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April Wrasslin |OT| WrassleMania Sucked

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Plywood said:
Why you gotta hate brah? Besides she's totally BFF with whoever this girl next to her in this picture is.


Not a flattering picture. Nowhere near as bad as Melina without makeup. AJ looks practically the same though, so spin should be happy.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
sleepykyo said:
Not a flattering picture. Nowhere near as bad as Melina without makeup. AJ looks practically the same though, so spin should be happy.
She looks just fine. Regardless it doesn't matter I was a Kaitlyn mark before being a Kaitlyn mark was mainstream.


Lunchbox said:
spindashing must've went shopping



Watching some ADR since I missed all of wrestling last year.

ADR vs Rey (debut)

Pretty decent for its length. Ended too soon, IMO. Is his finish really that armbar? That's some neat shit. :)

ADR vs Matt Hardy
Okay for what it was but you can tell that Fatt Hardy was lagging behind at some points. A far cry to what he was when he had the ECW title. No, seriously!

Wanted to get ADR vs Mysterio on SD from their 2 out of 3 but Youtube is currently failing me on that regard. =p
Got my copies of CHIKARA's King of Trios today and just got done watching Night 1 which, from top to bottom, was just a really fun show - here's a quick write-up, I won't spoil anything;

They kick things off with a nice tribute to Larry Sweeney as the locker-room leads the fans in showing their appreciation and many of the CHIKARA roster members are wearing pink armbands in honour of Sweeney.

The first match up is The Osirian Portal vs 3.0'le - fun opening match that does a good job of getting the crowd into things without trying to do too much. They mix up the usual Osirian hypnosis spot as Generico tries to hypnotize the Portal, only to hypnotize his own team instead. Another funny spot was an arm-bar chain that led all the way out of the ring and into the crowd. Also, I loved Matthews missing the running knee, screaming "I MISSED HIM!" and running back to hit the move, which was in the latest Botchamania.

Next up F.I.S.T. of Gargano, Taylor & Icarus take on the debuting Team Australia. This is my first time seeing the Aussie guys and, other than Tama Williams who has a good look and executes the few moves he's given well, I'm not terribly impressed. Percy is scrawny as hell and awkward in the ring, while Kabel is just a 7ft bean pole who looked awful throughout. Waste of a tournament spot, imo, I would have preferred to see a Team Britain contingent considering they already have Zach Sabre Jr on the card.

3rd tournament match is The BDK vs Da Soul Touchaz. Somewhat of a weird BDK team here, with Donst captaining over Delirious and BDK ring announcer Jacob Hammerheimer. This match was a bit of a throwaway, but good fun nonetheless.

Next it was The Amazing Red & The Maximo's vs Jigsaw, Mike Quackenbush & Manami Toyota - first excellent match of the evening. It's great to see The S.A.T. again, although they've lost some of their pace and gained some weight from their ROH days - still, their tag team double & triple team moves are still exceptionally fluid and inventive and they put up a good fight against the campeonatos de parejas champions and joshi wrestling legend Manami Toyota. The finish was really special as
Quack did the Larry Sweeney strut, hit the '68 Comeback Special and then hit the 12 Large elbow drop from the top rope for the 3-count

5th match is The Spectral Envoy vs Team Dragon Gate - quite an odd Dragon Gate team here as, while Tozawa has made a name for himself in the US, Kagetora & Super Shisa are relatively unknown. Shisa is the guy that invented the Yoshi Tonic though, which you may have seen Melina using as her Last Call finisher. Anyways, this match was pretty fast paced with a ton of great spots and a good finish, but a notch below Jig/Quack/Toyota vs The S.A.T.'s imo.

Next up was a hilarious match as the breakout stars of last year's King of Trios, Team Osaka Pro, go up against The Throwbacks of Dasher Hatfield, Sugar Dunkerton & Matt Classic. Harada & Kotoge have brought Ultimate Spider Jr. with them this time, and he seems like a great young high flyer. Lots of goofy spots in this one, as to be expected. Sugar challenges Kotoge to a foot race across the ropes, but is gassed after a couple of laps, which elicits a "race of the year" chant from the crowd. Later on the ref calls a foul on Sugar, so Kotoge gets two penalty throws of Sugar's basketball, while Harada pisses off Dasher by stealing his home run spot. Matt Classic is freaking awesome, as usual, with his old-timey push-up's and fear of heights.

