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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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DKehoe said:
But surely Vickie getting so over based just on her mic skills rather than her non existant in ring skills would just "prove" that is actually more valuable? (I'm not saying I personally believe that is the case, just that one example could be used to show it is)
Well, yeah. Another example would be Michael Cole as I've stated before.


Judderman said:
Please, for all that is good, stop getting trolled by dream.

I'm sorry. Here's a peace offering.

cjelly said:
What are the chances Ryder is FE'd within the next seven days?
If they're honestly in need of a roster culling, then that chance is very high. He wasn't even traded.

I'd say Primo has a high chance of getting FE'd as well.
dream said:
Who's he gonna work that style with? How is it going to look when 6'3 Randy Orton gets tapped via Cattle Mutilation by 5'9 Bryan Danielson?

Well there's the inherent problem. There's only a handful of guys Danielson could work a ROH style match with, but he doesn't need to work that style, he just needs more chances to wrestle. They should be playing up how dangerous in the ring he is because he's a veteran of dozens of styles, but instead they're playing up his negative aspects and that, combined with a lack of compelling matches given a fair running-time results in the situation you see him in at the moment. Also, how would it look if Bryan beat a guy the size of Orton? If booked correctly it'd look however WWE wanted it to look.

Whatever, at this point I'm just perplexed as to why WWE would even want to hire Bryan Danielson if this is how they're going to use him, and perplexed as to exactly what you expect out of him in the situations he's given, or why you continue to act so ignorant as to why a guy like him is failing to get over in those situations. There's dozens of guys on the indies who can wrestle better than half the current WWE roster but have more charisma and mic skills or a better look than Danielson ever has had, surely any of them would have been a better fit given the way WWE have been using him.

Judderman said:
Please, for all that is good, stop getting trolled by dream.

cjelly said:
What are the chances Ryder is FE'd within the next seven days?

I have stayed around through a lot of shit, but that would push me out I think. I know they are not interested in listening to fans, but the thought of tossing out a guy who did their hard work for them is maddening.
Keyser Soze said:
I have stayed around through a lot of shit, but that would push me out I think. I know they are not interested in listening to fans, but the thought of tossing out a guy who did their hard work for them is maddening.
But things like that have been happening for years in WWE. What makes Zack Ryder so different in that you'd stop watching if he, of all wrestlers, got released?


spindashing said:
This is the same company that has Vickie Guerrero as one of the top heels.

This is also the same company that has Michael Cole of all people as one of the company's top heels. He had a match with Jim Ross and is scheduled to fight in a PPV.

Mic Skills > Wrestling Ability.
Neither Vickie or Cole has the mic skills we know to be great like The Rock, Jericho, Guerrero, Austin, etc. - they're on the mic level with Stephanie McMahon during the 2000-2001 frame. It's "Mute your mother fuckin' TV". At least Stephanie was hot. Cole is an overweight loudmouth who does nothing put put himself over on commentary, and Vickie, though at least, resides on the sidelines and only takes up five minutes max of our time, managing the now-jobber Dolph Ziggler.


I don't care if Vickie had great mic skills or not... but that period where was she getting the most heat in the entire fucking company for just making her entrance means she was doing something right.
You're right. That is actually a great comparison in Stephanie McMahon.

They still manage to elicit a large negative reaction from the crowd and they still manage to get more air time than the favorites of the smarks that get little to no recognition in the WWE even if they have an intensive grappling/wrestling background. They may not be Steve Austin, The Rock or Chris Jericho, but if they're getting such a reaction from fans, they're doing something correctly.

Above all else, I guess it's safe to say that it's all in the creative's hands. If they don't have anything in mind for your favorite wrestler(s), then they won't be utilized until that happens or ultimately such a thing may not even happen.


Striker said:
Neither Vickie or Cole has the mic skills we know to be great like The Rock, Jericho, Guerrero, Austin, etc. - they're on the mic level with Stephanie McMahon during the 2000-2001 frame. It's "Mute your mother fuckin' TV". At least Stephanie was hot. Cole is an overweight loudmouth who does nothing put put himself over on commentary, and Vickie, though at least, resides on the sidelines and only takes up five minutes max of our time, managing the now-jobber Dolph Ziggler.

