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April Wrasslin' |OT2| The Coronation of The King of Swing

It's a shame that one month after Mania, nobody really wants to see the main event with Bryan.

I know I said the chase is better than the catch but this is unusually shitty. And I even really like Kane.

Kane's story would be so much better if they focused the feud over their breakup from Hell No, or who knows what.

It has little to do with the "chase being a draw" and more that they didn't have a credible, good opponent for him. That speaks more to their horrible heel roster than anything else. Their two most over heels are part-timers. Whoops.
It's a shame that one month after Mania, nobody really wants to see the main event with Bryan.

I know I said the chase is better than the catch but this is unusually shitty. And I even really like Kane.

Kane's story would be so much better if they focused the feud over their breakup from Hell No, or who knows what.

I think they'll have a fine match, but we've seen this story and know the ending. I think a corporate Kane against Bryan with the focus being on Hell No would at least be interesting. I really hope this is a one PPV feud.


The main event of the PPV is so clearly Evolution vs the Shield and maybe even to a lesser degree, Cena vs Wyatt. Bryan vs Kane is pretty much the third match from the top in terms of build and positioning.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I think they'll have a fine match, but we've seen this story and know the ending. I think a corporate Kane against Bryan with the focus being on Hell No would at least be interesting. I really hope this is a one PPV feud.

I agree. I expect it to be serviceable, even good, but the motivations behind it are all fucked right now and stupid.

And yeah, bad fortune befell Bryan in his personal life - that can't be helped. Still, they could have gone a little different direction with Kane and it could have paid dividends. "Oh no the monster's back! The devil's favorite demon" whatever. That's OK, but it could have been GOOD, yknow?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hopefully this exposes to WWE how weak their heel main event is. Seriously. Can't feud with Triple H because they already had a one off match, and Evolution is feuding with Shield.

Who else?
Bray is still feuding with Cena and using all his powers to not get buried. Plus, Bryan wrestled him not that long ago.
.....What other main event heels are there? Del Rio is midcard at best. Dolph is a lost cause. I think they could maybe rebuild Swagger again, but he'd fuck it up. I don't know what Cesaro's supposed to be, and they're still building him.

Punk may have saved us from a Sheamus match, but he did it at the expense of a Kane match.
Kane always tries to abduct women for what I assume are nefarious reasons during his bi-yearly monster phase. You'd think he'd have gone to jail at some point in the last 15+ years, but nope.

I truly lost faith in our justice system.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kane always tries to abduct women for what I assume are nefarious reasons during his bi-yearly monster phase. You'd think he'd have gone to jail at some point in the last 15+ years, but nope.

I truly lost faith in our justice system.

You could get away with it when it was a silly gimmick, but now that he works a 'real job', it makes no sense that he doesn't get in trouble.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Even if we throw out the notion of heels and faces (which would be bullshit, as it's very clear with some of these members on the roster what they are) they're still not using people to what I feel is the best of their ability. And yknow I'm just a fuckin dork on the internet who thinks he has better ideas than WWE, and that shit is a dime a dozen.

But you've got a PPV (special event) that has no Sheamus, no Del Rio, no Ziggler, and many, MANY more who usually appear on PPVs. Sheamus should turn. Del Rio should get teeth again. Ziggler...I can't help that dude.

Another weird goddamn thing - Rybaxel vs Usos isn't on the PPV, it was last night. And that's it. WTF world.
All babyface title reigns should follow the same model that Hideo Kojima does for his bosses for MGS games. What that is i'm not too clear about, but it's awesome no matter how many different ways you think about it.

I really am against this whole notion of heels vs faces nowadays. I just want the best possible match-up for two guys that are able to convince me that either guys has a chance of winning and the only way of finding out, is through a PPV.
WCCW was a huge influience on me as a kid at 4pm it was on ESPN on weekdays so I got to watch a ton of it. I couldn't watch WWF on the weekends because of this.
That's how I watched GWF in the mid 90s. It was on ESPN right after school.

I too remember doing this but it was the late 80s and early, early 90s. Don't rememeber much though just X-Pac as the Lightning Kid with his sister or girlfriend or something, some dude named Chazz and Kerry Von Erich and one of the commentators talking about a motorcycle.

What's the worst jobber death ever? The Beverly Brothers one is pretty bad;


Awesome, Yuki Ishikawa on the second left.

That jobber that got his neck broken by taking Marty Jannetty's Rocker Dropper wrong.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I too remember doing this but it was the late 80s and early, early 90s. Don't rememeber much though just X-Pac as the Lightning Kid with his sister or girlfriend or something, some dude named Chazz and Kerry Von Erich and one of the commentators talking about a motorcycle.

Chaz was great, I really thought he was the next big thing. Do you remember the Ebony Experience? AKA Harlem Heat!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Batista has to go promote his movie soon, right? Ambrose sells out The Shield at the expensive of a title shot from Mr. H's. Then it's 2 vs 2 and Ambrose can go feud with Bryan for a month to see if anything sticks.

Someone might say whether or not Ambrose is ready, but it's fucking better than Kane.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Batista has to go promote his movie soon, right? Ambrose sells out The Shield at the expensive of a title shot from Mr. H's. Then it's 2 vs 2 and Ambrose can go feud with Bryan for a month to see if anything sticks.

Someone might say whether or not Ambrose is ready, but it's fucking better than Kane.

I'm expecting Ambrose to sell out the Shield as well. Watch em swerve us and make it Rollins, or even Reigns.
Even if we throw out the notion of heels and faces (which would be bullshit, as it's very clear with some of these members on the roster what they are) they're still not using people to what I feel is the best of their ability. And yknow I'm just a fuckin dork on the internet who thinks he has better ideas than WWE, and that shit is a dime a dozen.

