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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Jim Ross, as noted last week, was called at about 6 p.m., or three hours before Raw started, to come to the Phillips Arena. He wrote that he had purchased an expensive new suit. As Vince likes to do, he had Michael Cole spray barbecue sauce all over the suit. Ross did write that the suit was ruined. Vince has on more than one occasion done that. He had wrestlers brawl on and ruin Howard Finkel’s car years ago that Finkel had just bought. Most likely after getting his jollies, the company will pay Ross back for his suit.

Vince is such a troll.


Galvanise_ said:
That's exactly what the WWE is.

When my mum has asked why I watch wrestling, I have said in the past 'its like a male soap opera' and she went 'ah right, gotcha'

I totally agree, that's also how I describe it, soap opera for men. However that's probably not how you actually want to bill it.
There was a lot of post-WrestleMania finger-pointing for all of the problems with the show. The general belief among what appears to be the majority in the company was that it was a great spectacle live, but from a booking standpoint and wrestling standpoint, aside from HHH vs. Undertaker, the show was not close to WrestleMania level. The two matches that took the most criticism were Cena vs. Miz and Lawler vs. Cole. In Cena vs. Miz, although they had a bad match, the problem was more how it was laid out to begin with, between the flat double count out finish, and then coming back and going immediately into the finish. Then Cena wasn’t even acting like he was upset by it the next day. The Rock-Cena dynamic that wound up, instead of creating a repeat of the 2002 Hogan vs. Rock moment, ended up with Rock actually getting booed for putting over Cena. Cena was both kind of criticized but more sympathized with on what happened. The feeling among several who have been in the position was that Cena should have been able to figure out that his Mania creative was crap and had it changed, noting that the top guys in almost every era would have. Cena apparently did complain to others about it, but didn’t ask for it to be changed. The feeling was that Cena, the guy who had to carry the company as the top face, came out of everything both unpopular and also secondary, and that the title also came off as secondary since the match and finish hurt both Cena and Miz. Still, it wasn’t the finish that did that, but the whole issue of the public not buying Miz at that level and lack of emphasis on the title. The title was in no way shape or form part of the draw in the match, which the only thing people cared about was what Rock would do to Cena and/or Miz at the end. There was also the feeling that Rock screwed Cena, and then instead of Cena looking for revenge, he got nothing back other than the handshake and endorsement that the public rejected. And now he has to carry the company again.
The Cena vs. Miz match was SO bad. This is coming from someone who's basically an outside observer who just started watching wrestling again like two months ago after taking about a decade off. I couldn't believe it was the main event. They didn't do any moves. Can Miz even do moves? I was shocked to see Miz go for pinfalls literally 2 minutes into the match, maybe less than that. What the fuck? There was just like random punches and kicks and that one spear by Cena outside the ring and that's it. It was just terrible. Any random luchador match on Smackdown or Raw was 10x better. I was expecting a HHH vs. Taker type of match and got this half-assed shit. I think they don't want their young super stars to take those riskier bumps because they'd be fucked if someone like Cena got injured for real.


DKehoe said:
My favourite ever story about HHH backstage politics is him trying to convince Vince not to put the title on Angle because he was "too small." Gerald Briscoe then asked HHH how he thought he would do against Angle in a fight and HHH didn't have any reply,

My favourite backstage story about HHH is when the WWE asked Scott Steiner to take a steroid test. Steiner replied "Sure, bring a limo and HHH, we can go together."
Heavy said:
Any random luchador match on Smackdown or Raw was 10x better. I was expecting a HHH vs. Taker type of match and got this half-assed shit. I think they don't want their young super stars to take those riskier bumps because they'd be fucked if someone like Cena got injured for real.

On the subject of luchadors. . .well, there has been fuck all of it for a long time.

On the subject of Cena, yeah, they'd be fucked if he got injured. They haven't replaced The Rock, Austin, Angle or Benoit yet. Heck, they haven't found anything even remotely as entertaining as the attitude era tag team title feud for the middle card. Womens wrestling is also shittier.

Chyna, Trish, Lita, Ivory, Victoria etc. They all look like wrestling gods compared to most of the junk at the moment. Natalya, Phoenix etc are good and could do it, but they are booked like jokes.

They haven't found a replacement for that roar that would happen when Jeff would climb ridiculously high to jump on someone etc. Even the recent MITB WM matches pale in comparison to that triple threat tag TLC match. They don't even come close.

There isn't even a guy that they've booked well enough that makes you think 'Fuck, fuck, this guy is going to clean house' like Kane did back in his heyday.


Anyone Remember these videos?:


Can you imagine them now?

