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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!

I don't understand the obsession with drinking something straight. If it tastes gross straight, but tastes good mixed with something, why would you ever do it straight unless you're a poor wino who can only afford the booze?

I will try things straight if a friend recommends it, but most of the time I'm mixing. I tried scotch once it felt like it burnt my insides, but still wasn't as bad as Kentucky Deluxe straight. I only did the KD straight cause eh, it was college.
Christian has a fan in John Mayer!


Ok, it's probably not John Mayer.


Didn't they have one last year or something? Isn't that how Bo had some feud with Randy Orton...or was that for the Royal Rumble? There was def a match during that Wrestlemania memories thing, but I don't know if they're ever gonna show it.
I think it was a battle royal, Bo won it and started a feud with Barrett that got cut short before he got sent back down


They can keep the majority of the original programming if they make a shitload more LOW roundtables... Just keep Cole away from them.


They can keep the majority of the original programming if they make a shitload more LOW roundtables... Just keep Cole away from them.

Live ones I don't think work. What's good about the older ones is that guys got as long as they wanted to talk and things were cut up later instead of Gene trying to keep everyone on topic and throwing to video packages and all that.


I agree, though the whole thing was light on much of anything. They kept on throwing to Wrasslemania 30 stuff, I guess it was to be expected. I do hope they make some new proper ones in the future.

Like maybe an episode on the great Lou Thesz.
Live ones I don't think work. What's good about the older ones is that guys got as long as they wanted to talk and things were cut up later instead of Gene trying to keep everyone on topic and throwing to video packages and all that.

Yup. Leave em to edit later, don't do live.

Also holy shit they've been doing those since 2006

FYE had a roundtable DVD for 6 bucks I almost nabbed before I realized physical media is dead!

Also, man the WWE Network is basically WWE Classics On Demand on a higher scale isn't it

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
What was the best cry in the history of our sport? Do the memorial episodes count? Like when people cried for America and Benoit? We got some good tears then. Mickie James had a good cry on screen.



WWF Monday Night Raw 6/14/93

We have a new champion in Yokozuna. Hulkamania is dead. Bret Hart is the King of the ring. Shit is getting cray.

TO THE LAST NIGHT. Gene talked with Yoko and Fuji after the show. This is about the celebration in America. And they're going to do it on the 4th of July. And at some historical US landmark.

Mr. Perfect vs LA Gore

Perfect had a good showing, but just couldn't beat the Hitman. I think he's going to take it out on Gore. Gore gets a cheap shot to the eyes and throws a few chops. Perfect shows him how to chop. And then starts punching the shit out of him. Perfect neck whip. Perfect Plex for the win.

TO THE McMAHON. Vince brings Razor to the ring. He now has a sack of money with him. It says $10,000 on it. Vince is so unsubtle in getting the crowd to chant 123, but he needs to be like that because the crowd is full of dumb dumbs. He's offering $10K for Kid to get back in the ring. Kid could buy a new life with that kind of money.


Doink vs Marty Jannetty

Doink comes out with a can of Pepsi (the choice of a NEW GENERATION, my god, I've cracked the code!) and goes under the ring. He comes out the other side and sprays the Pepsi on Vince and Macho. Wait a minute, that 's a different Doink! Doink attacks before the bell. Marty fights back and hits a second rope face buster. Arm drag! A shoulder block nearly sends Marty to the floor. He slides back in and decks Doink. After a break, Marty hits a dropkick. But which Doink did he hit? Leverage move does send Marty out, but they quickly head back in. Crossbody. 2 count. There is a fan in a creepy Hogan mask and he's flexing. Powerslam from Doink. Doink is doing some amateur stuff, getting his hooks in and applying a gross half nelson. Whoopee Cushion! It's not a finisher yet. Doink takes too much time going up again. Marty catches him. Marty keeps making bad pins, so much that Vince calls him out on it. Both men go over the top and brawl on the floor. Superkick to the throat. Rana on the floor. Double count out.