But you've got a PPV (special event) that has no Sheamus, no Del Rio, no Ziggler, and many, MANY more who usually appear on PPVs. Sheamus should turn. Del Rio should get teeth again. Ziggler...I can't help that dude.

Another weird goddamn thing - Rybaxel vs Usos isn't on the PPV, it was last night. And that's it. WTF world.

Are you questioning the creative genius of Vincent Kennedy McMahon?


isn't that what you want breh??? All jokes aside, they are in serious risk in making his title reign Benoit/Punk 2.0. I know Bryan has had personal issues in the midst of his title reign but they need something. I hate to say it but Eric Young is looking to be a better champion than Bryan at this very moment.

Anyway, How are AJ Styles' chances at the G1 if he isn't getting the strap come ROH Invasion (pray)

Bryan's personal issues aside, EY's title run has been more engaging so far. Of course, we respectfully have to take Bryan's personal life into account. Can't imagine how he's been dealing with so many different emotions swirling around.
Even if we throw out the notion of heels and faces (which would be bullshit, as it's very clear with some of these members on the roster what they are) they're still not using people to what I feel is the best of their ability. And yknow I'm just a fuckin dork on the internet who thinks he has better ideas than WWE, and that shit is a dime a dozen.

But you've got a PPV (special event) that has no Sheamus, no Del Rio, no Ziggler, and many, MANY more who usually appear on PPVs. Sheamus should turn. Del Rio should get teeth again. Ziggler...I can't help that dude.

Another weird goddamn thing - Rybaxel vs Usos isn't on the PPV, it was last night. And that's it. WTF world.


Ziggler was kissing dat celebrity ass on RAW, and RAW fallout in order to get in the WWE's good gracing again. I wonder if it'll work.
All babyface title reigns should follow the same model that Hideo Kojima does for his bosses for MGS games. What that is i'm not too clear about, but it's awesome no matter how many different ways you think about it.

I really am against this whole notion of heels vs faces nowadays. I just want the best possible match-up for two guys that are able to convince me that either guys has a chance of winning and the only way of finding out, is through a PPV.

Duncan, do you think love can bloom in the squared circle?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I want Cena far away from everything. Face or heel, he just ruins everything. Time to move on and retire before you get another elbow boob, bro.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I wish we would get a fake Cena retirement ala Mark Henry or Scott Steiner. The heat would be unbelievable.

Are you insinuating that Paul Levesque has greater leverage over Vincent Kennedy McMahon?!

"Alright pal, you get Mania until Summerslam goddammit. And you better make it work, pal."
The worst thing about the whole Kane thing is that the history is there to make a potentially decent story out of it where he's "breaking out of his shell" after months of anger management therapy and being a dork in a tie. He blames Bryan for getting him started on that path with his lady drama so he targets him. Makes sense, right? Could have been used to write AJ off TV without jobbing her out too.

But no, we get "because monster" instead. Durrrr...
I don't think Cena should ever turn heel.

He needs to turn interesting.

On the real, I would've totally wanted Punk/Cena at Mania 29 for the title. Thanks movie star,
and all that money :p

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The worst thing about the whole Kane thing is that the history is there to make a potentially decent story out of it where he's "breaking out of his shell" after months of anger management therapy and being a dork in a tie. He blames Bryan for getting him started on that path with his lady drama so he targets him. Makes sense, right? Could have been used to write AJ off TV without jobbing her out too.

But no, we get "because monster" instead. Durrrr...

It's the lazy way out. It's a shame because both of them can do much better with this than they're being told to.


I want Cena far away from everything. Face or heel, he just ruins everything. Time to move on and retire before you get another elbow boob, bro.

Agreed about Cena being a terrible character. He goes from fear to RAAARRR Imma kick your ass in two seconds. Fuck him and his inability to fully commit to an angle.


I genuinely do not think Cena could play a heel character. People say he's a heel without even trying but he is trying to be a Hulk Hogan-level babyface and getting these reactions. It's not because he's trying. He'd fail miserably at trying to do heel stuff.


It's a shame they ran Orton/Bryan into the ground last year, because that makes the most sense coming out of WM and the Evolution reunion. Orton and Batista spend a few months trying t o get the title off of Bryan, leading to HHH trying himself at Summerslam or something.

But they ran Orton/Bryan about 7 or 8 times in the last 12 months and Batista obviously isn't capable of carrying a singles feud, so Bryan got stuck with Kane. A Kane who randomly changed back to monster Kane, just like he randomly went Corporate Kane last year.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Stephanie should get the title. Not the divas title, she could have that whenever she wants. Bryan's title. Teach that sexist dwarf about hitting like a girl.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WWE Network Achievements:




To me, the problem with heels and faces is the problem of good guys vs bad guys. They definetly should book based people we want to see winning versus people we want to see losing. And the good guy, bad guy thing should exist as just another tool to create that.

But like, Sheamus doesn't need to become an angry cheater who is evil to "turn". All he needs to do is say to Bryan that he stole the belt in 18 seconds once and he can do it again. People like Bryan and don't want to see him losing the belt, people like Sheamus, but less, and don't want to see him with the title. Also because Sheamus isn't "evil", there's good reason to believe that he might actually win the title, because why not? He is the kind of guy that could do it.

Basically, the only true faces are the people who get cheered no matter what, for whatever reason the marks (us) are marking out for that character, at the moment. Put them against people who also gets cheered, but less, who could very possibly win the title, and there you go.

I don't understand this good guy vs good guy is bad booking. People we care vs People we care seems like a good idea to me.
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