The penultimate match sees The Colony take on Sinn Bodhis' Dark Army with rudo referee Derek Sabato officiating. I don't know why, but for whatever reason I couldn't get into this match. I'm not a fan of Bodhi and this didn't seem a whole lot different from other Colony matches in previous years tournaments. Probably should've been lower on the card imo.

The final match of the evening saw Team Minnesota take on Team Michinoku Pro and this one was a corker. 1-2-3 Kid is over huge and looks genuinely stunned at the overwhelming reception he receives from the CHIKARA crowd, but the place goes nuts for the legend that is Great Sasuke. This was just an awesome match on so many levels - Corbin has been about for a long while but has improved a ton in recent years and the crowd goes wild when he initiates a slow-motion sequence against Sasuke. Shinzaki is great too and still has that amazing balance, every time he and 1-2-3 Kid are in the ring together it's gold.

Overall Night 1 was a really fun and, apart from the Colony match, a well paced show. Lots of fun matches and four great ones that, while probably being out-done by Night 2 and Night 3, contribute to a great opening evening for the tournament. Can't wait to watch the rest and can't recommend these shows enough;



I'm skipping the draft stuff unless someone really really really wants to read it.

The official WrestleMania 27 live numbers for 4/3 were released this past week and they are again, different numbers then were announced publicly by WWE.
They also contradict WWE’s claim, even with adjusted numbers, of setting the “entertainment” record at the Georgia Dome.

There were actually 68,190 total seats available. The listed total tickets used for the show was 61,617 according to information released this past week in arena/concert business journals, exactly 10,000 less than the 71,617 announced that night. In recent years, the announced attendance and actual attendance at Mania usually is marked up in that range. With luxury boxes added, that would probably mean a number closer to 65,000 actually in the arena. It was listed as 90% full, and not a complete sellout, even though there were no tickets available for much of the last few weeks.

The gate was $6,268,391, a little lower than the $6.6 million the company announced after the show. It was still the second largest gate in U.S. pro wrestling history and likely the third biggest overall, trailing WrestleMania 25 in Houston and the 1998 Antonio Inoki retirement show at the Tokyo Dome.

The 61,617 tickets would move the show down from what would have been the fifth largest crowd in company history based on the original announced number, to the tenth largest, as it drew exactly six people more than WrestleMania 25 in Houston.

The building “entertainment” record was claimed by WWE, citing the building as a source, that the old record was 65,658 for a Backstreet Boys concert on February 19, 2000. Concert industry numbers released at the time in several places listed that concert, which is still listed as one of the biggest attended concerts ever in the United States, as 73,337 in attendance and $2,787,098. As noted, it is possible, and even probable, that the number WWE claimed for the Backstreet Boys could be accurate and an exaggerated figure was released at the time and has been repeated for the last decade plus. But even using that lower number, the WWE attendance would not have beaten it.

PPV numbers based on the WWE calender of when numbers are usually released, would not be released until late May, because the show took place in April and not March. However, the WWE is doing its quarterly investors conference on 5/5, and it is very likely the Mania PPV number will be talked about there.

The Scott Hall saga gets worse as his wife, Dana, and Kevin Nash both indicated on twitter that things weren’t looking good. His wife indicated she thought that his son had seen his father for the last time. He was hospitalized again this past week, and with heart problems, he refuses to stop drinking and doing drugs. Nash claimed Hall was not a drug addict or an alcoholic, despite showing all outward signs of being both, saying he was suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. But whatever you label him, the end result is self destructive behavior that has ruined his heart at a relatively young age. Dana Hall noted Scott hasn’t seen his 19-year-old son in two years until his son went to say goodbye to him when Hall was in the hospital last week. He also hadn’t seen his 16-year-old daughter in several months. She noted in August his daughter visited him in the hospital when he’d been doing crack, and spent all of the money he had on it, which led to his child support check bouncing. Nash said people can’t blame wrestling on Hall, and his wife said Hall had problems before wrestling, but that she does blame wrestling, saying wrestling made his problems worse. Nash said Hall has gotten so bad that he thinks any phone call from him could be his last.

TNA has requested a trademark on the term “Impact Wrestling,” which at this point will be the term pushed in the upcoming marketing campaign.

