other sports game because of its great variation.

Explain why a fucking TNA game can get it right then.


Oh, and just so I'm not only using the cliche' Booker T pic.





WWE 2k15 basically has to be the same engine on PS4/XB1 if they're planning to also do a PS3/360 version and Yuke's is doing it. WWE 2k14 is basically just an excuse to re-use models they had left over from earlier games. Shit, they basically found a way to use the Kevin Nash model they had left over from WWE '12 and '13 for Diesel and then also use him for Kevin Nash (nWo) in the nWo pack, and for Outsiders Nash in the season pack exclusive. Almost every single Wrestlemania mode character or nWo DLC character does double duty from WWE '13 or in the WM mode itself.
Yeah, god forbid I say something different than popular opinion, right?

It's not even opinion that the modern WWE games are shit. It's a fact. It's even been broken down by some of the guys who make the CAWs for VGCW. The game's code is a broken, awful mess that hasn't been looked at in years.

BHZ Mayor

I've always wanted a wrestling game where they admit it is scripted and you have to put on a good match and hit certain spots to get good reactions instead of just spamming finishers and strong moves through the whole match.

A GOOD Universe Mode with something like this would be god-tier.
I feel like everyone is kind of missing my point. I'm not saying that the WWE games aren't years behind where they should be, nor am I saying that what they present is acceptable. All I am saying is that it isn't as simple as "game A looks this good, so game B should look just as good". There is more to it that I feel like a lot don't take into account.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
King of Colosseum 2 is the best wrestling game of all time. It's the only one where I enjoy losing to the cpu because it was a great match.

It's simulation style. Which is what I want. If I wanted an arcade fighter, I'd just play Wrestlemania The Arcade Game


It's not even opinion that the modern WWE games are shit. It's a fact. It's even been broken down by some of the guys who make the CAWs for VGCW. The game's code is a broken, awful mess that hasn't been looked at in years.

Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 had a system where a wrestler was either "clean" (face) or "dirty" (heel) and certain moves were only available to one side. Some moves in the WWE 2k14 moveset editor are still labelled "dirty" for no apparent reason because that system hasn't been in a game since then.


WWE 2k15 basically has to be the same engine on PS4/XB1 if they're planning to also do a PS3/360 version and Yuke's is doing it. WWE 2k14 is basically just an excuse to re-use models they had left over from earlier games. Shit, they basically found a way to use the Kevin Nash model they had left over from WWE '12 and '13 for Diesel and then also use him for Kevin Nash (nWo) in the nWo pack, and for Outsiders Nash in the season pack exclusive. Almost every single Wrestlemania mode character or nWo DLC character does double duty from WWE '13 or in the WM mode itself.

Doesn't have to be. They could quite easily make a new engine and then just update the roster/story on the old-gen. It would explain the laziness of the last few games at least.


Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 had a system where a wrestler was either "clean" (face) or "dirty" (heel) and certain moves were only available to one side. Some moves in the WWE 2k14 moveset editor are still labelled "dirty" for no apparent reason because that system hasn't been in a game since then.

What always bothered me is how every year they add something and remove something else. Why did the ultimate control moves need to go? Why would you remove all the environmental grapples? Why do so many moves get added and removed every year? Why do so many moves get removed seemingly at random when there are still some PS1 animations and 5 variations of the Flatliner?


Time to be nefarious!

It's really not fun unless you can read kanji. I think there was a big English translation project, but I don't believe it ever got finished.


What always bothered me is how every year they add something and remove something else. Why did the ultimate control moves need to go? Why would you remove all the environmental grapples? Why do so many moves get added and removed every year? Why do so many moves get removed seemingly at random when there are still some PS1 animations and 5 variations of the Flatliner?

The reason is they at least want you to think they did something to the game.

Edit: I somehow ended up on a video of Edge's Titantron. Fuck I miss him in WWE.


Posting my predictions here because no-one talks in the actual Mania thread:

Tag Team Champions The Usos vs. Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel (Pre-Show match)
Usos because all the other tag teams are jobbers. Why the fuck is rybaxel and los matadores in this match and not rhodes brothers.

Jobber Battle Royale
Big shoe. He cries at the end.

The Shield vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws

Shield. Kane and New Age Outlaws is the dumbest pairing ever and drags the Shield down. Should have been facing the Wyatts at Mania.

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H
Bryan is winning because the crowd would shit on the entire show if he's not in the main event. Should be the best match on the card, really looking forward to it. The real main event and hottest feud/best build on the card.

Piss Break Invitational
AJ because no one cares about the other women or the Bella that is getting married to Bryan because why not.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Pretty good build for this match, surprisingly. 100% certain Cena wins clean. Bray will look awesome in the match, though, and be over with the crowd. The feud will continue.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar

God what a shit build for this match. We all know Taker is winning, but the whole point of a build towards the streak match is making me believe even for a SECOND that Taker might lose. They've failed with this one.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Bryan

Batista wins as originally planned. WWE thinks all the money in Bryan is the chase towards the title, and not actually winning the title. Batista and Bryan will have a couple months feud after this, with Bryan possibly winning at the end on some B PPV. Crowd is hot as fuck at the end of the show, and that's exactly what they want for Batista.

Spoilers: Crowd fucking RUINS the show on Raw After Mania. Will be glorious.


What always bothered me is how every year they add something and remove something else. Why did the ultimate control moves need to go? Why would you remove all the environmental grapples? Why do so many moves get added and removed every year? Why do so many moves get removed seemingly at random when there are still some PS1 animations and 5 variations of the Flatliner?

I played some Smackdown 2 the other week and random suplex animations as well as the animation for missing your opponent completely with a grapple are actually the same animation.

