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April Wrasslin' |OT| The Spirit of the Ultimate Warrior Will Run Forever!


So not worth it
Competition for Virgil:

Jamie OD

ROH was awesome tonight. Ladder War was great until the ending where it looked like they were building to one final big bump that never happened. Steen Vs Elgin was great, so was the 3 Way tag andboth matches featuring The Decade. Ciampa Vs Lethal was good with a a turn that makes sense given the 3 way feud between them and Taven. RD Evans streak is now 83-0, the boos for Matt Hardy were deafening and the arena looked great. Two thumbs up.


So not worth it
Because some people will stamp everything, even pictures that aren't their own, because they're dicks that way.
I wanted to check out the DGUSA show tonight, but I was out. As someone who has never watched the promotion before, is it worth buying a replay?
H will tap, Orton will eat a knee.

This i'm confident about. Someone's gotta tap or else that Yes Lock is worthless. More worthless than the Killswitch.


So not worth it
Where's it at? I'm on my phone, might be difficult to find
Always on legitshook.com of course:

Another year is gone and here we are, at the 30th WrestleMania. WrestleMania Triple H Triple X. Sasha Grey ain’t got nothing on this show. Contrary to some believe on the GAF forums, this card is actually quite strong and looks like fun to me. We haven’t had a good WrestleMania in years, at least going back to 26. So yeah, I’m getting hyped. Though I’m still more hyped for the first time I can watch the Hall of Fame live. Let’s hope the Network holds up through the weekend and keeps buffering to a minimum. Let’s just say I’m skeptical, but ready to be proven wrong. If rumors are correct there are far more subscribers to the channel than WWE first anticipated, I’d imagine it’s going to be somewhere between 750k to 1 million subscribers trying to live stream WrestleMania. It’ll be very interesting to see if they can pull it off. Problem is, you can’t really test this accurately without doing it. They’ve tested live streams, but they simply haven’t had even close to this number of simultaneous live streams. The one that came closes crapped out on them though, granted that was the first live stream they tried, but it still doesn’t bode well.

Regardless, we are on our way to another pay-per-view and as per tradition, THAT MEANS PREDICTION TIME FOR WRESTLEMANIA XXX! Let’s get to it.


Fatal Four-Way Tag-Team Match: The Uso’s (c) vs. Los Matadores vs. The Real Americans vs. Rybaxel (Pre-Show)
It’s a shame the jobbers were added to this match, The Uso’s versus Real Americans would be a great match. Alas, we have this. Things will happen, none of it will matter. They’ve dropped the storyline of Swagger and Cesaro breaking up and I’m hoping they’re going to pick up this story after Mania. Cesaro really needs that big face push, put him with Heyman and have him out there destroying people when Brock isn’t around. I’m hoping the crowd at Monday Night Raw will champion him this year, they should. Anyways, I digress, The Uso’s will retain, the little bull will get Giant Swung a ton of times.

The André The Giant Memorial Battle Royal
Jesus Christ, just look at the line-up for this Battle Royal. It’s beyond sad just how many jobbers are in this thing. When’s the last time you’ve seen Justin Gabriel on Raw? Zack Ryder? Brodus Clay? Even Titus? 3MB are in this, that’s all I’m saying. It’s beyond sad that André, who in WWE mythology is just about the biggest thing in wrestling ever (pun intended), is remembered in a Battle Royal with so many jobbers. That said, it’s a Battle Royal and those are always awesome. Expect the top 10 contenders to clean house of the 20 jobbiest of the jobbers quickly and then have at it. Those 10 will be: Surprise entrant Rusev, Sheamus, Goldust, Sin Cara, Cody, Miz, Big Show, Del Rio, Big E and Christian. The win will go to either Big Show or Rusev, I’d give the edge to Big Show on this one.


The Shield vs. Korporate Kane and The Corporate Outlaws
The young guys against the Ancient Ones (straight out of Arkham). I’m sure this match will be fine, but it’s not the best showcase for The Shield. They should’ve done Shield vs. Wyatts here instead of Extreme Rules. Bray vs. Cena put a stop to that and that’s a big starmaking match for Bray, but damn the crowd would have made that match. But as it is we get three of the more boring old people against The Shield. Rollins and Ambrose in particular are going to carry this match above of what it should be and that will be fun. There’s really no other choice here than The Shield winning.