Regarding some talk regarding Dixie Carter and Janice Carter, started by the Honky Tonk Man who said Janice has replaced Dixie and Dixie is no longer running the company. The deal is, as was reported here months back, that because the company was not in the black, Janice Carter (Dixie’s mother) was cutting back on the funding going to the company and thus forcing them into cutting back on spending. This included a couple of contracts that came due and people being offered lesser deals than they had, and also some cuts and very few new people being brought in. This has something to do, although not said by anyone publicly, with Kevin Nash being offered a lesser deal, which he did end up signing, but then asked out (and it was Dixie, not Janice, who let him out), and Sting’s signing for this year being delayed. Janice is the person in charge of the major financial decisions and that is not new, but has been the case for months. However, Dixie is still calling most of the shots except when it comes to spending or anything affecting the bottom line. It’s been reported in some places that Janice Carter was responsible for Ric Flair not being on television anymore shirtless, but that call was made by Dixie, as it has to do with the televised product and Dixie still has final call on that.

(isn't it really fucking embarrassing for the president of a company to basically have her allowance cut by mommy?)

A story on the website cagesideseats.com talked about the Shannon Spruill lawsuit against TNA. The lawsuit stemmed from medical bills during her tenure with the company, which may have sped up her departure from the company, which came when her contract expired a few months ago. She suffered three concussions in a relatively short period of time, the first from a choke slam off the ropes out of the ring by Abyss where she went through a barbed wire board. The second came from being hit with a tool box by Tara and the third came when she got sat on too hard by Rosie Lottalove in a tryout match, which, resulted in Lottalove getting hired with a lame horny fat girl gimmick that didn’t last long. A few thoughts on this. The first is that while many were appalled at the time of her first injury with even asking her to take that kind of a bump, she told people outside of the company shortly after it happened that she was proud she was asked and felt being asked to do so was an honor. So I question how much reluctance there was on her part to take it. Having said that, it was a high-risk low-reward scenario. You can argue that at times stunt bumps if they become memorable can help a career (Jeff Hardy and Mick Foley come to mind, and keep in mind you can debate that issue–but both became big stars and made a lot of money, and both also suffered damage from long-term effects). But most often, they are quickly forgotten, don’t get anyone over and aren’t worth the risk, and this specific case falls into that category. But whether the move was or wasn’t a good idea, and whether or not it helped her career, and whether she was reluctant or proud to do it, it is simply unconscionable that when she was injured, TNA would not pay her medical bills. And that would be the case even if she twisted her ankle doing something relatively safe. The story quoted an unnamed TNA employee as saying she was hesitant to do the move (again, a conversation with her with someone who is a good friend of mine would contest that) but Terry Taylor and Vince Russo talked her into it and told her how important it was to do the spot for the program she was in. Spruill and TNA reportedly then went back-and-forth over her ensuing hospital bill over several months. It stated TNA was holding out on paying, claiming the credit agency would eventually settle for less money. But that didn’t work, and eventually TNA said they were not responsible for the bill. Keep in mind this case at a time when TNA money was tight and they were juggling bills paying a lot of things late. They also wouldn’t pay her medical bills from the second injury when Lottalove sat on her and injured her sternum. She suffered her third concussion in December, ironically the same time TNA was doing that Mr. Anderson concussion angle. This was on the first of five shows being taped that week because they were going on their holiday break. They pressured her to continue to work that taping since the stuff was scripted. She refused to wrestle. She was scheduled for a photo shoot that week that she could have done, but TNA then canceled her from it. She stopped being used around that point and was cut when her contract expired, although by that time had filed a workmen’s compensation case against TNA, which is trying to claim she was an independent contractor and thus they are not responsible for her medical bills. The story also claimed others were in the process of filing similar claims for injuries. TNA has paid for the care of some injuries, but not others, depending it seems, on the level of star the performer is. It is well-known that many injured TNA wrestlers will not get checked out, particularly go to the emergency room on the road, because they are afraid of the cost. One of the reasons Ron Killings left the promotion was them refusing to pay for his knee surgery from an injury that occurred on a non-TNA show, but a show the company booked him to appear on. The Konnan lawsuit (for racial discrimination) pattern would indicate the company will threaten back, delay, try and make the person back down, and at the end, settle rather than having this go to court.