But that game had Tazz saying "Albert... is the best wrestler in America" so I can't hate it too much for what it would become.
The reason is they at least want you to think they did something to the game.

A running joke of the SD series is that things get removed and reintroduced as new features.

I played some Smackdown 2 the other week and random suplex animations as well as the animation for missing your opponent completely with a grapple are actually the same animation.

But that game had Tazz saying "Albert... is the best wrestler in America" so I can't hate it too much for what it would become.
I think that's Just Bring it (SD3) if you have amazingly bad Tazz commentary.

Tazz: We are close to the hometown of THE UNDERTAKER!
Tag Team Champions The Usos vs. Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel (Pre-Show match)
Ryback and Axel. Need to give the up and coming heels some cred here. WWE has been awful at making their new heels look like decent competitors.

Battle of the jobbers
Don't care. Would mark if Dolph wins though.

The Shield vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws
SHIELD (this match is awfully booked btw)

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H
Bryan with CM Punk helping him get the win

Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational
hopefully AJ cause she got a nice booty

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt

Cena is going to win this unfortunately

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
Obviously the Undertaker even though he's old and should lose cause he sucks

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. ? (Bryan)
Daniel Bryan will probably get this because the WWE will want to close WM with the biggest possible pop and Bryan as world champ will def bring this to the finish.
Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 had a system where a wrestler was either "clean" (face) or "dirty" (heel) and certain moves were only available to one side. Some moves in the WWE 2k14 moveset editor are still labelled "dirty" for no apparent reason because that system hasn't been in a game since then.

no fucken way.


Using this from mtsmylie for my own predictions!

Also taking a gamble on watching it through the WWE Network. Hopefully it works (I think it will). Not looking forward to splitting my time between Wrasslemania and Game of Thrones from the 9:00-10:00 hour though.


Tag Team Champions The Usos vs. Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel (Pre-Show match)
Usos because Total Divas, but this match will have a ton of good spots like the Cesaro swing.

I think it's going to be better than expected, but still kinda poop. Want Ziggler, but going with Big E. for the win.

The Shield vs. Kane & The New Age Outlaws
Going to be the Shield because there's no reason for it not to be. Hopefully they whip some ass and send the NAO away indefinitely.

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H
D-Bry comes out on top with some shenanigans, Hunter gets mad and enters himself in the Championship match regardless. I like the Fatal 4-Way thing.

Vickie Guerrero Divas Championship Invitational
I feel like they're gonna stick with AJ. They haven't taken the belt off her yet despite the Total Divas shit, so I don't see why they'd do it now. Maybe it's just me, but none of the other Divas feel or act like champions material anyways.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
Bray wins in a solid match. Gonna go out on a limb and say the match is clean. Cena takes one for the team and puts over Bray like the good guy he is.

The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
There's no way Bork posed a threat to the streak regardless of the build-up. This is probably going to be a wonderful match, but I'm calling AT LEAST two F-5's to the Taker for him to count-out of, a slew of MMA holds, a little blood, and Bork to take the pinfall after he gets out of a last ride and two tombstones.

BONUS PREDICTION: Bork to bring back the shooting star.

WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. ? (Bryan and/or HHH)
This is going to be a shit match. Heart says Bryan, but we all know it's gonna be Brotista.

BONUS PREDICTION 2: Here's my play-by-play of the final moments of the championship match.

Cole: "Well King, with Batista now buried under a pile of rubble that was the Spanish announce table and Randy knocked out cold by two pedigrees and a running knee, we're left with just Daniel Bryan and HHH."

Lawler: Ooooooohhhh booooyyyyy, Cole! This is unbelievable!"

Crowd: "DAN-YUL BRY-EN clap clap clapclapclap"

Cole: "Triple H has got him in the pedigree!" HHH slams D-Bry, our sorrows go with him. Our hearts melt as Bryan hits the mat.


HHH goes for the pinfall.



*glass shatters*


Crowd collectively shits pants, HHH stares soullessly into Austin's eyes.

Austin stunners HHH, Hunter's head flies into first row. Drags Bryan's body across the now decapitated HHH, Mankind style.

"1... 2... 3!"


Stone Cold walks up the ramp, middle fingers in the air.

Copyright logo flashes. WWE.




(end show)


no fucken way.

Kurt Angle's moveset is in the game from when he was last in a WWE game in like 2005, and because they've changed the way submission holds work, his finisher is the animation of the ankle lock but it just damages the legs and isn't actually a submission hold.
Kurt Angle's moveset is in the game from when he was last in a WWE game in like 2005, and because they've changed the way submission holds work, his finisher is the animation of the ankle lock but it just damages the legs and isn't actually a submission hold.

and people buy this shit? no wonder they don't change anything.
Kurt Angle's moveset is in the game from when he was last in a WWE game in like 2005, and because they've changed the way submission holds work, his finisher is the animation of the ankle lock but it just damages the legs and isn't actually a submission hold.

Oh yeah, I remember this one, I don't think it's the only submission that suffers from this either.
Or I might just be thinking of how each game just can't make its mind up on if the mandible claw is a submission or unusual striking move.

I for one am loving this trivia on the shittiness of modern WWE games.


and people buy this shit? no wonder they don't change anything.

Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 might have been the last time I played one of these games. Emphasize is on played because I think I only rented it. Now I just watch videos or read impressions of them and don't buy them.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The build-up for the Taker-Lesnar match is ridiculous. Its just Undertaker showing up with pyros and killing the house lights over and over.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I friggin PROMISE and have put my avatar bet up that Bryan ain't leaving Mania with a belt.
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