"I know what you're thinking. "I'm not really an Action Soap Opera Star with Athletic prowess"

"I was a Reality TV Star"
"My Band Fozzy has performed infront of 20,000 fans"
"I was nominated for a Teen Choice Award"
"I starred in The Chaperone"

God Dammit
I love the new vignettes that WWE is using. It's really a technique that was lost for a long time. Del Rio's vignettes were great, Sin Cara's were weird but that had more to do with the fact that he can't speak English. The Undertaker vignette, though lame, did build up hype for Sting.

Kong's vignette was pretty damn good too. If this strategy is HHH's, give him control of this company ASAP.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
dream said:

Hornswoggle made me LOL...he's looking back at the guy behind him like, "Are you kidding me? He's seriously doing his entrance here?"


keep your strippers out of my American football
Four_Chamber said:
I love the new vignettes that WWE is using. It's really a technique that was lost for a long time. Del Rio's vignettes were great, Sin Cara's were weird but that had more to do with the fact that he can't speak English. The Undertaker vignette, though lame, did build up hype for Sting.

Kong's vignette was pretty damn good too. If this strategy is HHH's, give him control of this company ASAP.

The thing is HHH loves wrestling, wanted to be a wrestler. Vince wants to be a showman, some kind of entertainment exec and get respect as such. So he keep trying to make mainstream entertainment. HHH already runs the global tours, Vince is giving him development, I see him getting total control of booking within the next year as Vince concentrates on these other businesses he bought this week.

HHH was from the Hogan/Nash school of only taking care of your boys, but seems to have learned that doesn't work when you have to think about the good of the company long term.

Plinko said:
Hornswoggle made me LOL...he's looking back at the guy behind him like, "Are you kidding me? He's seriously doing his entrance here?"

I do wonder if internally this was the 'passing of the torch' moment. From Vince to Hunter.


Heavy said:
The Cena vs. Miz match was SO bad. This is coming from someone who's basically an outside observer who just started watching wrestling again like two months ago after taking about a decade off. I couldn't believe it was the main event. They didn't do any moves. Can Miz even do moves? I was shocked to see Miz go for pinfalls literally 2 minutes into the match, maybe less than that. What the fuck? There was just like random punches and kicks and that one spear by Cena outside the ring and that's it. It was just terrible. Any random luchador match on Smackdown or Raw was 10x better. I was expecting a HHH vs. Taker type of match and got this half-assed shit. I think they don't want their young super stars to take those riskier bumps because they'd be fucked if someone like Cena got injured for real.
That piece you posted pretty much sums up my feelings on it as well. They built up all of the hype around what The Rock was going to do to Cena. But why did that have to be involved in the title match? They could have had a program with someone else facing the Miz that would have been more entertaining and could have elevated to young guys and cemented them as great. I will go to the end of the WWE saying Morrison v. Miz would have stolen the show. In the few matches those guys have had, they are spectacular. It's like they elevate each other in the ring.

The WWE would never do it because you can't have a main event at 'Mania without Cena or Orton or Edge or Undertaker. But that's what's wrong right now. Too much of those guys crammed down our throats. Now two out of the four they have relied on for so many years have gone. Undertaker MIGHT be back by 'Mania and Edge is retired. So that leaves Cena and Orton and a vacuum of talent that the WWE doesn't want to book.

This should have been the 'Mania that elevated that talent and cemented them, especially since they knew Edge would be leaving and Undertaker was most certainly gone afterwards. But no, you make the young champion look weak and secondary to a feud that won't be hot until the Royal Rumble of 2012.

It was an extremely shitty 'Mania both from a booking perspective and from a fan perspective. And you're right, WWE is utterly fucked if Cena gets injured. He's been injured twice before, but they always had guys that could step up in his place like Batista, Orton, Edge and others. Now it's just he and Orton, and Orton's not exactly a piece of marble in there.

dskillzhtown said:
The thing is HHH loves wrestling, wanted to be a wrestler. Vince wants to be a showman, some kind of entertainment exec and get respect as such. So he keep trying to make mainstream entertainment. HHH already runs the global tours, Vince is giving him development, I see him getting total control of booking within the next year as Vince concentrates on these other businesses he bought this week.

HHH was from the Hogan/Nash school of only taking care of your boys, but seems to have learned that doesn't work when you have to think about the good of the company long term.
Triple H has a mind for the business like no other. I think we could see a renaissance of professional wrestling when he takes over not unlike the changes that came when Vince took over from his father. Granted, the industry isn't as "big" as it used to be back then, but I think Triple H knows what he needs to do to bring the core business back. Because once you bring wrestling fans back to the WWE, you'll get more interest in the other stuff they want to do.