Almost nothing has been announced for Sacrifice, the next PPV, on 5/15 from Orlando, and as best we can tell the company doesn’t even have a lineup for the show. The mentality is that since nobody buys PPV shows, they only promote them the last week or two. While nobody knows numbers, based on some cable info we’ve gotten, the numbers at this point are at a core level and they, with the exception of Bound for Glory, range from about 9,000 to maybe 20,000. The bad news is with the weak buildup, Lockdown appeared to be significantly lower than in prior years. Sting vs. RVD is the announced title match main event. The TV angles indicate Mr. Anderson will be added in some form, although we’ve had that three-way to death and nobody cares about it. The belt isn’t over and I don’t know if it ever can be unless they have a great champion and treat it different, and even then, they don’t have a clue how to do it and there’s no guarantee you even could do it. But nobody has cared about title matches either and that’s because you’ve got the wrong guys in the mix. Sting is perceived as a star to their audience, because they skew so much older than WWE. But he can only have “world title matches” that mean something when in with a top worker (Angle, Styles and maybe Jarrett). Anderson can talk like a champion, but he also needs an opponent. RVD comes off like he doesn’t care and has been booked so badly and again, he also needs the right guy. Putting Matt Morgan and Scott Steiner into the mix isn’t going to help. The title has been a distant second as far as interest to Angle-Jarrett anyway. The direction they appear to be going, and probably not all of this will be PPV, is Morgan vs. Steiner in a top contenders match, Styles vs. Bully Ray, Karen & Jeff Jarrett vs. Angle & a mystery woman partner (Expected to be Lindsay Hayward, the 6-foot-9 women that was going to be on the women’s season of NXT, that’s not confirmed but her start date is soon so it makes sense), Beer Money vs. Ink Inc. Abyss vs. Crimson, Hernandez & Anarquia vs. Motor City Machine Guns, Tara vs. Madison Rayne (although that has been a slow build) and Kazarian vs. Max Buck for the X title (based on Max winning the title shot at the PPV, although at TV they’ve done nothing in that direction).

Jay Lethal was released from his contract after the PPV. This surprised a lot of people in the company because when he was given the ball, he did well, and at one point Eric Bischoff had sung his praises as a future star. He was one of those guys that the promotion would get behind (he had wins over both Flair and Angle among others) but then forget about. They teased a main event level push for him several months back and then before you knew it, he disappeared. I don’t know if this is connected, but the timing makes it seem like it was, but the X Division guys at the PPV were complaining heavily about nothing being done with them after all the talk was putting them in the spotlight a few months ago. This may have been the response to the complaints.

They are doing a series of baseball stadium shows this summer that would be promoted by the local minor league team. They did one show last year in Brooklyn and drew 5,500 fans. The idea is they will bring in a special guest for most of the shows. The shows will be 6/10 in Marion, IL (no guest announced), 6/11 in Memphis with Sting as the guest, 6/18 in Buffalo with Hulk Hogan as the guest and 7/1 back in Brooklyn with Flair as the guest. I believe they’ll be doing fireworks at some of the shows, and when it comes to minor league baseball, fireworks nights are huge draws.

Dave Bautista did one of those TMZ interviews when they found him roaming through LAX saying his Strikeforce deal fell through when UFC bought Strikeforce. I don’t think anyone seriously believed it was ever going to happen, and he was just doing a Kurt Angle to keep his name in the news. He’s been out of the country filming action movies.

Some more notes on this week’s concept for the new television network. The network is a big part of the rebranding World Wrestling Entertainment to WWE. The idea is they are going to do their own network and don’t want it perceived as a pro wrestling channel. The problem is the term WWE will be perceived as pro wrestling. If they don’t want the perception, they should give the channel another name, but that doesn’t come with the built-in fan loyalty they are counting on. They want to air scripted programming as well as programming that can use the marketing concepts of WWE, which is a television show, market the characters with merchandise in stores and even tour with it. The Harlem Globetrotters would be a perfect fit, but right now they don’t want to do sports. Someone explained the concept would be like Dora the Explorer or High School Musical, where you have a cartoon, you merchandise the characters and you can tour with it. It was also noted that they are looking at using people like Drew Carey to come up with programming ideas. It was said that NBC or ESPN are initials, and while they stand for something, nobody knows what it is anymore and they’d like WWE to be like ESPN in that regard, just an entertainment television show. The TV channel would feature a lot of wrestling, particularly the old tapes. They are currently digitizing the library and trying to upgrade some of it to HD for the channel, but that is a very slow process. The network would also likely include the TV properties that they can’t get TV deals for, like NXT, Superstars and some of the recap shows are sold internationally. The idea is that the New York Yankees were involved with the YES Network, and now the network is valued more than the franchise that is the backbone of the network. So that’s the role model, with the idea they can make the network where wrestling is the backbone programming, be worth more than the wrestling franchise, in a best case scenario.