Cole's mic skills are great when he's in the ring and giving normal promos. They go to shit when he's supposed to act angry or 'badass' and starts screaming the same thing over and over.


JavyOO7 said:
I don't care if Vickie had great mic skills or not... but that period where was she getting the most heat in the entire fucking company for just making her entrance means she was doing something right.

Yeah, I have to agree with this. She was at her best with heel Edge. I loved those two together.


Like I said a little while back it doesn't matter if they are getting over for the "wrong" reasons, if they are over then push them.
Kusagari said:
Cole's mic skills are great when he's in the ring and giving normal promos. They go to shit when he's supposed to act angry or 'badass' and starts screaming the same thing over and over.
I have to disagree with your latter part. Those actions make him into a cheap/petty villain. Even his inconsistency as a heel if he later roots for a face on commentary paints him as a two-faced villain who'll switch sides with no allegiances.

He's no Bobby Heenan, but he's doing a good job.
dream said:
I agree with you, Bootaaay. Daniel Bryan does not belong in WWE and should be let go.


Bryan Danielson belongs in a wrestling promotion, any wrestling promotion that actually, y'know, promotes wrestling, but despite that I hope he has a long and fruitful career with the WWE, even if it means seeing one of the best technical wrestlers in the world continually misused and under-utilised - and hey, maybe sometime in the future WWE might decide that they actually want to be a wrestling company again, in which case having a guy like Bryan Danielson to hand would be pretty useful.


You know, there was a 1 month period where he was training at Xtreme Couture for a possible MMA fight. I really wish that had happened.


Striker said:
Some guy on this other forum said he's Bobby Heenan of our generation. I facepalmed.
That should have been this guy :(

dream said:
You know, there was a 1 month period where he was training at Xtreme Couture for a possible MMA fight. I really wish that had happened.
I think Danielson was just training there for fun, not to be an actual fighter.
Michael Cole has elements of Bobby Heenan, Jesse Ventura and even Jerry Lawler in his act. No one can replace any of those commentators in my opinion.

Love or hate Michael Cole, but we were long overdue for another heel persona on commentary.

DKehoe, thanks for that painful reminder. =(


Kusagari said:
Cole's mic skills are great when he's in the ring and giving normal promos. They go to shit when he's supposed to act angry or 'badass' and starts screaming the same thing over and over.
Which begs the question, how much of what he says is actually Vince squaking in his ear, and how much is him working on the fly? A lot of the good heelish things he says seem like they're coming straight from Vince. But when he starts screaming and going on like he did against R-Truth that one night in Milwaukee, that seems like Cole trying to improvise and is doing a terrible job.

Bootaaay said:

Bryan Danielson belongs in a wrestling promotion, any wrestling promotion that actually, y'know, promotes wrestling, but despite that I hope he has a long and fruitful career with the WWE, even if it means seeing one of the best technical wrestlers in the world continually misused and under-utilised - and hey, maybe sometime in the future WWE might decide that they actually want to be a wrestling company again, in which case having a guy like Bryan Danielson to hand would be pretty useful.
I don't understand why they don't give him the Chris Benoit gimmick of an intense badass that just comes out, embarrasses his opponents in the ring by technical wrestling and then leaves. He showed hints of that during the debut of Nexus. And then he came back as the happy go lucky nerd when he was rehired. I truly wonder what he would be like had he not been fired.


I think the best role for Cole would be to manage a group of guys Miz, Riley, Swagger, maybe another too. He could come out and commentate for those matches only, that way he builds up heat for those guys while not burying the rest of the show.


Look at it this way, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger. Three of the best performers in the WWE right now. Simply look at where they're on in the WWE's booking parade and wonder if they belong where they're at.

Creative writing team©
spindashing said:
But things like that have been happening for years in WWE. What makes Zack Ryder so different in that you'd stop watching if he, of all wrestlers, got released?

I kinda agree with Keyser -- Ryder getting FE'ed would really turn me off to the WWE. And this is coming from someone who hasn't really watched Ryder wrestler. So why would I be pissed? Because it's so easy to see the guy genuinely is working his ass off to get over, managed to do that, and is not getting rewarded for it.

