I'm bummed that's the one I have saved to my jiff archive.
Do you pronounce graphics as Giraffe-ics?
I'm bummed that's the one I have saved to my jiff archive.
Got our Extreme Rules tickets, they say Limited View on them, I think we're next to the Titan Tron. Just wondering how bad they will be? Any chance I could complain to guest services for an upgrade? I've done this at concerts in the past, given the guy a $20 and have been hooked up with better seats, just wondering if it's the same deal.
Nope, bruddah.
Damn. All this time I never noticed it either.
Love lover why do you push
Look how Big Dave didn't fuck it up like young Randal did.
Because if it didn't say wrestlingwithtext it would just have the normal #WWEHallOfFame instead and how is it better or worse anyways?
Stoop that low? well Randal still missed grabbing Brines neck.Wasn't it Big Dave that cleared the table?
Maybe it's just that he's not doing the sit down portion of it, but the finish of that Batista Bomb looks Kevin Nash tier lazy.
Bitch about Batista, you little nerds.
It's that time. koficlock.png
Well there goes that dream.....
Fave five status achieved.
Hopefully has been spending time with his kid, not all bad for Kofi.
Kofi has a doc? LolI didn't know Kofi had babby. I never saw his WWE docCM Punk - Best in the World
Look how Big Dave didn't fuck it up like young Randal did.
That clock should be updated with new Batista
Needs his soul patch back amirite?
That clock should be updated with new Batista
Dave's best look was with hair and soul patch.
I think he would look 10x better with hair even now.