So, fantasy booking time, Austin has said in the past he would not make the trip down if they didn't have something interesting and useful for him to do at Mania. Austin has also said he's sticking to his prediction that Punk is returning at Mania. He now mentions Punks fed up with not main-eventing WrestleMania. Even though he has said in the past that he didn't know why Punk left. Indicating he has since gained new insight. Punk remains completely unburied on TV, which is weird for WWE. His girlfriend/fiancé was not buried either. They don't even include him in the burial video packages.
What if Punk really was to beat up and burned out to continue working, what if this Bryan story was decided on just before or the day after the RR when the crowd flipped out at Batista. What if Austin and Punk finally get their dream match and main event at WM31. What if they set up this match at Mania on Sunday?
A lot of stars need to align, but the weird part is him leaving while his girl was still there and then getting even getting engaged to AJ, why would you not be in WWE on the road with your wife? AJ quitting is a possibility, people do odd things for love and AJ leaving WWE at her age with at least 3 to 5 years left before that biological clock starts ticking (if they want kids at all) and she worked pretty fucking hard to realize her dream. I don't see her quitting now. It's possible he found his soulmate and wanted to lock her down because he'd only be around her fifty days a year when she is not on the road, but really?
Ton of this makes no sense if Punk really did leave, I might be clinging to some weird hope here, but wouldn't it be awesome if this happened like this?