Clusterfuck Divas Title Match: AJ Lee (c) vs. The World
I wonder what could have been if Naomi and AJ had actually had a feud to build up a title match on Mania. If WWE would have actually cared to give them a storyline. It certainly seems that Naomi and AJ had something in the works backstage leading off of her promo on the Total Divas. But alas, Aksana murdered Naomi’s eye and now we have a clusterfuck single fall match. At least that will make the match something worthwhile to see. You have people like Cameron, Eva Marie, Rosa and Aksana out there that are perfectly capable of ending actual lives by putting them in a ring with 12 others doing moves at the same time. You have talent like Brie and Nikki Bella, who will surely botch at least half of the 3 moves they get to do. (yep, that’s 1 botch each and a double team botch for those counting) and there’s girls like Summer who maybe never even been in the ring with more than 4 people at a time. Exciting stuff. Either way, this story can only end one way in my opinion and that is with AJ retaining. When you stack the deck against a champion this much there is only one end result and that is the champ retaining. I’m gonna go with the final three standing being Naomi, Tamina and obviously AJ. Naomi will be taken out by Tamina, AJ will somehow steal the pin from Tamina and there you go. I think Naomi will actually win the title, but on Monday’s Raw thanks to Tamina taking out AJ, setting up a three-way feud going into Extreme Rules.


John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt
This feud has done great stuff for Bray, definitely elevating his status even more. In that sense this match has already succeeded. Really though, Bray has to win this. No doubt there will be some shitty ending, maybe even a DQ win for Cena. Regardless, Bray wins, fucks off, Cena theme hits, crowd rallies behind him or whatever. The commentary will tell you how to feel about Cena, don’t worry. I have nothing else to say. Bray’s theme being performed live is what I’m looking forward to most.


The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
I wish I had many things to say about this match, but the build has been poor. Lesnar should have been dominating Undertaker, beating him up at every appearance of the dead man (except for one, where they made clear Brock wasn’t in the building that day). Just to make us believe Taker had no chance in hell of beating up the monster. But alas, Taker looked strong in the build up and the streak isn’t going to be broken by anyone but John Cena, so there you go. 22 and oh. Match should be a nice semi-shoot MMA fight, Taker will definitely be taken to the limit of his ancient body. Should be tons of fun at least. Sting arrives on Monday to challenge Taker for WM31.


Winner gets added to main event-match: Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H
The true main event of WrestleMania which probably goes on at the top of the first or maybe the second hour, that’s weird but given the stipulation unavoidable. This match has had a great build, even though I’m sure it was unintended. At some point they were convinced they didn’t need to push Bryan to world title level, but the crowd simply wouldn’t have it and has forced their hands. This isn’t a new thing, it happened in the past with other stars, but this is the first time in a long time. You could make a case for Punk, but Punk put himself over with that promo more than the crowd forcing WWE’s hand. That unique in itself. Triple H has been great as a classic heel, I was a huge fan of 1999/2000 Triple H, his initial heel run as Trips was filled with badass behavior and classic heel anthics that involved him turning into a pussy when needed. I see much of H’s from back then in him now, as illustrated by the beating he took on Monday, that was perfect and will lead to a great match. I really hope they give this match a lot of time and by that I mean this should flat-out go at least 45 minutes. Really have Bryan and Trips go to the absolute edge of what they can do and then have Bryan put Trips in the Yes-lock and have Trips not give up, but simply pass out. Classic three-time arm drop for the win of Bryan. Of course setting up a rematch at Extreme Rules for the belt. This will be a five star match, no doubt and has a chance to be the match people will point to ten years from now as the best match of Daniel Bryan’s and Triple H’s carreer. (I’m really setting myself up here for disappointment, aren’t I?)


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Randy Orton (c) vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan
So a beaten down Bryan will go the extra mile in this match and defeat two of the more boring people in WWE. This match should focus heavily on Bryan and keep the Orton vs. Batista solo stuff to an absolute minimum. We’ve seen a few matches out of Batista since his return and they’ve all been underwhelming. Guy is lucky he’s in a match where he can just lay on the outside for 10-minutes mid match to recoup a little for the end. There should be a match near the end that mimicks WrestleMania 20’s title match, where Benoit got put through the Spanish Announce Table by Michaels and Trips and sold for death until the very end where he scooped in and took the win. It will be glorious when Bryan wins and celebrates with YES-chants with the crowd.

All in all this is the most interesting Mania in years and that’s a good thing. The matches seem predictable, which is why I predicted AJ to retain as a bit of a surprise. Contrary to my predictions maybe we’ll see Cena go over on Bray and we see the Real Americans win the tag belts to mix things up a little. Either way, Mania should be fun, if we get to see it without issues on the network. Likely we’ll spend the entire night crying on the internet as we search for a 240p lamp instead of the HD feed we pay for. But such is life.



