What if they took a a large ring and bent it like a skateboard half pipe![]()
I guess the better question is what's with the recent obsession with WarGames, and why are people suddenly acting like it's something that's about to happen?
Once we get War Games, you already know the next step in the plan
I want to see the triple-cage thing from Ready to Rumble come back
What if those rings.... Were on top of each other.
I think the nadir of this era was the elimination chamber at SS '03 where HHH couldn't work, so he gets superkicked by Shawn at the beginning, spends 20 MINUTES selling this and lying on the ground, then buries Goldberg with a Sledgehammer at the end and wins the WWE championship.
So, you know how WWE now has PPVs named after certain gimmick matches? Imagine if Russo stuck around WWE, we might have an entire PPV of pole matches
Is this on Youtube?
And on fire.
TNA is workin on this as we speak, bean breath
next up, four rings connected to each other
You can't do four until after you have three arranged in a bunk bed formation. It'll be for a Stairway to Heaven match where eight wrestlers compete in the bottom ring ("Styx"). Once you pin an opponent, they're eliminated and you advance to the second ring. When a second person advances from Styx, the second stage of the match begins and it's a standard match, but more competitors can enter the match from Styx if they qualify. Should a competitor score a pinfall or submission, he/she advances to the final ring, but the loser is not disqualified--he/she remains in the second ring (or "Purgatory") and may pin another competitor to advance. Once one competitor reaches the top ring ("Heaven"), a timer begins counting down from 10 minutes. At the end of the countdown, a ladder slides down from the rafters, granting the competitors access to the title at the top of the arena because--surprise!--it's a ladder match!
The winner is the one who brings the title back down all three rings and into the secret fourth ring beneath the third ring ("Hell").
only thing WWE needs to bring back from WCW is Halloween Havoc.
War Games works better with a modified ruleset using the Elimination Chamber structure.
That's how the Shield vs Wyatts should have been.
Why WWE has never done this I have no idea.
Bash At The Beach > Summerslam
Why WWE has never done this I have no idea.
That gif also verifies that HHH has aged incredibly well.
Raw seatchart
Payback seatchart
Battleground seatchart
Battleground with WARGAMES (fan made)
HHH and Orton have both aged really well, Batista...welp
I want to see the triple-cage thing from Ready to Rumble come back
How is a double hurricanrana supposed to even work logically?
Eddie's legs are just so damn strong
wtf Anderson has a "Don't Tread on Mr. Anderson" shirt with an eagle in the background. he just has the worst shirts
But why are there two rings? That's just stupid.