Dr Duncan Steel
Shit's getting old with this Whole World song to be honest with you.

I love what someone said here yesterday that WWE is turning the crowd heel so it doesn't have to turn Cena.
They are chanting for Bray. Oh no.
tight, savingNothing free, unfortunately - but, a few promotions put matches up on youtube occasionally;
Kamikaze Pro
Southside Wrestling
Badass. Way better than the Paige Turner
UPDATE THE CLOCKKofi has a jacket!!!
Guys, the crowd chanted "this is awesome". Now you can pretend to enjoy the show.
Who thought making a rewind about this was a good idea??
I didn't know he had something called Pale Justice. That'd be a good name for his forthcoming Irishpeople stableSheamus has a ridiculous number of named moves compared to everyone else on the roster;
. Brogue Kick
. Pale Justice
. Irish Curse
. White Noise
. Beats of the Bodhran
. Battering Ram
I didn't know he had something called Pale Justice. That'd be a good name for his forthcoming Irishpeople stable
Just change it to White Justice and join Swagger and Colter
CM punk sighting on Mania rewind
What year was this special filmed in?
They must have so much archived and unused interviews. They do those top 50 moments of whatever, interview everybody and use only ten seconds of that. Who knows how long those interviews are.
It's common to have both bearded and less bearded Bryan on the same episode.
I was mainly asking because they're talking about how great Big Show is in the ring. I don't remember those years.
Well this Kane and Bryan segment on Smackdown is going to get the editing treatment with all the production botches they had.
It already did on main event. They treated as if the last two raws happened at the same time. So the timeline now is Bryan comes back, Kane comes from under the ring, Bryan saves Brie and then eats the three tombstones.