While anything is possible in this environment, right now the idea is for Ross to remain on television for however long this angle goes. The fact he’s done real strong quarter hours may stretch the angle out longer. Just based on the whole angle, you’d sense the final payoff would be Ross & Lawler back together on Raw, but at least for now, there are no plans for Ross coming back to announce. It’s not like Mania where nothing was official but everyone pretty much assumed it was happening.

Del Rio has been termed to me as someone who has become a master politician and has picked up how to navigate in the company quicker than almost anyone. Probably the wrestling family with a father and uncle who went everywhere and did everything in the business and listening.

The advances for both Raw in Miami and the Extreme Rules show in Tampa were said to be just so-so. One would think Raw would sell out with Rock being advertised, but we’re told it’s going to need to very good final week to do so.

Some more Tough Enough notes. The control of the show was WWE and Shed Media, but most of the shots were called by Shed Media. Shed Media was the company that put the deal together to get Steve Austin. But nobody got 100% input on the show and there was give-and-take on disagreements. WWE hates the terms indy wrestling, indy promotion, working indies, etc. being used on the show. Both the USA Network and Shed Media liked those terms, so they are not edited out of the show if the cast uses them. The cast was able to use terms like pro wrestling and pro wrestlers without editing, however on the 4/25 show, when Bret Hart talked about being a “professional wrestler,” they actually sound edited the word “wrestler,” out, which came across as awkward on television. Shed Media and the USA Network were pushing for Rima Fakih to win, feeling her participation and winning would give the show lots of press after the season and build momentum for the second season, but as the show went on, that was impossible to justify and Fakih, the least skilled of the competitors, was cut on this past week’s show. While on the show she said that she would make her way back and make it in the profession, that had been a common response of people on the show who were cut, and the vast majority never go to indies, or if they do, give up on them relatively quickly. Since the show ended, she hasn’t talked about getting into wrestling. Eric Watts and Ricardo Rodriguez worked together in Southern California indies and are very good friends. Both trained together starting out. At one point during the filming it was acknowledged that Christina Crawford was the sister of Alicia Fox. But nobody knows if that will make the final edit. The people all wanted an African American woman on the show and very few applied. They picked her and also picked a second one who had no wrestling experience or knowledge and she was cut right away. They would have used Trinity McCray (Naomi Night) in that spot but people had seen her on NXT. Michelle Deighton got the spot partially because of being married to Johny Fairplay and being on “America’s Next Top Model.”

Michaels has filed to trademark two new names, Mr. HOF and Mr. Hall of Fame, so apparently WWE is going to give him those nicknames. Since he retired WWE has wanted to market him as the greatest wrestler of all-time since he’s got the long-term contract with the company.

Raw on 4/25 did a 3.47 rating and 5.20 million viewers. That is up from last year’s draft the same week last year which did a 3.08 rating over three hours and 3.31 over the final two hours, but that show also went head-to-head with Impact. It was No. 3 on cable for the night behind two episodes of Pawn Stars. The show had a 70% male skew.
In the segment-by-segment, the long R-Truth interview gained 158,000 viewers, which is very much a positive because long segments with talent that hasn’t been pushed usually doesn’t keep the audience. The Morrison attacking R-Truth, Eve Torres vs. Layla and Layla-Michelle McCool fight gained 290,000 viewers, also a strong showing. Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus lost 260,000 viewers. Jim Ross vs. Michael Cole gained 366,000 viewers to a 3.76 quarter, which ended up being the highest point of the show. Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler lost 540,000 viewers. Ziggler looking like a piece of cardboard doesn’t help any, but that is a segment that is usually a losing segment, but this lost more viewers than usual. Wade Barrett vs. Rey Mysterio gained 16,000 viewers. The main event of John Cena & Mark Henry & Christian vs. The Miz & Alberto Del Rio & C.M. Punk gained 321,000 viewers to a 3.62 overrun, which is well under the usual overrun growth.