Owen Hart vs Dan Dubiel

Finally. Owen hasn't been on in like 10 weeks. Owen slaps the taste out of this jobber's mouth. 123 Kid is called from Osaka, Japan. As Owen is stretching this dude, Kid is talking about how big Yoko winning the title was in Japan. Vince informs him of the $10K offer. Cash? Kid is going to do it! "Alright, yay, yay!" Not yeah. Vince was saying "Yay yay!" Spinning heel kick. Missile dropkick. Owen was a lot thicker than I remember. Northern lights suplex for the easy win.

. We're shown Mr. Hughes and Giant Gonzalez (and Harvey) beating down Taker/Paul and stealing the urn. It happened during a match with Justin Credible.

Jerry Lawler vs Mark Thomas

I wish they would have done a better job of not having guys wear the same outfits for multiple tapings. It's so obvious that this was taped before KOTR since Savage and King are wearing the same outfits as the week before KOTR. Well, that and no one in the ring made any mention of any events of the KOTR. King is wearing pink and black. Macho says he's in the DANGER ZONE. Yeah. Mmh hmm. North of Hell and South of Mars, yeah, dig it. Brain has a scoop: As part of Yoko's celebration, he is going to offer any professional athlete the chance to body slam him on the 4th of July because he wants to embarrass every American athlete. Piledriver and first drop for the win.

Next week has Doink vs Jannetty 2/3 falls and Razor vs Kid for the money.


No way, Bryan's needed to be bailed out way too many times, Mania needs to be his night and his night alone

That part is covered, in fact all Austin does is making things right, in the end it's still Rock countering the chairshot into a spinebuster. Besides, he got screwed out of the title like 4 times.


Keep that short, fat, mulleted "strong man" away from WWE.

Did you guys know that Jim Crockett started up another promotion in 1993 and had Paul Heyman as the booker? And that they had the idea to tape hi def shows and broadcast them on the internet? In 1994? And that they actually taped one show in the Manhattan Center that year with a bunch of ECW people at the time?

Jake "The Snake" Roberts defeated "Cowboy" Bob Orton
The Bruise Brothers defeated Keith Scherer and The Kodiak Bear
The Convict (with manager Sherri Martel) defeated Jason Knight
911 defeated Mike Watson and Paul Warrior in a handicap match
Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) defeated Badd Company (Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond)
Tommy Dreamer defeated Gino Caruso
Terry Funk defeated The Kodiak Bear by submission
J.T. Smith and Tommy Cairo defeated Mike B and The Captain
Road Warrior Hawk defeated Keith Scherer
Mikey Watson defeated Jason Knight by disqualification

Knight was disqualified when he refused to take off his jacket to wrestle Watson.

The Convict defeated Mikey Watson by submission
The Tasmaniac defeated "Surfer" Ray Odyssey
Public Enemy defeated Paul Warrior & Mikey Watson
"Cowboy" Bob Orton defeated Tommy Dreamer
Keith Scherer defeated Jake "The Snake" Roberts

Scherer pinned Roberts after outside interference by Sherri Martel and Shane Douglas.

Terry Funk and Sabu (with Paul E. Dangerously) fought to a double-disqualification

How fucking weird. I wonder if it is online anywhere.


That whole part felt exploitative. OBVIOUSLY Ric was going to be crying after that video and the camera was right on him, dissolving into him crying staying tight on him.

This beer is made of pine cones.


That whole part felt exploitative. OBVIOUSLY Ric was going to be crying after that video and the camera was right on him, dissolving into him crying staying tight on him.

This beer is made of pine cones.

Yeah I can just imagine someone in the video booth going "Okay camera 2 get nice and close to Ric's face HE'S CRYING THIS IS MONEY."
Ultimate Gate's two main events were fantastic. Hero v Tanaka was hard hitting fun and Ricochet v Gargano was a perfect payoff the last year of Gargano's actions.
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