Super Cena fan Jesse ewok is back.
This has to be awful gimmick posting. The crowd for that match was god-tier.
A ** match with a ***** crowd. Give me Cena/Umaga anyday over two guys posing and occasionally remembering their supposed to be in a wrestling match every so often.
Hogan had a better match with Rock than Cena did. And Cena had two chances.
Hogan had a better match with Rock than Cena did. And Cena had two chances.
At least hogan was willing to turn heel and became some what entertaining
I wonder if Rock would be in better ring shape these days since he doesn't need to bulk for hercules anymore. I felt like he was noticeably smaller at WM 30 [still huge of course]
Shawn was right when he told Bret to get the fuck out of the ring.Cena's had more awesome matches in the past 18 months than Hogan had during his entire career.
There's also the entire post-match of WM6 where even Hogan admitted he basically f'd over the Warrior during his most important moment.
Ignoring the fact Rock was ten years older by time Cena was in the ring with him, that throwing out the crowd, Cena-Rock and Cena-Rock II were both better matches than Rock-Hogan were. Now, unlike Meltzer, who agrees with me in this fact, I'd put both Cena-Rock matches at around three stars and the Rock-Hogan match at two stars, but either way, they were better matches.
I wish Cena would go back heel.At least hogan was willing to turn heel and became some what entertaining
Hogan was 8 years older than Rock is today when WrestleMania 18 happened.
Cena-Rock 2 in particular was an awful match. Rock was injured and blown up early in the match, and because of that it (once again) exposed Cena as a guy who can't lead a match to save his life. Which is why so much of the match is just them reversing AA's and Rock Bottoms before doing pretty much the exact same spot as last years match over again.
I look forward to the days when Cena is no longer wrestling anymore.
I look forward to the days when Cena is no longer wrestling anymore.
I look forward to the days when Cena is no longer wrestling anymore.
And then it starts all over again.Don't worry, he will once the torch is passed to Roman Reigns.
I am not naming names, but someone in this thread really hates Hogan.
And then it starts all over again.
Hogan was 8 years older than Rock is today when WrestleMania 18 happened.
Cena-Rock 2 in particular was an awful match. Rock was injured and blown up early in the match, and because of that it (once again) exposed Cena as a guy who can't lead a match to save his life. Which is why so much of the match is just them reversing AA's and Rock Bottoms before doing pretty much the exact same spot as last years match over again.
Neither Cena nor Punk could get a decent match out of the Rock. Yet we know that both of then are more than capable of having good wrestling matches.
Conclusion: Current Rock sucks ass. I don't see how you can pin the match quality on Cena.
I'd watch Hogan-Warrior, Hogan-Rock over any Cena match. Personality is huge and so is telling a story. Not seeing the same match for the millionth time (aka Bray/Cena at Mania).Still better than the bloated below average saved by the awesome Toronto crowd match that was Rock-Hogan.
Unfortunately, you're right.Don't worry, he will once the torch is passed to Roman Reigns.
A ** match with a ***** crowd. Give me Cena/Umaga anyday over two guys posing and occasionally remembering their supposed to be in a wrestling match every so often.
Give me a Hogan promo over a Cena promo any day of the week. And considering these guys are there for their characters and promos, that puts Hogan ahead.
Hogan rarely ever buried anyone and made shitty jokes in his promos. Hogan's burying was almost always in the ring or backstage. Cena's is in the ring, on the mic, and backstage.
Hey Jesse,
There's been a lot of hype around Tyler Breeze and I AM LEGIT SHOOK at how bad this dude's punches are. Main roster my ass.
There's magic when Hogan does his hulk up during that Mania match. I still kinda marked out when Hogan did it in his TNA match against Sting(I think). Fuck drag Hogan into somebody's corner next Mania and just have him do some horrible hulk up punches the place would go insane
Like Dragonzord said, Hogan didn't bury people as badly as Cena does.
This is one of my favorite WM moments ever personally, and I'm not even that huge of a Hogan mark. The build up to nWo Hogan hulking up, Rock's reaction, and then the crowd going absolutely ape shit for it was amazing.
Most of the WCW locker room from 1994 to 2000 would disagree with you. Along with large parts of the WWF locker room for most of the 80's. Oh, and Bret Hart. Something something Wrestlemania IX.
This is one of my favorite WM moments ever personally, and I'm not even that huge of a Hogan mark. The build up to nWo Hogan hulking up, Rock's reaction, and then the crowd going absolutely ape shit for it was amazing.
Most of the WCW locker room from 1994 to 2000 would disagree with you. Along with large parts of the WWF locker room for most of the 80's. Oh, and Bret Hart. Something something Wrestlemania IX.
Please lets not even name Cena and Hogan in the same sentence. Cena is a joke and has been for 10 years. He a god to 5 year olds, and that is all.
I am a lot older than most of you, I can say this is my fav WM match ever.
Same here. The crowd + Rock's reaction made me #HYPE.