Do you pronounce graphics as Giraffe-ics?
Do you pronounce PETA as "pet-aa"? Is NAFTA "nuf-tuh"? Is NATO "nah-tou"? Scuba "scuh-baa"? Laser "laa-seer"? The rules for pronouncing an acronym aren't derived from the acronym's components, but from the language itself, as if the acronym were a word in its own right. The J phonetic is completely valid for a word beginning in "GI".
With Ziggler being depushed, poor Kofi has been pretty much AWOL as well, poor guy.
I don't think there's a guy on the card who signifies "The next twenty minutes are completely irrelevant" like Kofi. He never changes (lol Wildcat), doesn't have any notable feuds under his belt (unless that one time he kicked the Miz in the face counts), does the same moves ad nauseum, beating him means nothing, him getting a title's always just a quick transition to someone with something more interesting going on. The man is just there. More of a piss break maker than the cast of Total Divas.
May Wrasslin |BO-T| It's hard for a post to become a thread