Remember when ECW One Night Stand 2 was booked into a corner because they had Rey V Sabu No-DQ for the WHC. They didn't want Sabu to job because the weekly show was coming back and they wanted him strong and they couldn't have Rey lose because he needed to retain the WHC. LETS JUST STOP THE MATCH AFTER A TABLE BUMP. GOOD IDEA.


You should never put all points into one stat! his HP will be too low to take a Sister Abigail.

Health, Stamina, and Magic have separate point pools. He's maxed on Health, Stamina is okay, Magic is low. To make up for his stamina faults and low magic, he has enchanted gear that give him skills like second wind, rising above hate, and better odds.

He also has the ability to temporarily buff his skills by siphoning power from the screams of small children and women, allowing him to technically preform moves like the hurricanrana but not do it correctly.


could never
Health, Stamina, and Magic have separate point pools. He's maxed on Health, Stamina is okay, Magic is low. To make up for his stamina faults and low magic, he has enchanted gear that give him skills like second wind, rising above hate, and better odds.

He also has the ability to temporarily buff his skills by siphoning power from the screams of small children and women, allowing him to technically preform moves like the hurricanrana but not do it correctly.

I want this card in my deck.
Very pleased to read the DGUSA results,
I was so utterly sick of Gargano's title reign, I'd long since passed displeasure and gone straight to total apathy. The fact that Ricochet holds the main title in DG Japan kinda telegraphed the result, as Dream Gate > Freedom Gate by quite some margin, but I wasn't going to rule out Gargano shenanigans to retain the title and am glad that didn't occur


could never
I just realized I am just hours from finding out if I am going to lose my avatar for a while, fucking Bryan... you better lose, lol.
Best tag team in the world;


Less than 24hrs until Invasion Attack!

Ryogoku Kokugikan, Tokyo

www.ustream.tv/njpw - $25

16:00 Japan | 09:00 EU | 08:00 UK | 03:00 East Coast | 02:00 Central | 00:00 West Coast

1. IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Titles: The Young Bucks (Nick & Matt Jackson) © vs Kota Ibushi & El Desperado
2. Yuji Nagata, Kazushi Sakuraba & Togi Makabe vs Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, TAKA Michinoku & Taichi)
3. NWA World Tag Titles: Rob Conway & Jax Dane © vs TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima)
4. CHAOS (Toru Yano & Takashi Iizuka) vs Daniel & Rolles Gracie
5. Loser Leaves New Japan: Ryusuke Taguchi vs Prince Devitt
6. CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & YOSHI-HASHI) vs Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Tama Tonga)
7. NEVER Openweight Title: Tomohiro Ishii © vs Tetsuya Naito
8. IWGP Heavyweight Tag Titles: Bullet Club (Karl Anderson & Doc Gallows) © vs Hirooki Goto & Katsuyori Shibata
9. IWGP Intercontinental Title: Hiroshi Tanahashi © vs Shinsuke Nakamura


I'm watching this Ultimate Warrior Ultimate Collection DVD. It has such classic matches as Ultimate Warrior vs Barry Horowitz and Ultimate Warrior vs Steve Lombardi. lol


So, I'm trying to use Unblock US on my tablet to see the Network but it doesn't work. It says it's active but the app tells me the media is not available on my current location.

Is anybody, non American, using the Network with the app? How did you do it?



All matches CPU vs CPU in Fire Pro Wrestling Returns RIP Masato Masuda

Trips VS Daniel Bryan

Trips VS Batista VS Randy Orton

Can he be stopped?!

Trips VS Lou Thesz



Lol at this Warrior vs Savage title vs title match with Rick Rude doing poses at ringside for half the match and Warrior and Savage are just ignoring him. I've never seen this match before.
Fuckin' Tripe H.

Now do Thesz vs Pat O'Connor!

Dragonzord said:
Sakuraba/Suzuki interaction is going to be amazing.

Hopefully, but it'll probably be Suzuki/Nagata for the most part, with Saku getting beat down by Taichi & TAKA, doing his crossbody out of the corner hope spot and getting the hot tag to Makabe. I'd love to see a Saku/Suzuki shootstyle section, though, even if it is just a minute or two.


So not worth it
So, I'm trying to use Unblock US on my tablet to see the Network but it doesn't work. It says it's active but the app tells me the media is not available on my current location.

Is anybody, non American, using the Network with the app? How did you do it?
Android? You can't, it uses your GPS.
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