Remember when HHH went over jericho 3 ppvs in a row
I remember when the feud was more about HHH vs Stephanie than HHH vs Jericho.
Honestly I think Sheamus would benefit from a steady tag team.
Honestly I think Sheamus would benefit from a steady tag team.
I hate that dumb 10 hit chest pound he does, its as contrived as the Orton middle rope DDT but worse.
I hate that dumb 10 hit chest pound he does, its as contrived as the Orton middle rope DDT but worse.
And if you look closely in that picture... he'd also benefit from, you guessed it his soul patch! it's the key to his power.
We noted before that former WCW announcer Tony Schiavone was at WWE headquarters in Stamford earlier this year. It was believed that Schiavone was there to film footage for some of WWE's upcoming WCW DVD's and reports that one of those projects was likely WWE's "OMG! The Top 50 Incidents In WCW History" DVD and Blu-ray that comes out on August 12th. Below is the new synopsis:
"Relive iconic moments such as Hulk Hogan joining the n.W.o., Magnum T.A. and Tully Blanchard's infamous "I Quit Match", the Horsemen assaulting Dusty Rhodes and dozens of others in this countdown.
Hear stories from the men who lived these moments Tony Schiavone, Booker T, Vince Russo, Big Show, DDP, Dusty Rhodes, Kevin Nash and more." also reports that the following WCW moments are planning to be included in the countdown: Shane McMahon & Vince McMahon appearing on WCW TV, Goldberg beating Hulk Hogan for the title in the Georgia Dome, Dennis Rodman joining the nWo and David Arquette winning the World Heavyweight Title.
Whoever creates the May thread better pick one these or something someone suggests or you'll have people bitching about how your title sucks.
I like how anytime Reigns comes up, there's always a group of people getting upset about things he hasn't even done yet.
I like how anytime Reigns comes up, there's always a group of people getting upset about things he hasn't even done yet.
I like how anytime Reigns comes up, there's always a group of people getting upset about things he hasn't even done yet.
Please PLEASE use that same awful "Oh my god" song that was used in the first OMG dvd. It was so bad it was good. lol
The best thing about WM18 was that I think it finally validated my belief that HHH was never in the same league as Austin or Rock. To be fair though, that crowd wasnt completely dead for their match.
It exposes the business according to Good Ol' J.R.I like it - it might be contrived, but it's pretty much the only spot like that in WWE these days. No one does the 10 punches in the corner spot any more, it seems.
bean breath said:It exposes the business according to Good Ol' J.R.
I'm surprised you don't listen to the Ross Report.
Has that rumour about Battleground having a War Games match based on the seating charts been discussed? I know people love/hate War Games up in here.
UFC wasn't as big at that time.Not too keen on podcasts, I'll tune in when he gets Stan Hansen and Bill Watts on, though.
Also, JR thinks a bunch of stuff exposes the business. Hell, he's sat witness to and called commentary over bunch of stuff that exposed the business.
One thing people almost never mention when it comes to WM18 is that there were two matches after Rock/Hogan. The second-to-last match of the PPV was Jazz retaining her women's title against Trish Stratus and Lita. Six minutes. No one cared.
Really? Ticketmaster just calls the seat map "WWE Raw".
Has that rumour about Battleground having a War Games match based on the seating charts been discussed? I know people love/hate War Games up in here.
UFC wasn't as big at that time.
How do you feel about time limits and draws?
What's with the obsession over War Games?
Also, JR thinks a bunch of stuff exposes the business. Hell, he's sat witness to and called commentary over bunch of stuff that exposed the business.
2000-2001 HHH was the shit, and had a lot of great angles/matches with Foley, The Rock, Austin, Jericho, Benoit, Angle, etc. Hell, even the match he went out on was godlike. He wasn't as popular as Rock or Austin, but he was the top heel in the business and he worked in and outside the ring.
Then that mothafucka came back like 30 pounds too big and wasn't the worker he used to be. Every now and again you'd get HHH/HBK at SS '02 or that Batista/HHH HITC match that ended Evolution...but most of it was like Katie Vick and burying RVD and PEOPLE LIKE BOOKER T CAN'T WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS DO A DANCE FOR ME BOOK and two months of awful Scott Steiner shit. I think the nadir of this era was the elimination chamber at SS '03 where HHH couldn't work, so he gets superkicked by Shawn at the beginning, spends 20 MINUTES selling this and lying on the ground, then buries Goldberg with a Sledgehammer at the end and wins the WWE championship.
edit: '92 WarGames is the shit
Ric Flair is the newest member of Evolution!
What's with the obsession over War Games?
UFC wasn't as big at that time.
How do you feel about time limits and draws?