That, to me, is just sad. And it's so annoying when the veterans tell the young guys to "work hard to earn their spot," when it's obvious that it's all bullshit. Oh wellz.
Dork Knight said:
I kinda agree with Keyser -- Ryder getting FE'ed would really turn me off to the WWE. And this is coming from someone who hasn't really watched Ryder wrestler. So why would I be pissed? Because it's so easy to see the guy genuinely is working his ass off to get over, managed to do that, and is not getting rewarded for it.

That, to me, is just sad. And it's so annoying when the veterans tell the young guys to "work hard to earn their spot," when it's obvious that it's all bullshit. Oh wellz.

I'm with you. All these old fogies are resting on their laurels while guys like Ryder (who NEVER complains and still is a WWE shill) work their asses off.


Striker said:
Look at it this way, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger. Three of the best performers in the WWE right now. Simply look at where they're on in the WWE's booking parade and wonder if they belong where they're at.

Creative writing team©
Throw CM Punk into that mix as well. He may be getting upper card feuds, but he's still being shit on by creative. I just don't understand how it's so simple, yet they completely ignore it. I keep reading about how every time ratings take a dip, Vince runs back to Cena and Orton. But you know, ratings have been dropping for a while now, and it should be obvious to everyone that those two aren't the cure since they're not helping the ratings.
Tyler Reks is probably going to get TV time thanks to the draft, even if only for a week.

The same man that got to job out Kaval, and was never heard from again.

I hope he chokes on his stupid haircut.


formerly cjelly
JdFoX187 said:
Throw CM Punk into that mix as well. He may be getting upper card feuds, but he's still being shit on by creative. I just don't understand how it's so simple, yet they completely ignore it. I keep reading about how every time ratings take a dip, Vince runs back to Cena and Orton. But you know, ratings have been dropping for a while now, and it should be obvious to everyone that those two aren't the cure since they're not helping the ratings.
Punk's singles career has been on hold since his WHC feud with Hardy. That ended back in... September 2009?

I'd be pissed if I was him, to be fair.


Here is a Cody Rhodes interview done by marvel comics. His jacket that he wore monday started out as a Minister Sinister theme idea.

Also, for Punk the whole contract thing will be either he leaves like Jericho for a while and then comes back and they push him hard or its him trying to get the most out of the WWE because he has the leverage with the loss of EDGE. If they promise him more money and a title run he will be back.

edit: Found this funny:

The more I think about it, the more I feel the Draft has really screwed Punk over. Hes gone from being the number 2 heel on Raw down to the number 3 one behind Del Rio and the Miz. I really don't blame the guy for playing hardball with the WWE right now. As much as love the guy I kinda hope he does take some time off so the WWE knows what they are missing without him.

With Regal going to Smackdown with Daniel Bryan I really hope they do something with the two, even if its to either team them up as a tag team or maybe have Regal be his manager or something. Regal is gold on the mic and pairing him and Bryan up would be an amazing idea.


Worthintendo said:
The more I think about it, the more I feel the Draft has really screwed Punk over. Hes gone from being the number 2 heel on Raw down to the number 3 one behind Del Rio and the Miz. I really don't blame the guy for playing hardball with the WWE right now. As much as love the guy I kinda hope he does take some time off so the WWE knows what they are missing without him.

With Regal going to Smackdown with Daniel Bryan I really hope they do something with the two, even if its to either team them up as a tag team or maybe have Regal be his manager or something. Regal is gold on the mic and pairing him and Bryan up would be an amazing idea.

CM Punk behind Del Rio as heel? Are you kidding?

I know you guys like Del Rio but come on...
Cruceh said:
Wow, I remembered last year's thread and this is almost 10,000 posts more than last year. Wrestling is bigger than ever?
Cuz some of us didn't start getting pushed until the summer. we had to elevate orselves because people like Outcast were holding us down.
I know it's the 'E etc etc but has anyone mentioned how ridiculous it is that Cena got drafted to Smackdown, fights FOR Smackdown, loses, and then because of that somehow gets drafted back to Raw? Like, shouldn't Teddy Long be furious? The entire thing boggles the mind. It makes no sense! Why have a draft? Ahhhhhhhh!

They should've just had Orton and Cena going back and forth each time the other brand won a draft pick. I mean, why the hell not?
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