Spider from Mars
tap that thorax
Somebody make a god damned e-fed. I'm tired of VGCW
I'm excited for Watch Dogs. There I said it.
It's gonna be pretty great
I think so. People need to get over the graphical changes.
Somebody make a god damned e-fed. I'm tired of VGCW
I kind of long for the days of people doing CPU Royal Rumbles and tournaments and stuff on GameFAQs. You know, where each poster would pick a guy to represent them. Don't act like you guys didn't do that ten years ago!
I kind of long for the days of people doing CPU Royal Rumbles and tournaments and stuff on GameFAQs. You know, where each poster would pick a guy to represent them. Don't act like you guys didn't do that ten years ago!
Nope, I was into RP efedding, totally owned that shit.
It's gonna be pretty great
We did it 3 months ago!!![]()
I'm excited for Watch Dogs. There I said it.
E-Feds were massive back in the early days of the internet. We had a great stable and feud in our E-Fed.
Big Nasty
Mr. Luchador
The Overgiver
98-02 seemed to be HUGE boom period for E-Feds then they kind of disappeared. With Geocties.
E-Feds were massive back in the early days of the internet. We had a great stable and feud in our E-Fed.
Big Nasty
Mr. Luchador
The Overgiver
98-02 seemed to be HUGE boom period for E-Feds then they kind of disappeared. With Geocties.
Sooooo what's more stable right now, TNA or Naughty Dog?
LOL if that's even a contest.
I think Ryback would make a great friend.
Somebody more talented than me needs to make a Druckmann shop
Evolution already has its old gas bags to replace HHH and Ric Flair but needs a young buck for the future role.
Bo Dallas is being called up.
Coincidence? I think not.
GWF did booking right.
Even if Dragonzord beat a fully juiced up Bishoptl in a "Loser Gets Deleted" match and Bish kept going as if he won :|
You didn't even book me after I lost the TV Title, you are the anti-Vince of booking.
Oh nostalgia, Efeds we awesome back in the day.
I held the world title in one efed for almost 2 years because the guy who ran it liked my promos and the match scripts I'd write. That was the old west days of the internet. No instant gratification and you had to use your imagination to have fun.
RIP Angelfire, Geocities, and AOL
Here's where I blow your mind by informing you that Angelfire still exists.
Here's where I blow your mind by informing you that Angelfire still exists.
Oh nostalgia, Efeds we awesome back in the day.
I held the world title in one efed for almost 2 years because the guy who ran it liked my promos and the match scripts I'd write. That was the old west days of the internet. No instant gratification and you had to use your imagination to have fun.
RIP Angelfire, Geocities, and AOL
I shocked people by revealing I was Dutch six months in, that was fun.
Looks like something Lawler would wear.
I wasn't even on the roster.
Not on the roster
No wonder it went under.
I'm ready to make my debut.
VGCW fell of a cliff when that one guy started booking it off how much he likes Saint's Row instead of how the stupid matches go.
Sunflower used GWF as a character-assassination vehicle on me. All because I snitched on his dumb tool of a friend.