In the segment-by-segment, Beer Money vs. Rob Terry & Murphy lost 89,000 viewers. The Hogan, RVD and Sting in-ring gained 296,000 viewers to a 1.32 making it the highest rated segment on the show. Sarita & Rosita vs. Tara & Madison Rayne lost 266,000 viewers. The angle where supposed horse shit came from the sky onto Karen Jarrett gained 44,000 viewers. Abyss vs. RVD lost 118,000 viewers and that’s with Hogan at ringside. Matt Morgan-Scott Steiner in-ring and Velvet Sky-Winter backstage with Angelina Love gained 74,000 viewers. And the Sting vs. Matt Hardy title match gained 133,000 viewers and did a 1.23 quarter, second best of the show.


GaimeGuy said:
alternatively, people like the rare JR appearance.
WWE will construe it as people want to see more Michael Cole, thus he will go over at Extreme Rules and will commentate every match and do the ring announcements.


Rafa=FedKilla said:
Can't believe WWE is doing this revisionist history by saying Michaels as the greatest wrestler.
They do it all the time. Every time Orton and Cena have a match, it's billed as the greatest match of the greatest two superstars ever to get into a WWE ring.
JdFoX187 said:
They do it all the time. Every time Orton and Cena have a match, it's billed as the greatest match of the greatest two superstars ever to get into a WWE ring.

Hell, next week's birthday party for the Rock is the best birthday party celebration in the history of birthday parties that have been celebrated.
Dork Knight said:
Hell, next week's birthday party for the Rock is the best birthday party celebration in the history of birthday parties that have been celebrated.
I dunno, Batista doing his entrance with a birthday cake for HHH is still pretty hilarious to me.


bigosc2k said:
Not too long Hogan and Bischoff are in the company
TNA was poking along without them before, they'll do so after they leave. Who knows, perhaps they'll even start working a little better without the massive overhead that comes with Bischoff and Hogan's salaries and those of their boys.


HarryDemeanor said:
They need to drag Mick Foley to the ring and do This Is Your Life Part 3.

He wants to go but he need permission from TNA to go to that RAW. So knowing Dixie he will be there on monday.

edit: Jericho teasing a return at extreme rules. Though it would make sense if he interfered in the Orton match because he took him out and then he can go to smackdown and start a feud with Orton.



JdFoX187 said:
TNA was poking along without them before, they'll do so after they leave. Who knows, perhaps they'll even start working a little better without the massive overhead that comes with Bischoff and Hogan's salaries and those of their boys.

Russo needs to go away right after them, though. Shoot, they need a creative staff period. See what happens when you try to be WWE-lite? =p


Spider from Mars said:
The problem with that is Smackdown...I don't want to watch Smackdown so I guess that means he will have to come to Raw.

From an interview I read, it appears Jericho wants to be a heel for the rest of his career. That'll be tough to do on Raw with Miz, Del Rio, Punk, and Truth all doing the same thing.


JavyOO7 said:
Russo needs to go away right after them, though. Shoot, they need a creative staff period. See what happens when you try to be WWE-lite? =p
I think TNA is trying to be what WWE was 10 years ago, more than WWE lite. The problem is, they're combining some quality performers and a more violent product with overbooking. Simple is better. But TNA doesn't realize that. You're right, Russo needs to go, because the whole product reeks of his stench. But their reliance on trying to make a similar product to WWE and using old WWE talent is the least of their worries.

Barrage said:
From an interview I read, it appears Jericho wants to be a heel for the rest of his career. That'll be tough to do on Raw with Miz, Del Rio, Punk, and Truth all doing the same thing.
If Punk is gone in a couple months as the reports state, Del Rio, Miz and Truth will be the only ones left. I'm sure Miz will be face by the end of the year. Jericho could easily come in and blame the fans for not voting for him on Dancing with the Stars, despite he being the most talented.


Punk should take time off, grow his hair back down to his neck then come back and win the title. :D

Actually, Mark Henry and Ezekiel Jackson will be forming Nation of Domination.

Their leader?

CM Funk


I wonder if Punk can afford to take time off like Jericho and some of these other guys. Jericho has book royalties, television appearances, Fozzy and several lines of income that he can walk at any point and not take a hit in his lifestyle.

Punk doesn't strike me as a frivolous person. Far from it actually. But I can't imagine he's getting paid enough by WWE to stash enough away to live off of for a prolonged period of time. And outside of some independent bookings, I don't think he has any other means of maintaining a comparable income.


JdFoX187 said:
I wonder if Punk can afford to take time off like Jericho and some of these other guys. Jericho has book royalties, television appearances, Fozzy and several lines of income that he can walk at any point and not take a hit in his lifestyle.