That's what Vince fails to realize. If people like WWE, they will be more inclined to check out the other things involved with the product, such as their movies and other stuff. If you hate the WWE and think the on-air product, their main business, sucks, then you're not going to bother looking at anything else associated with it. Common sense.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Don't expect any huge changes with the WWE until Vince is on his deathbed or passed on. Just sayin'.
Edge was my favorite wrestler, after Bret Hart he had solid matches as a mid-carder. AND the Rated R superstar era was a JACKPOT, when he cashed it in against CENA!!! He won 11 World Championships in 5 years ONWARD! He could have probably beat Triple H's 13 world championship.. if healthy and become the guy to have the MOST World titles in single organization.

I wonder how much WWE will show of his final speech.


JdFoX187 said:
That piece you posted pretty much sums up my feelings on it as well. They built up all of the hype around what The Rock was going to do to Cena. But why did that have to be involved in the title match? They could have had a program with someone else facing the Miz that would have been more entertaining and could have elevated to young guys and cemented them as great. I will go to the end of the WWE saying Morrison v. Miz would have stolen the show. In the few matches those guys have had, they are spectacular. It's like they elevate each other in the ring.
I know you go on to suck Triple H's cock a few paragraphs later proclaiming that he'll part the seas and hit the reset button on every one of his father-in-law's crazy ideas (you actually used the term 'wrestling renaissance'), but the reason something like JoMo vs. Miz for the WWE Title wasn't booked for WrestleMania is that he didn't want to chance ANYTHING upstaging his precious matchup against the Undertaker in workrate.

This is the same man that made it an active point to bury entire tag team divisions and dozens upon dozens of wrestlers via his political stroke.

I'm not saying Hunter doesn't have some good ideas and a sound appreciation for the history of the wrestling business, because he does. But don't think for a second that all of these recent changes are simply a case of "appeasing crazy old man Vince" and that the glory days of the attitude era will return as soon as he croaks/is hospitalized/graciously steps aside (ha ha ha to that last one). Trips is on board with a number of those wacky ideas. The only thing I will give you is that he doesn't share his old man's love of 'roided out manhulks.


UberTag said:
I know you go on to suck Triple H's cock a few paragraphs later proclaiming that he'll part the seas and hit the reset button on every one of his father-in-law's crazy ideas (you actually used the term 'wrestling renaissance'), but the reason something like JoMo vs. Miz for the WWE Title wasn't booked for WrestleMania is that he didn't want to chance ANYTHING upstaging his precious matchup against the Undertaker in workrate.

This is the same man that made it an active point to bury entire tag team divisions and dozens upon dozens of wrestlers via his political stroke.

I'm not saying Hunter doesn't have some good ideas and a sound appreciation for the history of the wrestling business, because he does. But don't think for a second that all of these recent changes are simply a case of "appeasing crazy old man Vince" and that the glory days of the attitude era will return as soon as he croaks/is hospitalized/graciously steps aside (ha ha ha to that last one). Trips is on board with a number of those wacky ideas. The only thing I will give you is that he doesn't share his old man's love of 'roided out manhulks.
I'm not sucking his cock by any means. But reading reports, when he's run the show when Vince is away, or when he's done the overseas stuff, everything seems to go much more smoother and everyone involved seems to like it better. There have been many ideas that Vince himself has shot down, including a Christian title run, a larger push for the smaller guys like Evan Bourne, anything resembling a competent title scene and, my personal favorite, adding JR to the announcing booth again.

We don't know what's going to happen when Triple H takes over. We don't know how much of this is him just going through the motions not wanting to upset Vince, and how much of it is truly the two together coming up with these ideas. But it is obvious Vince has lost something over the years. He was once a brilliant promoter and booker, but has since lost all of that.

Whether we see an resurgence of the Attitude Era or not is moot. It's not coming back. But we could return to some quality wrestling if we just had competent people running the backstage and quelling politics. Triple H seems to have matured in recent years and isn't burying people for his own whims. And the reason we didn't see Morrison v. Miz is because Vince, in his infinite wisdom, doesn't think Morrison looks believable kicking someone's ass. Another....brilliant...idea from the chairman.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
It might sound absurd but I wonder sometimes if Vince's mind is deteriorating in his old age. The way he is, he'd never admit he is having mental health issues. He seems to get crazier and crazier every week.
DKehoe said:
My favourite ever story about HHH backstage politics is him trying to convince Vince not to put the title on Angle because he was "too small." Gerald Briscoe then asked HHH how he thought he would do against Angle in a fight and HHH didn't have any reply,

lol heard about this! According to Kurt Angle, Triple H is smart on who he puts over by submission and such.. He tapped out like what 3 times at Wrestlemania to Benoit, Cena, and Taker. He never tapped out to Kurt Angle, ever..

