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April Wrasslin' |OT2| The Coronation of The King of Swing


Best reply I have is...

"Oh you know it's fake? Impressive, you figured that all by yourself!"

Second best response would be to put on a video of the longest Chikara match you could find and say "Watch that and tell me it's fake" and then just leave them so they're just even more confused about what the fuck they just watched.


I dislike it because it's a 34kb tumblr gif. Given how much it's used, you'd think someone would make a proper version.

Same as that Spiderman "So Good" .gif which was an obvious cam version. I think I saw that remade in better quality, but it was lacking the text.


Why watermark the images you lift from wwe.com?


Goddamn pal

Watermarked images from dwn make me irrationally angry, they aren't yours to watermark in the first place. This anger can only be dissipated by watermarking legit shook all over it.


So not worth it
Jerry Lawler needs to bring the goattee back.

I like to think that's Evil Universe Jerry Lawler.

But I also like to think that guy died of a heart attack because he was evil and nobody rushed to his help when he collapsed and now the WWE is in disarray as Jim Ross, Booker T and Josh Matthews battle to the death over the vacant announcing spot.


Same as that Spiderman "So Good" .gif which was an obvious cam version. I think I saw that remade in better quality, but it was lacking the text.

In this age of gifcam and webm and frankly easily made gifs, that no one seems to have thought to replace the "sogood.gif", "perfection.gif", "Iunderstoodthatreference.gif" with proper versions is baffling. given how frequently they're used.


Watermarked images from dwn make me irrationally angry, they aren't yours to watermark in the first place. This anger can only be dissipated by watermarking legit shook all over it.

I get grossed out by the Wrestlingwithtext people/person adding their water mark for gifs that they didn't edit in any way. Not the crazy Street Fighter or Axel confetti gifs, but just a random thing on Raw with their watermark in the corner.

can't wait for him to use the Go to bed

I spent a good 10-15 minutes looking for a picture I remember of Graves and Punk teaming during their Indy days, but it seems lost to the void of time.


I get grossed out by the Wrestlingwithtext people/person adding their water mark for gifs that they didn't edit in any way. Not the crazy Street Fighter or Axel confetti gifs, but just a random thing on Raw with their watermark in the corner.
Boo down with watermarks boo, they are rubbish. I want a non-watermarked utopia, one with flying cars and lots of gambling.
I think they're referring to the Triple H literally burying gif from that buried alive match.

My kingdom for an improved quality version of the Kane Doorway Gif.


I think they're referring to the Triple H literally burying gif from that buried alive match.

My kingdom for an improved quality version of the Kane Doorway Gif.

Yeah he definitely means that shitty one from SmackDown with the UPN symbol. I've only ever found that match on Daily Motion so that's about as good a quality as we'll get for now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not a fan of newer Marvel movies really, too much bullshit. Best Marvel movie was Lundgren Punisher.

BHZ Mayor

I think they're referring to the Triple H literally burying gif from that buried alive match.

My kingdom for an improved quality version of the Kane Doorway Gif.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. Oh well, still a good enough excuse to post the HHH-Too Cool entrance ones.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If I could distill what bugs me about modern Marvel movies it's that they're trying so hard to be clever when it just doesn't need to be there.

I need to watch Daredevil, I hear it's bad but I get the feeling id like it


After seeing NXT, someone needs to tell commentators to never, ever respond to a "call and response" catchphrase a wrestler says to the crowd. The whole point of those is to hear the crowd react to the phrase, and when some commentator is yelling right in your ear it kills it.

I don't need JBL screaming "OHHHH" when the Usos are coming out, no more than the Rock needed Lawler in the year 2000 to scream in the viewer's ears "AND MILLIONS" when he did that catchphrase.


I also can't stand all the commentary just going "OH!" or "OOOH" for absolutely everything, it's a cop out to actually doing any commentary.
Every move that happens has the same "Oh! Ooh! Urgh!" responses, what's the point?
For some reason I rewatched Punk/Rock from Royal Rumble 2013.
First thing that caught my eye was a group of signs in the crowd spelling out "cookiepuss" reminding me of a forgotten lowlight of Rock's return.
The match itself wasn't actually as bad as I remember it being, it's serviceable as far as gassed Rock matches go or perhaps it simply comes off looking a lot better in the wake of Rock/Cena 2.


Is the siren a Tornado warning?

It's siren.wav from Jim Johnston's sound library and it's not the first time he uses it.

I like to think he's just running through Radicalz members themes. First Malenko, now Saturn. The Latino phaseis going to be odd.

Not to mention the Benoit phase. They've painted themselves into a corner with regards to ever putting a pinch harmonic into a Cesaro entrance song again.


You know what guys? I actually kind of dig Cesaro's new theme:

It's alot less generic as it seems and really gives off a "FUCK ME I'M ABOUT TO GET MURDERED BY THIS ASSHOLE COMING TO THE RING" vibe. Maybe just me, but I dig it.

The air raid siren is cool, but the rock doesn't suit Cesaro, his theme should be more electronic. His older rap theme was more suited to him.
I await the many remixes it will get.


I also can't stand all the commentary just going "OH!" or "OOOH" for absolutely everything, it's a cop out to actually doing any commentary.
Every move that happens has the same "Oh! Ooh! Urgh!" responses, what's the point?

What's probably the most annoying thing with commentary (besides...when X rolls on for every break on every show) is King grunting and acting like he's the one doing moves in the ring. It really bugs the shit out of me.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'd say Godfather came to the ring to the beat too, I think. I can't say I really was watching him...
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