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April Wrasslin' |OT2| The Coronation of The King of Swing

Apparently New Japan plan to run Osaka Castle Hall later in the year - that's another big stadium, much like the Yokohama Arena. This one holds 15,000;


Also, seems Yujiro Takahashi is on strike - he didn't show up at the past two dates of the current tour and has been complaining on twitter about how little he's been used. I hope this is storyline stuff, because it'd suck to see him leave. That being said, it sucks that he doesn't get a better run. His last match of note was the title shot against Tanahashi in 2012 - hell, he's worse off now than when he was still teaming with Naito. Total Jannettyage.
Spoilery image from the NXT tapings;


Yay, glad to see Kalisto getting his shot finally

Bootaaay said:
Also, seems Yujiro Takahashi is on strike - he didn't show up at the past two dates of the current tour and has been complaining on twitter about how little he's been used. I hope this is storyline stuff, because it'd suck to see him leave. That being said, it sucks that he doesn't get a better run. His last match of note was the title shot against Tanahashi in 2012 - hell, he's worse off now than when he was still teaming with Naito. Total Jannettyage.

Ah, never mind - seems it is an angle. Yujiro's been walking out on his CHAOS team mates mid-match for the past two nights, not actually boycotting the entire show. Quits CHAOS and then feuds with Ishii for the NEVER belt?
I loved Raven in WCW growing up and still think fondly of him today, but have never went back to look at it now. Was he as badass as I remember? Raven was so much one of my favorites he managed to make me like Billy Kidman solely by association.


Do you remember any WCW PPVs off the top of your head I should go back and watch with Raven?

I remember Uncensored '98. Raven V DDP V Benoit.

EDIT: Spring Stampede '98 too for straight up DDP V Raven.

FINAL EDIT: After consulting CageMatch, it reminded me that the following existed too:

Spring Stampede '99: Benoit/Malenko V Raven/Saturn
Slamboree '99: As the above match, but with Kidman/Rey in the mix as a team too
Souled out '98: Benoit V Raven
I'll check those out. Growing up I watched Nitro but nobody I knew watched their PPVs. So unless I watched scrambled vision I missed all of them.


Charlotte is getting really good. The Flair thing could be done wrong or right and I think they're doing it mostly right so far.
her finisher is bad. I think the time she used it against Emma a month ago was the only time it ever looked remotely okay. Might as well give her the figure 4


her finisher is bad. I think the time she used it against Emma a month ago was the only time it ever looked remotely okay. Might as well give her the figure 4

I think that's the only other time she's done it.

Also, Mason Ryan entering to his 2012 entrance music is hilarious. No direction.


Giving her the Figure Four is exactly the type of Flair reference they shouldn't be doing. They don't want her character to devolve to someone doing five Flair flops per match for cheap pops.


I wonder what the idea was behind booking all of BATB94 to have heels win via shitty finishes until Hogan cleanly defeats Flair in the main event.

Regal pins Badd with a stacked pin that looked bad. Vader beats Boss Man by DQ for a weapon shot that didn't happen and the ref just saw Boss Man holding a baton. Funk/Buck beat Arn/Dustin when Arn turns on Dustin. Austin beats Steamboat with a roll up and hand full of tights. Pretty Wonderful beat Cactus/Sullivan when Roma held down Cactus' legs from outside the ring while Orndorff covers. And by legs, I mean half of Cactus' body was outside of the ring and the ref counted anyway. Was Hogan really such an egomaniac that he convinced everyone that he should not only be the only face to win all night, but the only person to win clean period?
I think that's the only other time she's done it.

Also, Mason Ryan entering to his 2012 entrance music is hilarious. No direction.
she won some matches with it when she was a babyface, i think. it never looked good then either
They shouldn't be that lazy and just give her the figure-4. They should give her the Flair Leaf Clover, truly original.
It'd be lazy, but if they're gonna play it up, it'd at least be an improvement over the cutter. also because i don't have anything else in mind


Curtis Axel never user Mr. Perfect's Perfect-plex finisher. He used Curt Hennig's less famous Hennig-plex finisher, or alternatively Fisherman's Suplex 4 (w/ pin) if you don't have the nWo DLC.

Oh, Angelo Dawkins. He's been on the roster for ages. I've never seen him. No Titantron.
Axel won the IC Championship by pinning Barrett while Miz had him in the Figure 4 (speaking of!), which in retrospect was pretty dumb, Miz was the pinner still

Now he's stuck using the Hangman's facebuster, which could be the dullest finisher in all WWE right now


Also, LOL at Buffer rambling about man walking on the moon and getting stuck at Buzz.....Aldrin, and then saying Hogan was coming off a 3 year lay off and had to put up or shut up. There has to be a compilation of Michael Buffer fucking up or saying stupid shit, right? Did he do that when he did boxing matches? Besides his catch phrase, he was really bad at his job. He did Hogan matches for 5 years and still said "Hulkmania" half the time. He'd announce guys as world champions who had never even been in a title match. He'd get names wrong of everyone involved. He'd get lost even while reading from cue cards.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Also, LOL at Buffer rambling about man walking on the moon and getting stuck at Buzz.....Aldrin, and then saying Hogan was coming off a 3 year lay off and had to put up or shut up. There has to be a compilation of Michael Buffer fucking up or saying stupid shit, right? Did he do that when he did boxing matches? Besides his catch phrase, he was really bad at his job. He did Hogan matches for 5 years and still said "Hulkmania" half the time. He'd announce guys as world champions who had never even been in a title match. He'd get names wrong of everyone involved. He'd get lost even while reading from cue cards.

Bret "Hitman" Clarke


What excuse did Mick Foley get in storyline for losing his two front teeth? Vader, right? Adrian Neville is going to have to live with the in-story explanation of Brodus fucking Clay knocking his out.

Did the Usos' Titantron always say "The Uso's"? Fuck's sake.

Lambada, can you explain to me why the lariato is not used in MMA? Seems like a total valid strike when dudes are doing Mongolian chops.

they count as forearm strikes in amateur MMA rules which, if i remember correctly, are banned so most guys don't even bother learning how to throw them. if they happen in the pro circuit is mostly by accident.

but in Japan? sure, in Japan you had guys fighting for 90 minutes in a gi. everything was legal. i know Sakuraba and Minowa did dropkicks in their matches.


Why do so many commentators get the US-O chant wrong? A couple of months ago King and Cole were going "U-O" and now Albert was shouting "SO" at NXT. They tell you how to say it as part of their ring entrance.
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