Punk doesn't strike me as a frivolous person. Far from it actually. But I can't imagine he's getting paid enough by WWE to stash enough away to live off of for a prolonged period of time. And outside of some independent bookings, I don't think he has any other means of maintaining a comparable income.

He'll be going to TNA to take the title off Sting. Yup.


Kyoufu said:
He'll be going to TNA to take the title off Sting. Yup.
I can't imagine Punk would even field the thought. If he hates where his position is and where the company is going right now, imagine his disdain if he was in TNA. He'd show up, get hotshotted into a TNA World Title shot and then quickly buried and sent out with Samoa Joe looking for more puppies.


JdFoX187 said:
I can't imagine Punk would even field the thought. If he hates where his position is and where the company is going right now, imagine his disdain if he was in TNA. He'd show up, get hotshotted into a TNA World Title shot and then quickly buried and sent out with Samoa Joe looking for more puppies.

Yeah I was just joking. There is no way he'd go somewhere that Meth Hardy ended up in.

It sucks though, he deserves better than what he gets currently in WWE.
Barrage said:
From an interview I read, it appears Jericho wants to be a heel for the rest of his career. That'll be tough to do on Raw with Miz, Del Rio, Punk, and Truth all doing the same thing.

Nooooo. I feel like the WWE has no interesting faces right now. No one was a more charismatic babyface than Jericho. I think he would be a great face and the fans would love him!

I also realize he's an awesome heel. He's just awesome at everything. But there are more talented heels than faces at the moment.


Keyser Soze said:
Did Abyss have a naily stick called Janice once? I wonder was that an inside joke to Janice Carter?
Yeah, and then he got hit in the back with it by Crimson. I think that was honestly the last episode I've watched. I heard it only went downhill from there.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
DMczaf said:
He got a new shirt, motherfucker!


WRESTLING? not in MY entertainment!

Spider from Mars said:
The problem with that is Smackdown...I don't want to watch Smackdown so I guess that means he will have to come to Raw.

but Smackdown is the A show o_O

Keyser Soze said:
Did Abyss have a naily stick called Janice once? I wonder was that an inside joke to Janice Carter?

yes and yes. It killed RVD's title run.


The shows would be better if RAW went back to having Divas only, and Smackdown brought back some kind of lightweight title, or perhaps just use the US title (its prestige is dog shit thanks to Kevin Dunn and Vince).

Look at some of the Smackdown guys who can vie for a lightweight or a similar title

Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Chavo Guerrero, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Yoshi Tatsu, Trent Barreta. You could say Christian and Cody Rhodes but they belong in the main event scene.

Then again, we'll likely see 75% of those guys go unused, or jobbed to Mark Henry or pedoswaggle.
Striker said:
The shows would be better if RAW went back to having Divas only, and Smackdown brought back some kind of lightweight title, or perhaps just use the US title (its prestige is dog shit thanks to Kevin Dunn and Vince).

Look at some of the Smackdown guys who can vie for a lightweight or a similar title

Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Chavo Guerrero, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Yoshi Tatsu, Trent Barreta. You could say Christian and Cody Rhodes but they belong in the main event scene.

I would love a lightweight championship and it would help these smaller lesser used guys get over, but who really wants that. Those matches would take away from the Raw Recap.


Striker said:
The shows would be better if RAW went back to having Divas only, and Smackdown brought back some kind of lightweight title, or perhaps just use the US title (its prestige is dog shit thanks to Kevin Dunn and Vince).

Look at some of the Smackdown guys who can vie for a lightweight or a similar title

Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Chavo Guerrero, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Yoshi Tatsu, Trent Barreta. You could say Christian and Cody Rhodes but they belong in the main event scene.

Then again, we'll likely see 75% of those guys go unused, or jobbed to Mark Henry or pedoswaggle.
Jobbed to...Mark Henry? In what bizzaro world would this happen?

I agree about the light heavyweight title needing a comeback. That would be an amazing division that could really put on some awesome matches. Sin Cara wouldn't look completely ridiculous doing some of his moves, which is the ultimate problem with Maestrio. And it could give these guys a platform to bigger and better things.


Maybe how WWE has their titles right now (the very concept of it) is outdated and they ought to go the way of UFC for how their titles hierarchy should work... =p
I need to watch more indy stuff. Prolly start with PWG from 2009. I think I can catch up quickly.

Started watching King of Trios 2011. Some great stuff there.
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