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
MetalFearSolid said:
Edge was my favorite wrestler, after Bret Hart he had solid matches as a mid-carder. AND the Rated R superstar era was a JACKPOT, when he cashed it in against CENA!!! He won 11 World Championships in 5 years ONWARD! He could have probably beat Triple H's 13 world championship.. if healthy and become the guy to have the MOST World titles in single organization.

I wonder how much WWE will show of his final speech.

Posts like these are so cute. :3


JdFoX187 said:
It was an extremely shitty 'Mania both from a booking perspective and from a fan perspective.
Hey now! :(

We were alot louder live than it came across on TV!

The pacing of the show was just horrid though, and by the time Miz/Cena came around, the crowd was just completely drained.
Matthew Gallant said:

LOL, I was rolling when he saw his dad

As somebody who lived on Long Island for a while, I'm such a homer for Z. I really, really want him to start getting some air time. It would have been nice to have him on Team APPLE instead of that nerd Daniel Bryan ;)

Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan, Zack Ryder => need a push ASAP :(
Sean "Val Venis" Morley rips John Morrison & Melina:

I've always been really nice to Johnny and Melina. I've always been really nice to them. I don't respect Johnny at all. And, you know, there are several reasons for that. And now, after snubbing Trish for supposedly taking Melina's spot at WrestleMania. You know what? Screw it. The reality of the situation is Melina, it's not your spot! It's Vince McMahon's spot and he's going to put in that spot whoever will be doing the best for the company and it's ain't you, ah-ah! It's Trish! You think you're on the same level as Trish, Melina? Come on! All that respect I might have had for you, which honestly was just a little bit, is completely thrown out the freakin' window now!

The reality is, your boyfriend Morrison is nothing but a chump ass bitch who has zero nuts! Zero nuts! What is it? First it's Mike Knox, then it's Batista? And the whole time Morrison goes on like, "It's not really happening. It's just, she doesn't really cheat on me." You're a freakin' ho Melina! You know what, I'm not even going to say freakin' anymore, you're a fucking slut, period! And Morrison you wanna go out there, and Melina, and snub, my t-dot girl Trish? Come on!

Melina, you're not the same level as Trish. If you want that spot so much, why instead of taking it out on Trish and saying, "uhhh she took my spot," why don't you think, "Hmmm... Vince chose Trish for that spot. How can I better improve my charisma, my in-ring ability, my marketability. So that the next time Vince decides to choose someone for a certain spot, you'll choose me." It's called competition. It's called free market competition Melina. But no, you can't handle that. You think you're owed that spot, you ain't owed nothing!

And then Morrison, you're going to walk around like Batista didn't tag your girl? You're going to walk around like Mike Knox didn't tag your girl? By the way, how does Mike Knox taste? How does Batista taste? How does, God knows how many other guys she's banged right under your nose. In fact, it wasn't even under your nose! You just pretend it was under your nose! You know the whole time it was fucking going on! God dang! So all and all, while you walk around snubbing Trish, a future Hall of Famer, you try and turn a ho into a house wife! Melina's nothing more than a glorified ring rat. I have zero respect for you Morrison.

And you know what? We're going to run into each other at some point in time. I'll walk right up to you with my chin stuck out and you either chin me, or beat it! But the reality is, you ain't got the balls to chin me! Cause the reality is, Trish has proven time and time again, to the entire world for that matter, that she has way bigger balls than you'll ever have.

Keep trying to turn that ho into a house wife! Fuck you Melina! Fuck you Morrison! Trying to knock my t-dot girl Trish, who actually earned a spot! God dang!

Anyone know what the hell "t-dot girl" means?


canadian crowe said:
The original plan for Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 27 was to have The Bella Twins in Sheamus’ corner and Gail Kim in Bryan’s corner but it doesn’t look like that will be happening. There was even talk of adding Ted Dibiase to the match at one point before plans were scrapped, which would have had Gail, The Bellas, and Maryse all at ringside. There has also been recent pushes by Stephanie McMahon to add Evan Bourne to the match, but Vince is said to be dead set against it, as he feels Evan isn’t big enough to even be considered for mid or upper card status. Bourne has been a hot button topic between the two McMahons for about a year now. Vince sees him as nothing more than a jobber to get others over, while Stephanie and her husband see a potential gold mine, as they feel he could potentially be the next Jeff Hardy, but without all the baggage.

Dear Jesus just retire already Vince. Trips and Steph have a far better sense of the business than Vince does. Perhaps because they still realize what business they are in.

@ the stupid banned terminology list

Competitor is not on that. Pick it up Matthews.


dream said:
Toronto girl.

Stop trying to stay relevant, Val Venis.
You guys are clearly going off on the wrong thing here.
Morley's just defending his fellow Ontarian.
He grew up around Toronto so he can employ the slang if he wishes.

What needs to be remarked about is that he's implying Melina cheated on JoMo with MIKE KNOX!?!?! That's news.

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